Commentary: What is the meaning and utility of the psychopathy concept? It was concluded that abnormality in intelligence is not a major factor in the aetiology of behavioural or neurotic disorders. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 44(FEB), 1-12. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8279.1974.tb00760.x, [540] Zoccolillo, M., Pickles, A., Quinton, D., & Rutter, M. (1992). In these empirical papers there is a consistent willingness to recognise that a conclusion would be premature, and that an issue requires further study. Child psychiatric symptoms and psychosocial impairment: relationship and prognostic significance. Book41. estimated the magnitude of genetic and environmental effects on tobacco, alcohol and drug use in the VTSABD. Phenotypic assessment in the Virginia twin study of adolescent behavioral development. Social, emotional, and behavioural differences. Fragile-x in families multiplex for autism and related phenotypes – prevalence and criteria for cytogenetic diagnosis. found that choreiform movements were not associated with reading disability, psychiatric disorder or neurological abnormalities. Genetic Epidemiology, 11(2), 155-170. doi:10.1002/gepi.1370110206, [217] Pickles, A., Neale, M., Simonoff, E., Rutter, M., Hewitt, J., Meyer, J. [27] This assessment is appropriate for older low functioning individuals with little or no language ability. "The reaction from fans has blown me away. In 1994, he established the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Unit at the Institute of Psychiatry. . developed a method for observing parent-child interaction in the home. British Journal of Psychiatry, 126(JUN), 493-509. doi:10.1192/bjp.126.6.493, [410] Rutter, M., Dunn, J., Plomin, R., Simonoff, E., Pickles, A., Maughan, B., . [172]  This found only a moderate degree of assortment for psychiatric disorders. Phillips et al. Experimental-study – eliciting factual information. if(! British Journal of Psychiatry, 152, 64-72. doi:10.1192/bjp.152.1.64, [74] Cox, A., Rutter, M., Newman, S., & Bartak, L. (1975). Risk mechanisms in development: Some conceptual and methodological considerations. Psychosocial factors in the short-term prognosis of physical disease. A family genetic study of autism associated with profound mental retardation. Amer Jour Psychiat, 120((2)), 142-148. doi:10.1176/ajp.120.2.142, [61] Clark, P., & Rutter, M. (1977). [74] It was concluded that it is unlikely that autism develops as a consequence of such parental personality attributes. American Journal of Psychiatry, 128(11), 34-+. [278] He concluded that: “There is a potential for effective primary prevention but, so far, it remains largely unrealized.” [278]. A full genome screen for autism with evidence for linkage to a region on chromosome 7q. 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[155] The results suggested that long-term programming effects on HPA functioning contribute to the mediation of the effects of early institutional deprivation. [411] There was relatively little further catch-up after the age of 4 years. loop_range = seconds['day']; Haggerty, R.J., Sherrod, L.R., Garmezy, N. & Rutter, M. Early hospital admissions and later disturbances of behavior and learning. In this 1966 monograph knowledge of parental mental illness as a risk factor for the child is considered as a possible avenue for the prevention of some mental disorders in children. (2014). Isle-of-Wight studies, 1964-1974. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41(2), 139-149. doi:10.1111/1469-7610.00555, [234] Roy, P., Rutter, M., & Pickles, A. There has been strong continuity of themes in MR’s research from the earliest publications. Nature Genetics, 39(3), 319-328. doi:10.1038/ng1985. Some succumb with disorders, whereas others show resilience, and a few even come through negative experiences strengthened. [431] Rutter, M., Maughan, B., Mortimore, P., & Ouston, J. Return to Contents, [1] Aitkin, M., Longford, N., Plewis, I. F., Wakefield, W. B., Chatfield, C., Goldstein, H., . European Review, 12,19-33. doi:10.1017/s1062798704000031, [352] Rutter, M. (2005a). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 35(6), 1063-1073. doi:10.1007/s10802-007-9155-y, [22] Beckett, C., Maughan, B., Rutter, M., Castle, J., Colvert, E., Groothues, C., . [237] In this paper data on children first attending the Maudsley in 1955 are presented. [8] Based on data from a number of samples including of twins with autism and clinic attenders with autism, they concluded that: “The important findings from this study are as follows: firstly, the fragile X anomaly was found in only 1.6% of the autistic individuals examined from the combined twin and clinic samples (with a total n of 85 males and 40 females); secondly, the anomaly was at least as common in autistic females as in autistic males; thirdly, the anomaly accounts for only a very small proportion of the genetic influences in autism; and lastly, within families there is phenotypic heterogeneity amongst fragile X positive siblings”, “Our findings indicate that in the vast majority of cases these genetic influences [on autism] are not attributable to the Fragile X anomaly”. Early hospital admissions and later disturbances of behavior – attempted replication of Douglas findings. A case – control family history study of autism. So do young children with mental handicap. MR reiterated his view that a true rise in incidence is uncertain. [222]  MR summarised the main routes by which genes lead to multifactorial psychiatric disorders.