Before you use infect, consider making sure other players in your group are okay with it. A sort of flexible card, Pestilent Souleater lets you turn its damage to infect at any time. Wenn es um Modern geht, kommt man um die Effizienz von Blitzschlag nicht herum, und auch Karten wie Elektrolysieren sind für Infect-Magier ziemlich angsteinflößend. You want to use it to blow them out and nab a stacked graveyard, but also you want to use it to deny them board presence from their. If damage from a source with infect that would be dealt to a player is prevented, that player doesn't get poison counters. Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. Popular Modern Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from tournament results.
It doesn’t give your creatures infect, but it is an artifact creature that has infect itself. Now, if Exoskeleton is ever unattached from a permanent, you have to sacrifice that card, but that's a small price for such versatile infect prowess. Proliferate lets you choose a player and counter and increase the counters they have of that type by one.
On top of having infect, it can bring a creature back from the graveyard to your hand when it enters the battlefield. You can use it as a tiny attacker or blocker, or you can tap it for mana when you just need a little extra. Myr accepts any mana types, but more than that, his poor 1/1 stats are boosted by +2/+2 when blocked, providing a surprisingly-formidable infected beatstick. Scourge Servant Creature — Zombie3/3Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.). It overperforms against Chalice of the Void (a card we get particularly hosed by) and can sometimes be a sideboard consideration against Altar of Dementia from the Hogaak decks. An additional note is that you can use ANY green fetches. Normally, if a 2/2 creature attacks, and the opposing player lets the damage go through, that player would simply lose 2 life. Modern Horizons has had an enormous impact on the Infect strategy in particular with the addition of Scale Up.
- Save your fetchlands if Groundswell is a potential out. Magic: The Gathering Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. When playing Infect, on the other hand, I find players frequently misunderstand their role or how to use their interaction. This spell allows for many turn 2 and 3 kills that were formerly difficult if not impossible after the banning of Gitaxian Probe. Not much to say here, this comes in against Control, Shadow decks, and in the mirror.