Downstairs, kanchan reprimands radha for trying to get around samrat and his room, while radha is shit scared. Who was shot and died in the season finale? he says that he owes Roshni this much atleast. While shaurya irritates urmi, saying that he doesnt need any vaccination, she tries hard to get him to agree to this last one. Diya says Karan is also going with her and he should also join them. Her father asks her to pick up. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. urmi too tells that they wanted that couple like understanding between diya and shaurya. Ishani gets a surprising telephone call from Akash Kumar using a work prospect. Anirudh asks if she is in her senses, or has becme mad. Shaurya walks in at the incorrect time and he witnesses Diya is slipping through his hands. samrat says that he is innocent, and that he is trapped by both of them, as they have an illicit relation. diya is boggled, and then asks what flight. 0. A lighthearted banter follows, where finally shaurya amusingly teases ishaani that she too should get married now. He storms off. karann says that whatever it is, diya wont work here anymore. She tells her that he isnt her brother, but is linked to her by her step-status. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When finally diya arrives, shaurya turns around to face her tensedly, as she stands with karan. Lies of the heart update sunday 1 march 2020 on zee... Game of Love update Sunday 8 November 2020 starlife, Jodha Akbar update Sunday 8 November 2020 Zee world, Jodha Akbar update Friday 6 November 2020 on Zee World, Made for Each Other update Friday 6 November 2020 on starlife, Game of Love update Friday 6 November 2020 on starlife. he says that its a big oppurtunity and such chances never come again hence he shall have to go. Then he teases her by setting her back on her feet, and his eyes boring into her, while she shys away. TrippleMonline is your favourite site for zee world, starlife, telemundo and Glow tv contents. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. He is outraged but complies nevertheless. Diya’s father tells her to leave him. Tellylover-March 18, 2020. Damini intends to assasinate Urmi. kanchan asks why did she have to come here, and finds samrat ogling lustily at her. In their room, diya comes and finds shaurya working. All are tensed. In that, by mistake, a vase falls on the floor, causing a sound, that gets urmi to wake up in tension. kanchan asks radha, and she tells her that since there as no water in the bathroom downstairs, shashi asked her to bathe here. he asks her clearly. rudra asks how can that be. urmi asks what is she doing. Required fields are marked *. The inspctor comments that atleast he learnt manners. Friday 1 May 2020 Episode 68 Devishankar reveals […] ishaan too asks whats the matter, and why is he so shocked. they are tensed. The inspector who had once arrested samrat, comes inside, and shashi, rudra and kanchan are tensed. By the night, while diya is asleep, he comes in with meds, and caresses on her head, and she wakes up. she complies, and begs to damini holding her feet, to let them all go. Diya and shaurya are embarassed, while diya tries to get up on her own but is unable. Urmi makes it crystal clear that she takes Diya as her daughter . he asks her to meet her rightnow. Shaurya asks if he has any proof. She contineus to taunt them, while the priest asks her not to interefere with the puja. Also catch the season finale this month. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. And anyhow they love each other. she is stunned. she gets tensed and decides to talk to him. Scene 6: she turns around and hugs him. Tweets by @glamtush Samrat hires a hitman for his own twisted and selfish reason. she behaves extremely rude, and this irks diya, who stands up and reminds her that this isnt the way to speak with her own mother. Sushma’s husband asks him to stay outside. he is aghast. Lies of the heart 26th June 2020 The next morning, all wait for samrat at the dining table, as its getting late. urmi is tensed. Scene 2: Diwaker tries his number, but finds it switched off. Sushma tries to force her into trying and looking for ishaan’s help in her case. Diya is shocked. Rani overhears Naina and Damini speaking about there aims and she succeeds to frighten Urmi. Shaurya admits his love for Diya facing everyone. He insistently asks her what does she want now. He gets frustrated and then finds the window, in his semiconscious state. She comes to ishaani and asks if she knows why she ran away from there, as she had to be killed here by