Our minor in biological sciences enhances the educational experience for students whose major lies outside the life sciences. Going beyond your major’s degree requirements is one key to getting the most out of your education. endobj 4�(�������~�t�2�w�믯�v]>_���m������]q�s�*��+������î�|Q4�|��}{�~���=�˸`>��g� ����;�./��^^\�������q>�,�/B�����v��Lت�9ي�R����������//���}yq�4b�}�a�6��]Wo͜~_��ɜ 1-800-NC-LABOR Welcome to North Carolina. Our minor in genetics offers strong preparation in the principles of genetics. <> <> Our environmental toxicology minor is available to all baccalaureate degree students at North Carolina State University. Afterward, a music minor advisor will contact you to discuss your goals, a plan of study, and the expectations of the music department. Students are free to select at least seven more credit hours of biological sciences classes that match their interests. (1971, c. 585, s. 1; 2003-207, s. © 2020 NC State University. minor is available to students majoring in any field. 1 0 obj %PDF-1.5 Laboratory experiences are central to the zoology minor. Our global health minor provides undergraduate students with an understanding of current global health challenges and an appreciation of interdisciplinary approaches to addressing global health needs. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering at Fayetteville State University and North Carolina State University is a "3 + 2" Dual Degree Program. Students can earn two Bachelor of Science degrees in 5 years-one from each institution. 3 0 obj Our six academic minors — in biological sciences, forensic science, genetics, microbiology, toxicology, and zoology — can provide a great complement to a bachelor’s degree in another discipline. This minor is especially appropriate for (but not limited to) students majoring in the life sciences, social sciences, engineering, and international studies. Age of Majority. This minor is appropriate for (but not limited to) students majoring in animal science, biochemistry, biological sciences, crop science, microbiology, natural resources, nutrition science, plant biology, plant and soil sciences, poultry science or zoology. Laboratory experiences are central to the zoology minor. We think and do. The minor is intended to provide undergraduate students with an understanding of how chemicals and physical agents can adversely affect biological systems and the environment, including the mechanisms of chemically induced toxicity, the fate, and effects of chemicals in the environment, and the evaluation of chemical hazards and risks. endobj Stand out from the crowd and strengthen your competitive edge by supplementing your degree with one or more of our disciplinary and interdisciplinary minors. North Carolina is a thriving coastal state on the United States eastern seaboard. Mailing Address 1101 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1101. minor complements a non-biology bachelor’s degree for students who are interested in the role of diversity in the animal kingdom, morphology, physiology, evolution, behavior, ecology or other basic zoological concepts. Age of minors. This minor benefits students who want to deepen their understanding of basic cellular processes or learn more about the role of microorganisms in industry, agriculture or health.