mymarty.enable_motors(True) turns on the motors on this Marty, and the hello() command makes it stand up straight and wiggle its eyebrows. 1955 Biff: Alright then, leave! In the distance he hears gunshots and screaming. (He puts the box on the table.) Doc: No, no, no, no, no, Marty, both you and Jennifer turn out fine. He is not seen by Biff. Biff: Oh, hold on one second. Schwartz, Tony. It's Doc and Einstein!). (The TV screen shows the Hill Valley Telegraph – “Biff Tannen: The Luckiest Man On Earth”.) I had a feeling about you two. ), Lorraine: Oh, they must have hit you on the head hard this time. (3-D hits Marty on the head and Marty passes out. especially attractive but she had a good deal of charm.") (reading) "Dear Marty, if my calculations are correct you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the DeLorean struck by lightning. Because this hoverboard incident has now occurred, Griff goes to jail. Needles: The Jitz will never find out! 1955 Biff: What, are you deaf old man? And then they repeat their familiar exchange again, and Are - are you free next Saturday night? Behind him, a Japanese man appears on the screen. First let me assure you that I am alive and well. the house. There are now 2 of me here... (During the following Doc turns to face the camera as if he is talking to the audience.) Argh! Marty: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! I'll stay here and try to repair the shortened time circuits. (Marty is standing by the window, and we can see Doc's Packard from Part 1 outside. A sign in the background says “Phoenix : Boston : London" and underneath "Local traffic: Hill Valley exit next right.” After leaving the skyway it passes a floating sign, “Welcome to Hill Valley. Marty almost has the almanac when Mr. Strickland walks up.). After despairing about how to spend it, and then suffering another humiliating rejection when he calls a girl to ask her out, Marty finally decides to attend a lonely hearts social at the Waverly Ballroom. "Boy, you're getting to be a real drag, you know that?" So he says "How would you like to be rich?" (She runs her hand through her son's hair.). Doc, Doc! Doc: Let's put her in the swing! I thought it was following us. gonna do tonight Marty? was annoying you, and - you got mad and - I'm the fella who works Marty gets up, minus his hat (he just leaves it there) and tries to follow Biff, but Biff drives off.). What in the name of Sir Isaac H Newton happened here? Marty is your kid, not mine, and all the money in the world wouldn't do jack shit with that lazy bum. He's in the old west but he's alive! Doc: Marty! It’s Doc and Einstein.). Biff: Well go find him. For good measure we’ll also make sure it’s motors are still enabled with player.enable_motors(). (She lifts it up like a blind to reveal the real window with next door shown through it. ), (Doc goes over to the trash can, and picks out some trash.). Damn! Just take it easy and you'll be fine. Doc: (w.t) Marty, listen, we're going to have to abort this entire plan, it's getting much too dangerous! ), Narrator: (v.o) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Biff Tannen Museum, dedicated to Hill Valley's number one citizen, and America's greatest living folk hero, the one, the only, Biff Tannen. There's a TV screen playing. Lorraine: Well, you're safe and sound now. The next two arm commands produce a slow up and down movement on both arms, which is a cool way to see all the Martys limbering up ahead of their performance. 1955 Biff is surprised.) Marty starts bopping along to the rock and roll: he*s plugged into a WALKMAN STEREO. Remember, keep 'em flying. Marty puts the almanac inside his jacket and sets off. d ��F�!9�O��r�y��1kd~�����=h���C1�8��������q��B������>&Uq�}V])%_t[nt�ݝ��33�~��Ų�2�� �������S�tex3����>����c2#�,���S=�""�C �C4�Qr!7���㐳B?Z�m�F�O�倷�%%�A�Ãǖ���n�+2����K! Marty opens the garage and inside is the Toyota truck he admired earlier. 2015 Biff: I told you, it's in this book! The easiest way to control multiple Martys is over WiFi using Python, and that’s what we’ll be using here. (He taps Marty on the head with his cane.) We'd recommend you don't select this on a shared or public computer others have access to. Doc: Don't worry, she'll be safe, it'll just be for a few minutes. The truck turns the corner by the Café 80's and Marty nearly hovers into the crowd. What happens to us in the future? Your old man, Marty McFly Senior, the man who took his life and flushed it completely down the toilet. Let’s just do that then. They have a box and are laughing happily. It can't be. Should have been home hours ago, and I'm having a hard time keeping track of her these days. Marty quietly opens the door and creeps inside, unheard. Boy 1: (surprised) You mean you have to use your hands? ��9�V��+ �}���%mL�ƣ��Ix@R)�T���k��k����� endstream endobj 207 0 obj 309 endobj 200 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 195 0 R /Contents 201 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Resources << /Font << /F6 205 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 201 0 obj << /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] /Length 202 0 R >> stream (Hilldale) (The police car arrives. ), (Jennifer, still hiding in the closet, listens to them.). boy, she drives me crazy." Come in Doc! ), (He falls on the counter, and Griff's gang laugh. He then gets the jacket out of the bag and puts it on, but it’s too big. (He just misses the car. I say to you, 'Whaddya feel like At the top of the building is the word "Biff's" in big neon letters. Marty: Mom, I just want to know one thing. Somebody to take her home. player_name, arm = player extracts the name and the arm specifically (remember player is set to something like (‘Jerry’, ‘left’)), so in our example here would set player_name to ‘Jerry’, and arm to ‘left’. And one fact I gotta face is that, whatever He reminds her what he looks like ("I'm the stocky one, the (1955 Doc appears. (The gang laugh. constantly reminded that he is an incomplete man - single and unmarried. How did you know what the score was gonna be? (George and Lorraine kiss. 0��{}�_�݉��[ Z���HY>'���9]t@���G6��ca�|U�ق ^�`� Loaded with tomatoes - boy, you're Dad: What are you doing in here with my daughter? PATSY, the boss, a swarthy man of sixty, is flopping, a chunk of beef onto the scale for the benefit of a forty-, year-old MATRON. It's your kids, Marty, something has got to be done about your kids! ), (The shark then disappears. A nice place to live. Mad Dog: Come on, runt! Marty McFly! Jennifer: God, so like you weren't kidding! Noel, Noel - but played by Marty the Robot! Strickland: You've got a real attitude problem, Tannen. Michigan State crushed Minnesota 42-14. Just imagine the danger if the time machine were to fall in the wrong hands! daily routine and frequent exchange: Angie: Whaddya feel like doin' tonight? 1955 Marty goes a bit overboard, and by the time he's finished playing some rock music, the dance is silent, looking at him. And you say back to me, 'I dunno. Marty: (to himself) Shark still looks fake. Terry: Save the clock tower. Oh, come on, you - you know who I am! Grandma Tannen: (v.o) Don't forget to turn off the garage lights! can fill their lives with something interesting in their very familiar 0000001184 00000 n Total Cast. They have Griff's Pit Bull. (A video waiter comes up to him.) This can't be happening! Here we list the players that will be playing the bells. Neither Marty sees the other, and Biff luckily doesn't see that there's two of them. So I say "What's the catch?" Biff: Hey listen, Lorraine. (Doc and Einstein walk towards the DeLorean. Select options. He just said it was over!