Hello FWRs Has anyone signed up to spinster.xyz yet? This is an important subject people don't pay enough attention to. A relative level of audience overlap between this site and similar sites. It's important to me that Spinster allows exchange of views and open debate on a variety of issues. Anyway I haven’t joined yet but seen it about on twitter, Does it resemble Twitter then? Discover how to reach your audience with the help of Alexa’s content research capabilities: Sign up for a free trial of our Advanced Plan for access to all of our content tools. identify link building and partnership opportunities to help grow your authority and traffic. The average amongst this site’s competitors. They can't take a hint that we need some space. 6 Tools for a Complete Marketing Workflow, South Korean "Nth Room" Chats Are Keeping Girls in Sexual Slavery, Male Wins "Female Leadership" Position in New York Democratic Council, Madison Elementary School Teacher Fights for Right to use Student Girls' Bathroom, Women in the United States are being Fired for Talking About Feminism, Find content gaps for quick-win article ideas, Track your share of voice amongst key players in a topic space, Discover unique angles for new and existing content. Spinster.xyz (391 Posts) MNHQ have commented on this thread. A man banned for posting his pronouns? Percentage of visits to the site that consist of a single pageview. The number of times that this article was shared on Twitter or posted on Reddit: (Twitter tweets + retweets) + Reddit posts. An estimate of this site's popularity.The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. It’s like twitter but without the misogyny. Don't they have any hobbies? I've joined – with this username, which is different from my Twitter one. The number of times that people engaged with public tweets or Reddit posts that mention the article: (retweets + replies + likes) + (Reddit comments + voting activity). Social engagement based on the past year, updated monthly. If you sign in and can't find threads or conversations it's not great. Share with Nintendo - £100 voucher to be won, Share your tips for making learning fun for your children with VTech - £100 voucher to be won, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox, twitter.com/1followernodad/status/1105670176916172802. I've joined - it's like a breath of fresh not to have to self-censor and pretend to go along with an ideology I vehemently oppose. Top articles by total engagement amongst this site and its competitors. , Ooh I've joined and I'm saying things that would probably get me banned from twitter and it's super fun! It would be impossible to run a female only platform though wouldn’t it? This is exactly why terfblocker exists. Yes I've joined, but it took me ages to figure out Twitter so I'm not sure how I'll get on, One man is already complaining that he has been banned for putting pronouns in his profile. They seem to think pronoun rights are the most worthy cause... Registrations are closed now, so it isn't taking any more sign ups at the moment. "It all started with the launch of some leaflets that are headed to public schools with the sole intention of demonising trans and gender duverse kids. I think women can do more than one thing at a time. I'm hoping we eventually get subsections as it will just get confusing. but if I was a TRA I'd see it as a huge win if the women I wanted to silence left main stream social media to chat in their own echo chamber.Except many of them weren’t leaving mainstream SM. I'm sure this has been pointed out already, but if I was a TRA I'd see it as a huge win if the women I wanted to silence left main stream social media to chat in their own echo chamber.