En 2007, l'adaptation en long métrage danimation de Persepolis, due à Vincent Paronnaud et Satrapi elle-même, obtient le prix du jury du Festival de Cannes. Le chapitre me conduit à penser des stéréotypes. She was also highly motivated and determined, teaching herself archery in a day as testified by her father in a conversation with Sadavir Errinwright . She vows it to be the first and last time her grandmother yell at her. Marji notes that this is the way the regime controls their freedom of thought, busying their mind with trivial matters such as clothing regulations and their safety that they no longer use the time to question their authority. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Hence, when a classmate, Jean-Paul, invites her to grab a drink, she accepts, figuring it to be date. From then on, they choose to use a male model instead. Julie Quotes in Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return The Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return quotes below are all either spoken by Julie or refer to Julie. ( Log Out / Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. The suggestions from her family and close relations, which compose of either marriage, study or exercise, sends her into a downward spiral, and she spends days at home doing nothing until her friends invite her to a ski trip to lift her mood. Personnellement, je ne crois pas que Marjane Satrapi se conforme aux stéréotypes. Tout le monde fume ou s’allonge. Julie is Marjane’s fellow student and comrade. Her situation worsens her health before anything, though, and it deteriorates until she finally passes out due to severe bronchitis and wakes up in the hospital. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating As the number of satellites grow, the regime starts banning satellites for fear of the satellites undermining their indoctrination. Julie acquaints them with each other. After her initial arrival, where she was picked up by Zozo, her mother’s old friend, she finds herself in a situation unlike one she had imagined. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Her initial plan to stay with Zozo and her family falls through when their family seems to experience one problem after another due to their immigration to Austria. ( Déconnexion / She tells the story to Reza, who finds it hilarious. At Zozo’s, she finds out that her family had been worried, her uncle Massoud even coming to Austria to look for her. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Teachers and parents! When the club closes, he offers to drive her home, however asking to split the bill for gas. Persepolis est un long métrage d'animation français1 réalisé par Vincent Paronnaud et Marjane Satrapi, sorti en France le 27 juin 20072. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The three of them, Ebi, Marji and Reza, have dinner at a restaurant, where Ebi tells Reza three conditions before he allows him to marry Marji: a right to divorce, to leave to Europe to continue their studies, and to stay together as long as they stay happy. The harder I tried to assimilate, the more I had the feeling that I was distancing myself from my culture, betraying my parents and my origins, that I was playing a game by somebody else’s rules. Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Facebook. Her fears are unfounded, though, as it is the ‘religious man’ who had questioned her during her ideological text. A friend of Marjane who takes her in when she is kicked out of the boarding school in Vienna. However, instead of telling the real story, they make up a lie, which they see through very quickly. Of course, Marji notes how rare this type of thinking was, as most Iranians were just happy to be uninvolved and safe. Upon her arrival, Marji finds herself back in a fundamentalist Iran. He invites Marji to an anarchist party in the forest, which leaves Marji disappointed and also decreases her admiration of Enrique. 219 Battelle-Tompkins With time, Marji’s friends have all left the school, leaving Marji alone. Blog 10: Le cinéma français: trop d’intervention? These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Markus, who was the last person for whom she had an emotional connection to in Austria, was significant and needless, to say, she took the loss heavily. Aux Oscars 2008, il est nommé dans la c… Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Contrary to her parents assumptions, she is going alone, as she and Reza are getting divorced.