Our content is free because we may earn a commission if you purchase products after clicking ads on our website. Return to the original size of Graham Crackers; make sure they fill the box. Find the best companies in Food Manufacturers category: Keebler and Nabisco, Keebler vs Ritz Crackers, Nabisco … I started noticing them being smelly from a box we bought in August 2013. I can't believe they have not issued a … One box was so light and fluffy that most of the crackers in. Crackers were stale. We always treat your data in a fair and respectful manner limited to the purpose above mentioned. i know they are more expensive than the store brand. Review #2169856 is a subjective opinion of poster. I just opened a pack of your crackers and added some to my chili. It appears that this issue has been going on for over three years as there was a comment back in Dec 2010! Check our FAQ. I can deal with stomach upset, has anyone had anything worse that I need to be aware of? Full site coming soon. I used to like the taste as well but they taste bland now. please call or write to inquire.. visit our partners & showrooms. They wreak! As an avid camper, we make a lot of s'more. Now the Fig Newtons have gone 100% Whole Grain. The texture is not good anymore. Threw them all away. On top of that, they have designed the package with a total photo emblazoned, easily torn, weird cellophane cover. Tasteless. Can't believe i missed that! Please? Seems to have two sides. I loved these graham crackers and have been to multiple stores looking for them and have yet to find them! Do you have something to say about Nabisco? I don't know what happened at the factory, but I'm not buying anymore for a while until the quality comes back. Either way, I'll get my extra salt intake someplace else because these things taste lousy! l love Premium Saltine Minis...as a snack mostly but with my soup also. We have notice a problem with all Nabisco products since they moved to Mexico. At age 70 my teeth can't handle hard cracker, chips or any other hard to chew foods. It's unfortunate that they would rather cut corners than sell a good product. They are my favorite. I dont use that kind of negative, disrespectful language and its very unprofessional for a business of your standing to be using it as well. When Rye with Caraway Triscuit was introduced, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. My husband crushed up the crackers to put into soup and took one bite. Someone needs to do something. We just experienced the same thing... a strange 'cleaning chemical' type of taste and aroma. well, i found out they were stale and most of them were broken. Some advertisers may pay us for this ad to appear on our website or provide us with a referral fee. WTF!! What was that??????? People are buying off brand products instead on yours!!!! Maybe my small purchases don’t matter to a huge company like Nabisco but it’s not right what they’re doing to the consumer. IMPORTANT CONSUMER ALERT: Recall Announced of Limited Quantity of RITZ Cheese Cracker Sandwiches, Family Size product (21.6 oz. They need to make it their number one priority to find a solution. Our content is free because we may earn a commission if you purchase products after clicking ads on our website. Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Send in complaints or switch … We are processing your message. Review #1555887 is a subjective opinion of poster. Check our FAQ. I have an old vintage Nabisco cracker tin that we had when I was a kid. I don't think this has anything to do with trying to keep them crisp...I think something is very wrong in one of their manufacturing plants. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Nabisco Grahams Original Crackers (444880) 14.4 oz at Amazon.com. I have been buying premium plus salted cracker for many years. I use to enjoy Nabisco Cinnamon sugar graham crackers, but I do NO more! Nabisco Pros and Cons . I thought the first box I bought there could have been a mistake, but now the second box is the same. Some advertisers may pay us for this ad to appear on our website or provide us with a referral fee. I want a refund plis pain and suffering of $2,500! This has to do with the nabisco original premium saltine crackers. Like c’mon! Shortly after eating a few bites everyone confessed having a strange feeling in the mouth and throat. Unsubscribe at any time. Compare Nabisco and Keebler pros and cons using consumer ratings with latest reviews. We think your products are the best. not sure what happens- but pulled this pile of dough out of my cracker box. This just happened to me as well, what is going on, what could possibly have made that smell? Something was horribly wrong with them. If you wish that your prior post be removed, submit a notarized letter, Nabisco saltines are crumbly and taste bad, You changed the product poor quality poor taste, Ability to send opinion of product to company. I have also experienced this awful chemical smell & taste from a new box of 4 sleeves. The only other type like this one is the inferior Cheese Its, which are terrible tasting. I have seen other complaints on this subject and I have contacted the company. Review #2027364 is a subjective opinion of poster. The overall rating of the company is 2.2 and consumers are mostly dissatisfied.. A foul smell, like serious B.O. I would love my toddler granddaughter to be able to enjoy the original honey graham recipe as it was originally marketed. If you wish that your prior post be removed, submit a notarized letter. You are now nothing more than a disappointment..Eat your own graham crackers and try not to choke. Review #2150501 is a subjective opinion of poster. Get buying tips about Food Products delivered to your inbox. Sorry for the loss of such a previously good product! No salt on saltines is stupid and gross! Classic of what we use to consider tried & true companies who have