All those buffs work against them when falcon uses his ultimate. ). AoEs, counter-attacks, etc. We only have the four main Marauders listed here because you can pick just about anyone for the fifth position for good impact. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars lasts 24 hours in Marvel Strike Force and allows players to attacks the specific zones shown below and score points for their Alliance. Discussion. I lost one team member, Karnak, as it appeared he had the Mark of Death (or Domino Syndrome) upon him well b ed fore being cloned. 43 comments. 2 Ultron - Striker Lv. In War Defense Emma Frost applies Defense Up for up to 2 turns to all Mutant Villain allies at the start of combat. There are 5 basic set up positions in MSF and they have a specific order as you can see in this graphic. Passive ability heals her for up to 15% of Max Health every turn, reduces the speed of all enemies by 10%, and grants her +400% Armor and +500% Resistance while she is Charged. Note that we are working to add more content around effective Offensive Counters in Alliance Wars and have added infographics from popular sources within the MSF… The whole team is dead before Emma gets her ult off. As of late, there have also been rumours of Emma Frost joining the game who would be a no brainer for the final spot and would … 2 Rescue - Fortifier Lv. General Strategy: This strategy is similar to the Marauders 1.0, in that you should follow the same kill order, but the difference lies in the fact that you have to use a team that has a way to also handle Ultron and his summons (e.g. After him, Emma was the target due to Mystique being in Stealth mode. The battle didn't push the time limit with any concern at x2 Speed. 2 War Machine - Raider Lv. Marvel Strike Force: Placement Guide. Hi everyone, I’ve play tested this with an alliance mate, so no war defence bonuses. Falcon - Raider Lv. Counter – Power Armor with Ultron Team Composition – Ironheart, Falcon, Rescue, War Machine & Ultron Using a Power Armor team with Ultron can be an effective counter to the popular Emma Frost Marauders defensive team, aka Emmarauders. 2 Ironheart - Fortifier Lv. Emma Frost is a natural addition to the Marauders team. Emma frost/marauders counter. We need to understand a few things about the setup to maximize synergies and combat attacks against us. But shouldn’t power armour be a huge counter to marauders with Emma? share.