Let’s do this, Mom!’ ” (The use of “they’re like” rather than “they said” reflects a current dismissal of the dull verb said; I used a variation above as “your reply goes” rather than is to demonstrate with-it-ness. ", Definitions include: acronym for "Do It Yourself.". Definitions include: acronym for "hope this helps". Ah, but what happens to the phrase’s meaning when the emphasis shifts to “Let’s do this”? Vote how vulgar And while it anticipates future action, the expression functions as a clincher.”, That was the meaning picked up by television advertising copywriters in scenes dramatizing creative work in boardrooms: an executive asks for ideas, fixes on one tossed out by a low-paid minion, stands up and snaps to his colleagues with the Voice of Authority, ‘‘Let’s DO this!”, We saw it during the late political campaign when Sarah Palin was asked by Sean Hannity of Fox News for the reaction of her daughters to her coming campaign: the governor said she “asked the girls what they thought, and they’re like: ‘Absolutely. You are wanting to be part of this event.”. The word boot, in this symbolism, does not stand for a high-ankle shoe but for the person who wears it. Bill: Bye. (I follow common usage in dispensing with the adverb wholly because of confusion with its homonym holy. ), Your vote: None Definitions include: of course; definitely. the word is – not how mean it is.). . and We must do this again (sometime). Definitions include: an invitation to let something proceed, as when bull-riding and requesting the gate be opened. Google has been penalizing this site in its search rankings for years. Throughout 2007 and the 2008 presidential campaign, focus was on timetables or benchmarks for ultimate withdrawal of U.S. “boots” from Iraq. Example: From Me 2 U.. Definitions include: to have a vested interest in the outcome of a situation. It is followed by an infinitive without to. Sue (saying good night): So nice to see both of you. Logged-in users can add themselves to the map. 1 I filed “plans to launch a rescue operation” in the above item, but Times style limits the use of the verb “launch” to its original sense of “propel” (as in hurling a lance or now firing a rocket) because its metaphoric use has become a cliché. Sometimes you’ll see redundancy with the use of let’s: Let’s you and me get out of here. Sometimes a phrase is around so much it hardly gets noticed. But Joe Pickett, editor at the American Heritage Dictionary, tracked down an early usage of the shifted stress in a violent song by the heavy-metal band Korn titled “Let’s Do This Now” and noted that “it’s the doing that is stressed, not the thing itself. Definitions include: To fart,flatuate,or pass gas. . Definitions include: to perform any kind of stunt. Definitions include: someone heavily outmatched in a sporting event may say. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content. We should do this together again at some point in the future.   (To vote, click the pepper. Definitions include: "screw this" or "fuck this". My conversation with the Google employee who told me about the penalty starts dropping If “you and me” is treated as an aside here, it can function to elaborate on the subject for emphasis and clarification. Ok let's do this what is the meaning of life? Submitted by Nicole from CA, USA Definitions include: to achieve something by accident. Earliest citation that Matthew Seelinger, chief historian of the Army Historical Foundation, can find is in an April 11, 1980, article in The Christian Science Monitor. Definitions include: to be linking a person. Bill: What a nice evening. Bill: What a nice evening. 今日は何もしないでいよう。 Let’s not do … Definitions include: Slang for the phrase "Doing This For Sprite" Compare to: Numbers used to replace words like to, too, for, four, ate, date, straight, hate, faith , startin'and somethin'. “From the barrage of television ads to boots on the ground” began the lead on Dan Balz’s report in The Washington Post of the Obama campaign’s final thrust in Colorado. Definitions include: let's have sex. You’ve heard it a thousand times: when someone asks helplessly, “What’ll we do?” your reply goes, “Let’s do this,” and you show the way. This used to be a football metaphor — the “air game” and the “ground game” — but the military metaphor has carried the field. ), Turn now to the defiantly unexpurgated Urban Dictionary, a down-and-dirty repository of what the pioneer slanguist Francis Grose in his 1811 dictionary called “the vulgar tongue.” Today’s urban (meaning “street”) Web site defines the new phase of the phrase as “Commonly said by uppity groups of people, but also those ready to . Here is a vogue phrase in which punctuation marks define meaning. Definitions include: of course; definitely. by aesthete April 26, 2004. He just let a stinker. Google has been lying about the penalty against this site for years. Here is a vogue phrase in which punctuation marks define meaning. Let's do this again (sometime). This, of course, literally means, “Let us you and me get out of here.”. Definitions include: suffix indicating a small version of something. Login, Register, Login instantly with Facebook. Definitions include: acronym for "do not disturb". Definitions include: acronym for "don't mind if I do". an expression indicating that one member of a group or pair has enjoyed doing something and would like to do it again. Nacia 15K 260 9 Loyal Member Nacia 15K 260 9 Post Apr 27, 2019 #1 2019-04-27T23:06 I don't think it is 42 because ''catch 22'' is about. If let’s do this is followed by a colon, it coolly suggests a specific course be taken together. Definitions include: to make one's future success dependent on something. In time, defense and diplomatic officials responsible for national security in the incoming administration will face a question framed in a phrase with historical echoes: Will there be a need for more or fewer boots on the ground? Definitions include: to do something enthusiastically. Definitions include: forget about something bad that happened in the past. Mary: Yes, let's do this again sometime. Prior to getting in, one of them says "Alright, let's do this!" As mechanized armor, air and naval technology advanced, the role of the “foot soldier” — wearer of the boot — was sometimes overshadowed, but as T. R. Fehrenbach wrote in 1963 about the Korean conflict, to hold a position “you must do this on the ground, the way the Roman legions did, by putting your young men in the mud.” By the time of the 1991 operation “Desert Storm,” that strategy was ascendant: although air and sea power were highly important, a war could not be decisively won and territory controlled without a credible component of armed individual human beings on the ground. A second sense: “Usually said before a fight, or when an event is about to go down. The gentle instructive changes to the strong imperative; it’s a whole new ballgame. If the phrase is followed by an exclamation mark, it’s a command to get moving, Buster, or get trampled in the rush. If let’s do this is followed by a colon, it coolly suggests a specific course be taken together. Mary: Oh, yes. ), I ran the traps, as the hunters say, on the emphasis shift in this phrase with my favorite etymological sources and got a series of shrugs and eye rolls because the phrase as written rather than spoken is too commonplace. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Let%27s+do+this+again. Definitions include: statement that it is time to do an activity for real, rather than for practice. Definitions include: acronym for "in this thread". In 1944, Marine inductees were called boots, and their introduction to service in World War II was in boot camp. However, candidates in both political camps (military metaphors are common in politics) agreed on the need for additional brigades of U.S. combat troops to suppress a rising threat in Afghanistan. “Many American strategists now argue that even light, token U.S. land forces — ‘getting U.S. combat boots on the ground’ ” — as the four-star general Volney Warner put it — “would signal to an enemy that the U.S. . I really enjoyed getting lunch with you, Dan. can only be dislodged at the risk of war.” The vivid figure of speech soon triumphed over the formal “infantry in the field.”. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! During the Iranian hostage crisis, plans for a rescue operation ¹ were made in the Carter administration, and there were worries that the Soviet Union would intervene. what say you? Definitions include: to relax and have fun. Synonyms for let's do it include showtime, action, let's go and the time has come. Definitions include: signs of a relationship appear sooner than expected. 2) If you want to express a will to not do something, you can use the “negative verb form + で + いよう” pattern. an expression indicating that one member of a group or pair has enjoyed doing something and would like to do it again. Let's do this again sometime. . Lexicographic research shrugs it off either as a “nonce term” — here today, gone tomorrow — or something that has been around so long that it needs no examination or explanation.