lost their integrity along with original recipes and their cinnamon sugar shaker. Ick! Not to mention the fact that the public has yet to notified of this health hazard. Lost a customer! I can't believe they have not issued a … Cannot believe it! ConsumerAffairs is not a government agency. Companies pay us to be accredited or when you click a link, call a number or fill a form on our site. Luckily I didn't eat any of them the smell was so overpowering there was no way I was putting one of those crackers in my mouth. Check our FAQ. Second bite, definately something wrong. We no longer buy any Nabisco product. The UPC# [protected]. Thinking of starting a Facebook campaign. Pissed Consumer © 2020 All Review #2086946 is a subjective opinion of poster. Nabisco reviews (www.snackworks.com): Reduced quality of Honey Maid Graham Crackers. Laura Michelle Smith, Manny Hamilton, Laura Hamilton, Emmanuel Hamilton, Mannie Hamilton - Scam, rip off, tattooing, Reward Zone USA - Cash app money and paypal claims, Unlimited Vacation Club - ultimate vacation club fraud and lies, 99 Cents Only Stores - disrespectful to an employee, Shopee - Fake jade scam in shopee singapore. I live alone and it does take me a while to eat them so they are around for a while. Smell bad and taste bad. I just purchased honey maid graham crackers and was disappointed it is the same size box but the bags inside were smaller. There are four individual packages in the box , 2 of the packages the crackers were all cracked and Only packed 3/4 full These are the only saltines I would buy I have buying them my whole life this is the first time Ive had this problem Opened a previously unopened box of saltines this morning and within seconds smelled this toxic odor coming from the box (like diesel fuel, paint thinner). ARE! We had bought a box of better cheddar crackers and there was the following propaganda in out bag that someone placed into our product. Yes!! my wife like zesta but the way they smelled we haven't bought any since. When you file for bankruptcy I will be dancing on your grave. You should be ashamed of your greedy self. And prices are rising! Many in each box are cracked and many will break as you put peanut butter on them. What happened? Favorite cracker discontinued, general products inferior to former versions. I don't have an old box to compare ingredients, but I suspect there is less fat and salt, resulting in a rather tasteless cracker with less crunch. I get so mad because if the cookies aren't eaten quickly they end up getting stale because of the horrible packaging! They have dark brown spots and taste terrible. ARE! It looks like its not the tin...its the crackers that are bad. Many, many complaints have I seen concerning Nabisco products of late. 1st bite thought something was wrong, but i am a little paranoid. Thanks to your new ads showing those yummy looking smores, we can not always find graham crackers at our grocery stores !! Searching on line I've found a number of places where there are similar complaints, yet I'm unable to find any notice from Nabisco/Mondelez. Yes I too have had this same experience with our favorite saltine. Andy Griffith used to say everything sits better on a Ritz, good cracker, good cracker. The Crackers had a strong smell through the box, so we threw them away. Your name is going to be known. I won't buy any saltines until someone, somewhere listens, cares, and fixes whatever is wrong. I have the box still so here are the numbers that I found on the box: 21feb12ag14 10:36 0405000845830004050008450100. Very disappointing!! Never again will I buy these. apology, full refund and proof you have fired our propaganda department. Thank You for Your Reply! Pay attention employees and machine operators as well as Nabisco supervision..... you're losing customers. I have purchased two boxes of Nabisco Premium Saltine Crackers and they both have been contaminated with a toxic smell and taste. So for my 65th birthday, I dared to try another box as I wanted that familiar yumminess dipped in milk to comfort me during coronavirus quarantine. The overall rating of the company is 2.0 and consumers are mostly dissatisfied.. Why on earth would you change from the freshest saltine available to one of the worst; what could you possibly be thinking? Review #1249399 is a subjective opinion of poster. 61844 tartera@***.net. Dont like honey Grahams. We were thinking that the smell was just from the packaging and surely wouldn't have an effect on the quality of the product, however that was not the case. The saltines do not taste the same as they have for my whole life! Review #2141865 is a subjective opinion of poster. Definitely not the usual Premium Saltines flavor. This is a dangerous health concern. We value your privacy. There is enough of this *** in the world. But what good does it do to have all these complaints about them if you will never do anything to improve a once wonderful product. Goodbye after 50 years. And to think, I was just about to serve them up to my ailing 80 year old father! How could so many boxes of Nabisco crackers get out into the public month after month after month without a thing being done to warn the consumer or rectify the obvious foul odor in so many boxes! They have moved plants out of the U.S. I am fifty and I have to find a new cracker to love! The degree to which this product is shrinking is so egregious I will not be purchasing any further Nabisco products... they might disappear from my shelves before I get to them. Nabisco has just lost my business. I am going to try another brand and not buy these again! In this day and age people don't have money to waste on inedible food. Review #2111917 is a subjective opinion of poster. All my years growing up, if anyone served another cheaper brand in their home or purchased non-Nabisco grahams for milk break in school, we were always horrified by the lower quality.