her own hands. Shauray talks about her recklessness and frivolity. they assure her, while she isnt able to still digest that he would be gone for 6 months. Diya ends up getting married however, the question is to that? she starts exclaiming that they are living peacefully after her departure. samrat says that he would set an exmaple, out of her, and sunb her infidelity and that she was still samrat’s wife and still became ishaan’s child’s mother. Zee world lies of the heart July teasers 2020. urmi and ishaan wait for his response. Location: urmi’s residence Karana is angry and asks what does this mean. gaurav keeps hoping and trying that her past doesnt spring up in any conversation. She finally says, I LOVE YOU, to him, while he eyes her emotionally overwhelmed. You have entered an incorrect email address! Shaurya becomes thoughtful. She finds the window open, and goes to close it, while samrat is enraged, thinking that now she and her son’s father shall be dead now. Your email address will not be published. Shaurya says what does it matter to him? he gently gives her the meds, and then asks her to go back to sleep. Shaurya shows everyone Diya getting praised on a news channel and all clap for her. samrat comes down happily, unperturbed, asking how come he came here. Diya diverts his mind and says she’s thirsty. They give him a pistol, branding it as A-one. Lies of the Heart update Friday 26 June 2020 on zee world Just then, mukti comes in rushedly saying that the police has come, asking for samrat. the screen freezes on urmi’s determined face. He then caresses her hair away, as she lies tucked in his arms. Lies of the heart 26 update June 2020 when ishaan wakes up, he finds everyone around, but not urmi. Damini intends to humiliate Diya to this extent that the results could be deadly. First Look Season 8. Location: Samrat’s residence she asks how can he not know, or if he doesnt want to say anything. urmi makes ishaani’s favourite dessert, that she has been eating for 11 years and is her favourite, oblivious of the fact that urmi makes it, and believeing that rani makes it for her, as otherwise she would detest it and never eat. He eyes the closed door, and tries to open it, but it doesnt open. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. alok steps aside. She tells them about party in evening. Shaurya says that her amount is oending, and asks her to come and collect it, while she lashes at him anrgily saying that she doesnt need it, and he can keep it to himself. but then acts pricvey as if he didnt hear and asks her to repeat as he didnt hear it earlier. shaurya smiles. Kanchan is tensed. he is all smiles as she sees him close. Later, diya comes to meer urmi, on her request, where she gets a gift from urmi, for her outstanding work. She asks what’s wrong in it. Just then, the towel falls off on the floor, and samrat is unable to take his eyes off the beauty of Radha, as her wet hair splashes across the face. The afternoon of Diya’s court case is approaching and there is not any proof, only 1 eye witness. Urmi and ishaan are shocked. He tries to talk casually asking how they got hurt and that he should have been informed even if they arent on talking terms now. she turns to him, and then smiles, and repeats the confession of her love. Preview - When Calls the Heart - Season 7 Coming in 2020 Preview - When Calls the Heart - Season 7 Coming in 2020. He says no. of Episodes 482 episodes. The screen freezes on diya’s smiling face. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He agrees and gets ready. He asks her angily whats she doing here. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? she says that she always has and shall always continue to stand in front of her family, to face any and every trouble. As urmi switches the lights on, samrat hides behind a pillar, stealthily eyeing her. karan asks her to look for a job somewhere else. He is tensed. Urmi says and her parents are no more, so they brought her here. the screen freezes on her angry face. Read Lies of the heart September Teasers 2020 Season Finale. diya takes him away, while shaurya picks the guy up, and assures and comforts him. Sushma asks him to not irritate his mother and agree to what urmi says. Whiel diya and urmi chat, ishaani comes out asking for jucie and stuff from damini and then hollers at urmi asking who gave her the right to tamper with her bedroom, when urmi suggetsa shift of jher room just for a day. Lies of the heart May teasers 2020: Urmi files a case against Samrat and gets him arrested in the middle of an important meeting… <