The information requested says nothing in itself about a person's suitability to govern. The sixth form at Ivanhoe College in Ashby will shut under the plans, It's more important than ever to stay informed - Get free LeicestershireLive alerts direct to your inbox. This will increase the transparency of governance arrangements. Accept cookies. Get email alerts when we publish a new report. stream Ivanhoe College Ashby-De-La-Zouch; Ivanhoe College Ashby-De-La-Zouch. Academy converter. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. School inspection School inspection, PDF - … This is considered an out of date browser. Alternatively, click here to sign up online. College and Academy website design by Peter Bourne Communications, Pupil Premium and Year 7 Catch Up Funding, Initial Teacher Training - Schools Direct, Microsoft Office Install Guide for Students, Safeguarding During Exceptional Circumstances - May 2020, T.E.L.A. Ivanhoe College aims to do everything within our power to protect our school community from Covid19 infection. A minimum set of information needs to be provided before a record can be saved. Next steps for the school Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that they: – raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils, particularly the most able, – improve the attendance of those disadvantaged pupils who are persistently absent. Tell us how satisfied you are with your website visit today. endobj You can unsubscribe at any time. It has about 1,700 pupils. Tel: 01530 412756 Fax: 01530 412 146 Email: URN: 138350. Find out more about cookies Parents are able to claim free school meals if they receive a qualifying benefit. However, it is essential information for the department to be able to uniquely identify an individual and in a small number of cases conduct checks to confirm their suitability for this important and influential role. Coronavirus forces Slater Primary School in Leicester to close, Two year groups and some staff are self-isolating while the rest of the school will shut for the time being, These three-legged Armadillo robots are shouting at people in Leicester's Aylestone Meadows, 'They're so easily-triggered', according to those who've encountered them, Leicester and Leicestershire record more than 1,000 new coronavirus cases over the weekend period, The city recorded its highest ever number of positive tests today, Devoted wife tells of heartbreak at losing her husband to coronavirus, 'The virus among us right here and can take your loved ones'. Ivanhoe College, North Street, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire. Under the plan, Ashby School in Nottingham Road, Ashby, will become an 11 to 18 school and Ibstock Community College and Ivanhoe College will become 11 to 16 secondary schools. “We are confident that our proposals will enable us to continue our journey of improvement, and that parents and pupils in our area will have access to the best secondary schools and education.”. “LiFE MAT’s lead school is Bosworth Academy, which is rated outstanding by Ofsted, and will be able to use its experience of going through a similar change to guide us. We know our readers are busy. You'll also get to hear about breaking news as it happens. They both currently take on children between 11 and 14. It's at the top of this article. Big changes to three secondary schools in the Ashby area will see them changing the age ranges they serve. Home; Conisbrough Ivanhoe Primary Academy; Conisbrough Ivanhoe Primary Academy. LE65 1HX, Tel: 01530 412756   Fax: 01530 412 146   Email: Just sign up to our email newsletter service - all you need to do is type in your email address above. <>>> In order to set up alerts when new responses are added to a school you need to register on Ofsted Parent View and log in to the site – simply, Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. Get a free daily bulletin - plus breaking news alerts direct to your inbox. You may copy all or parts of this document for non-commercial educational purposes, as long as you give details of the source and date of publication and do not alter the documentation in any way. 2 0 obj The age range that the establishment is legally allowed to make provision for. Good schools are inspected around once every four years. 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We normally give notice the afternoon of the working day before an inspection. Click 'subscribe' and you can expect your first newsletter at the next release. With this in mind we will seek to work in partnership with parents and carers to follow the most up to date government guidance. Ivanhoe College is a food allergy aware school. Ivanhoe College Inspection report Unique Reference Number 120251 Local Authority Leicestershire Inspection number 339649 ... telephone 0300 1234 234, or email Supported by your governors, you have very recently introduced more targeted provision, for example the employment of a ‘behaviour education access’ worker. Catch up on the most important local stories of the day day in two, easy-to-read bulletins. Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. Miss Motivators. Show map. To read more about our Safeguarding Ofsted Inspection please click here. Establishment Ivanhoe College Ashby-De-La-Zouch URN: 138350. Get email alerts when we publish a new report. URN: 137765. Any data collected is anonymised. Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN12 3LR . Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. “This is a great opportunity for us to work with like-minded leaders and to bring secondary age range change to our area. Click 'subscribe' and you're all set. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. x��\Y�ܸ~`��[��,^F|���8�$����؞d���ج��S�&EQd�8 v��-��X��TU������)i���N�����l3�Θ����~Ӽ;?k���ܿ���gO�����ѓ��ϕ}�8?���h�n4͋7�g���?ј����8�nl^�=?�k|�����i�Ѽ����S��G��y��&�Zu��9 �@x�oMWWt�Ja/׹n�C:Ey(� fs�dl�[�\}�T7(���Y���/��w���w���v?���u+Įy����Orw� ^p*?�Ԣ�co���B�b��Q�ct��c;�޷@��j���bw�^�~��.C��Ys3����*ui2�F ��7�b�Z���7�@oxi+;����������7�Ahb��pwpc{��_c�Ko~���V������E�Y�����\�����qk.4�0��@��z�ˢ�k˚q�F(�_S䱨�0�$aP�˜y�G:��S�4�6b�r��&�w�'C�Y[3 R���/�Qy����܂�|n�-B�j@���O������P���.���W�d}���8�P8��V�ݏ�qr->Ħ�S�*� ��턪��t�|E��. The inspection was a pilot of the new arrangements for inspection announced by Ofsted in its consultation paper of February 2004. Your records show that the numbers of exclusions of disadvantaged pupils has reduced but is still stubbornly high. Home  |  Privacy Policy & Cookies  |  Site map  |  Admin© 2020 Ivanhoe College. We plan to re-open it soon. As a result, you have not needed to permanently exclude any pupil from school for many years. Ibstock Community College and Ivanhoe College will become 11-to-16 secondary schools. Feedback This website has been developed with modern browsers in mind to allow it to display at its best in a wide variety of viewing situations - including mobile viewing. They are also consulting on changes to their admissions policies, which would be necessary to reflect age range change, subject to approval from the Department for Education (DfE). visit this page and choose which emails you would like. Local authority: Leicestershire (855) Headteacher / Principal: Mrs Alison Allford Age range: Help with age range field 11 to 14 Phase of education: … Details; Governance; Links; Location; Skip map. That's why you can chose to have the biggest and latest Leicestershire headlines delivered straight to your inbox twice a day - once in the morning and once in the afternoon - FREE. Governors are skilled and well informed of their duties.’, ‘Leaders are effective in supporting teachers to improve the quality of teaching and learning through focused professional development. Ivanhoe is an inclusive school, and you and your student support team work hard to meet the needs of the pupils. The other secondary schools in Leicestershire run by the LiFE trust are Bosworth Academy, The Winstanley School and Kingsway Primary School, both in Braunstone Town, Braunstone Frith Primary School and Countesthorpe Leysland Community College. endobj 4 0 obj We use cookies to collect information about how you use this website. Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. All rights reserved. Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. promoting high expectations for the school community. It's the easiest way to stay on top of what's happening. Ivanhoe, in North Street, Ashby, currently serves just under a thousand 11 to 18-year-old pupils and is rated “good” by Ofsted. %PDF-1.5 North Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, LE65 1HX All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. Our fantastic Miss Motivators worked really hard over the last academic year to help to motivate girls to maintain girls to improve their levels of physical activity and also to make their PE experience at Ivanhoe as fantastic as possible. Now a public consultation will take place before the schools can go ahead with plans to change the age ranges, which would start in August 2022. LE65 1HX. Academy conversion letter, PDF - 14 August 2012, More information about this school or college, Tell us how satisfied you are with your website visit today. %���� We plan to re-open it soon. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.5 842.25] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Ibstock Community College is also rated “good” and has about 530 pupils aged from 11 to 14. Our. beta Following my visit to the school on 4 October 2018 with Ian Colling HMI, I write on behalf of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills to report the inspection findings.