Note: We recommend rather retaining unused columns instead of deleting them. These values will only differ if a tax % has been specified for the appropriate fringe benefit in the Fringe Benefits list (input field in column G). Ok once we are inside our personal profile we will find the Pay Slip option at the right side bottom section inside the Request or Submission Box. The department code is linked to individual employees in column C on the Emp sheet and only the department codes which have been included in the Departments list on the Setup sheet will be available for selection. This will effectively result in no medical tax credits being taken into account in the income tax calculations. Note: If you select more than one code in columns C to G, the override value will be applied to all of the codes that you have selected in these columns. The BSF has now become the primary border defense organization which is among the other Central Armed Police Forces. The appropriate letters of the earnings codes need to be included in this section without any spaces or special characters in between. What Information Can be Entered on a Blank Excel Pay Stub? However, there is a much easier way. Total Cost To Company - this is the sum of the gross pay and total company contribution amounts. The default taxable % is 100% - if the earning is fully taxable, you do not need to enter anything. The calculations in the Payroll section are based on the detailed calculations on the Payroll sheet and the calculations in the Payment section are based on the data that is captured on the Payment sheet. If you want to login to Monthly Pay Slip Mp Education Portal, then there is a very easy way to do it.. A lot of websites will offer you convoluted ways about doing it. Rate - enter the rate that needs to be used in the fringe benefit calculation. If prepared to forced with time and urgently having a pay qualification, down load as well as the wages record design templates presented to you. Description - enter a description of the payment. All the calculations are based on the data that has been entered on the Payroll sheet and the sheet requires no user input. If you do change any of the rates, it will also affect past pay periods which would then create differences between the payroll calculations and the amounts that have been paid for the elapsed months. The columns with formulas contain the following data or calculations: Where no taxable % or a taxable % of 100% has been specified for a particular earning, the full value and taxable value for the earning will be the same. Thank You for reading this article and post your comments, suggestion, queries below. The bracket values in column A, equivalent values in column E and the effective rates in column F for all the tax brackets will be updated automatically. If you do want to sort data, you should change this column to a user input column by replacing all the formulas in the column with values and then entering new pay slip numbers when you add new entries to the sheet. If the Status cell is still highlighted in red, the error has not been resolved and you need to revisit the steps that you needed to take. If the number of medical aid members changes during the year, you can use the Override features to include the updated number in the calculation - refer to the Override section of these instructions for guidance on how to update the number of medical aid members.