When you get close, blast him with the Shotgun while frequently dodging his shots. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Get to this Marauder Glory Kill with these advanced tips for 'Doom Eternal.'. The green flash signaling your window of attack against a 'Doom Eternal' Marauder. The best weapon to use while he is stunned is the Ballista. Make this a top priority when it appears! Bait the Slayer to attack you before dashing into cover, applying pressure with your ranged attacks. keep a safe distance away, and avoid giving it any reason to bust it out! Combine fire. Despite these weapons still dealing damage to the Marauder, it is recommended to face the enemy with a different strategy to avoid wasting ammo and charges. Backpedaling (not too fast or far) can draw the Marauder in, encouraging him to attack, but should he fire his energy axe your way, then it's time for a quick dodge Dash to one side or the other. The Marauder is a strong enemy that is highly resistant to most weapons. Because of this, you want the Slayer to constantly be on their toes so they are more likely to mess up. When facing a Marauder with a group of enemies, it is recommended that you run around and take care of other enemies first before facing the Marauder. If the Dash isn't already part of your combat repertoire, then now's the time, because Doom Eternal only gets harder from your first Marauder fight. Controlling the flow of battle is the Marauder's specialty. Getting a direct hit with the super shotgun while the Marauder is attacking will stun him, giving you a slightly open window to deal some extra damage before he starts blocking every attack again. If conditions are met, you can even summon a hound to attack the Slayer! Just remember that you can't use monkey bars or portals as the Marauder despite him feeling just like the Slayer. Those Night Sentinels who continued in the service of the Khan Maykr were resurrected after falling in battle, transformed by the Maykr's demonically powered Divinity Machine into knights in Hell's army and relentless hunters of the Doom Slayer. The window of opportunity will appear during the Marauder's attacks. Coordinating this with your teammate is key so you don't use it at the same time. As a Marauder, you will be armed with an Axe and a Super Shotgun. The Marauder's shield blocks everything, so don't waste your ammo when it's active. weak to the Ballista and Super Shotgun, but only when attacked at the right time. 10 Learn How To Zone. Using them together is the best way to take out a Marauder quickly. "My eyes have been opened. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Users Interact, The Most Messed Up Moments in the Comic Book Version of ‘The Boys’, The Best Anime Fanfiction Where the Hero Is a Villain, Daily Deals: Preorder Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or PC and Save 17% Off, Doom Hunter Base Secrets and Collectibles, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You.