transitive verb. Accessed 8 Nov. 2020. Sentence Examples. of these marauders, and the Heratis had sent word that all they could do was to pay tribute, and, if that were insufficient, the shah had better march to Herat. 3. At any moment a maraudercould come in and try to attack the castle. Marauder definition, someone who travels around plundering or pillaging: China built its famous Great Wall to keep out marauders from the steppes. Marauders. “Maraud.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Marauder. He has failed and the remainder of the fellowship, knowing that Frodo and Sam at least are at liberty and chose their path, follow the path of the marauders to try to rescue the prisoner hobbits. The Maillotins, as the Parisian insurgents were named from the weapon they used, gained the upper hand in Paris, and were able temporarily to make terms, but the commune of Rouen was abolished, and the Tuchins, as the marauders in Languedoc were called, were pitilessly hunted down. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. The Emperor proposes to give all commanders of divisions the right to shoot marauders, but I much fear this will oblige one half the army to shoot the other. But the herd has defied all social distancing orders, Shortly after noon on Thursday, Dayna Polehanki, a Michigan state senator, was confronted by armed protesters, On Saturday summer evenings, my dad, brother, cousins, Uncle Hans, and I spent countless hours there plinking at, Most of the people sharing photos of domineering goats and, Lloris then watched on as horror as the ball was laid to Philippe Coutinho by, Patience was key in the second half, as Arkadiusz Milik beat the offside trap and with Gollini, Post the Definition of maraud to Facebook, Share the Definition of maraud on Twitter. 31. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). In 1864 he married a young lady who had helped him to escape from some Confederate marauders; and by the end of the war he rose to be major. Twice the marauders even attack our headquarters, and the commander-in-chief has to ask for a battalion to disperse them. Marauder in a sentence 1 They were raided by roaming bands of marauders. Ancient villages were built on hilltops like the old pueblo of Mojacar and always featured narrow winding streets to aid defense against the marauders. greater part of the open country lying waste for fear of the Arab marauders. The detective cowboys up to hunt down the mysterious marauder. As soon as the men of the various regiments began to disperse among the wealthy and deserted houses, the army was lost forever and there came into being something nondescript, neither citizens nor soldiers but what are known as marauders. Here Be Dragons: A Creature Identification Quiz. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. As an emperor, Constantine was nothing but a marauder who travelled the world looking for countries to invade. Definition of marauder. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know what languages these words come from? Generally speaking, the Transylvanians had only to appear, to have their demands promptly complied with; for these marauders had to be bought off because the emperor had more pressing business elsewhere. The earliest history of Edom is that of the "sand-dwellers," "archers" or Shasu (perhaps "marauders"), whose conflicts with ancient Egypt are not infrequently mentioned. Definition of maraud. The establishment of internal tranquillity, the expulsion of interlopers and marauders like Turks and Uzbegs, the introduction of salutary laws and the promotion of public works of utilitythese alone would render remarkable his two-score years of enlightened government. 2. Learn a new word every day. sentence examples. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'maraud.' The pirate was a marauder who wandered about the sea looking for precious cargo to pilfer. In the first three months of 1401 the whole of Northern Syria suffered from Timurs marauders. When unable to obtain living prey, they feed on carrion and refuse of all kinds, and are thus useful in removing putrescent matter from the streets. All march discipline disappeared, the men dissolved into hordes of marauders and even the sternest of the marshals wrote piteous appeals to the emperor for supplies, and for permission to shoot some of their stragglers. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? : one who roams from place to place making attacks and raids in search of plunder : one that marauds Residents … are literally up in arms over seven robberies by hooded, armed men who have broken into homes to terrorize and plunder. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for maraud, Nglish: Translation of maraud for Spanish Speakers. When about sixteen years of age he was carried off by a band of Irish marauders. By the close of 1889 all the larger bands of marauders were broken up, and since 1890 the country has enjoyed greater freedom from violent crime than the province formerly known as British Burma. The efforts to subdue or restrain these marauders proved fruitless, till Augustus Cleveland won them by mild measures, and successfully made over the protection of the district to the very hill people who a few years before had been its scourge. They do not represent the opinions of The marauder uses his quick hands to rob people on public buses. 4. Methos is over 5000 years old and in prehistoric times was one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, vicious marauders who preyed on the helpless. King Dagobert sent troops to repel these marauders from time to time, but the main burden of defence fell upon the Saxons, Bavarians and Thuringians. Other Words from maraud … To Jericho the victorious Israelite marauders magnanimously returned their Judahite captives at the bidding of the prophet Oded (2 Chron. Send us feedback. 1684, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? A pangram is one sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet, for example: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." They were a mob of marauders, each carrying a quantity of articles which seemed to him valuable or useful. Believing the marauder … Marauders sentence examples. intransitive verb. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The bear population blossomed, and began to, These rebel gangs—viewed by the neighboring Egyptians as both a nuisance and a threat—. But the more evident marauder is pigeons, thanks to the sandwich crusts left by lunchers and the feed spread by misguided bird fanciers. which the Uzbeg Turks are dominant, and for the most part is inhabited by nomadic tribes, who are marauders, enjoying the reputation of being the worst among a race of professed robbers. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? They hunt the beasts of prey destructive to their flocks, and form armed bands for protection against marauders or for purposes of aggression on weaker sedentary neighbours. So long as a great horde of nomads was encamped on the frontier the country was liable to be invaded by an overwhelming force of ruthless marauders. The marauderwho’d speared Rob circled left, seeking an opening. Use "marauder" in a sentence. Did You Know? Twice the marauders … : to roam about and raid in search of plunder a marauding gang of thieves. Once the police catch the marauder, they hope to retrieve all the jewels he stole. But the "bummers" were no mere marauders, but picked men from the armies that had won Vicksburg and Chattanooga, and, though surrounded, held their ground stoutly and successfully. 1. While Pierre was running the few steps that separated him from the Frenchman, the tall marauder in the frieze gown was already tearing from her neck the necklace the young Armenian was wearing, and the young woman, clutching at her neck, screamed piercingly. 1. 16. of Macedon came to expel these marauders, Aratus became the king's adviser, and averted a treacherous attack on Messene (215); before long, however, he lost favour and in 213 was poisoned. ROHILLA (a Pushtu word for "mountaineer"), a tribe of Afghan marauders, who, towards the beginning of the 18th century, conquered a district of Hindostan, giving it the name of Rohilkhand, which still survives as an alternative title of the Bareilly division of the United Provinces. Immense damage was inflicted by these marauders on the subjects of the empire, who seem to have been mostly too peaceable to defend themselves, and whom the emperor could not spare troops enough to protect.