On May 24, 2017, The New York Times caused outrage among the British police and government when it published leaked photos showing the scene of the Manchester Arena bombing. She briefs Mr. Pence weekly and the president at least once a week, and must contend with competing forces on the task force, which includes Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, and Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the C.D.C. They should have checked the officer’s time sheet against the pilot activity sheet. director. They knew what they saw. In their book, Pogrebin and Kelly “quietly” mention this, according to Mollie Hemingway, who obtained a copy before it releases on Tuesday. “We strongly protest the exclusion of the New York Times and the other news organizations,” Times editor Dean Baquet said in a statement last Friday after his publication was excluded from a White House briefing. Birx is an American hero, and the president has great respect for her.”. Said the officer in question, an African-American, “I am pissed off to this day by what they did to me.”. So why didn’t the Times include this information from the get-go? In April, she told officials in the White House Situation Room that the United States was in good shape. Links will not be permitted. Gov. I’d like to say that in spite of the fact our President has been and continues to be maligned by so many, even “his own party” the man is smart, and no matter what is said he comes right back with a better one, he’s fast, and believe me they fear him. They should have checked to see whether the composition of his training aids matched the residue found on the plane. In a statement, Alyssa Farah, the White House director of strategic communications, said, “Dr. I have never seen a President treated the way Trump is treated by the media: constantly denigrated, and in a very mean-spirited way — after some time this naturally has an effect: you get the feeling that Trump has little moral or even presidential authority due to how the media constantly trashes him — no president can really be a president in that kind of environment. The white flash suggested a high explosive such as a bomb or missile. Now, former NYT editor Jill Abramson — the paper’s first female executive editor — says the NYT has a financial incentive to bash Trump, which is eroding the paper’s credibility. If it were me we wouldn’t be seeing it because I would have caused them to stop or be shut down by now. Their First Amendment concerns did not and do not extend far beyond their own newsroom. DDOS attacks began 11-10-2018. I’ll bet there’s a peck of other “apples” in there too. This allegation was reportedly shopped to Senate Democrats during Kavanaugh's confirmation, but they didn't find it credible enough to act on it, as the Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino notes. She is also the point of contact for state and local officials, and oversees the drafting of detailed reports offering guidance to the states. It should have confirmed that the dog training exercise truly explained away the explosive residue found throughout the plane. Some say Mr. Trump is responsible, but, they add, the dangerous misinformation he has spread has often gone uncorrected by Dr. Birx. The United States Marine Corp Ron DeSantis of Florida. For the second time in as many months, The New York Times on Thursday blasted the Obama administration for its surveillance practices — this time saying that the White House has “now lost all credibility” after reports that it has been collecting the … She remained virtually silent while Mr. Trump suggested from the White House lectern that exposure to ultraviolet light or household disinfectants might cure Covid-19. A strengthened Tropical Storm Eta made landfall on Cuba early Sunday and had its sights set on the southern tip of Flori . It's evidence, as they say in the law, of mens rea. He is an avalanche no one can contain, he is respected though they don’t want to admit it, Nasty Nancy and stubborn Chucky know they are at a loss with him, time will tell, and the… Read more », There’s a reason they are called the New York Slimes…, The only news I get is from online media like Fellowship Of The Minds, Whatfinger News, etc. Pennsylvania Democrats say the Supreme Court should not intervene in the state's vote count, insisting that late-arrival mail-in ballots are highly unlikely to impact the presidential race in which former Vice President Joe Biden has pulled ahead of President Trump by more than 35,000 votes. There are several ways the reporters might have accomplished this. Only after Hemingway and others shamed them on Twitter all day Sunday did the Times' editors finally get around to adding an editor’s note explaining this key fact, which pretty much undermines the rest of the story. “Debbie is now in the position where she’s saying to the emperor that those new clothes look fantastic,” Mr. Gonsalves said. The economy is recovering just fine without another wasteful coronavirus stimulus bill, One clear election loser: The Green New Deal, Supreme Court orders all of Pennsylvania's late arrival mail-in ballots to be set aside, Georgia is the 2020 election’s biggest story so far, Trump's likely loss is imminent, but he can still walk away a winner. “She stood in front of our press and made it very clear that she and the administration supported the steps that we were going to take,” Mr. Beshear said. The story of the other accuser — an unidentified woman neither remembers the incident nor came forward with the accusation herself — was brought forward by another classmate, Max Stier. . John Bel Edwards of Louisiana, a Democrat, said Dr. Birx “knows what’s happening in Louisiana in real time in terms of our tests results, our positivity numbers” — down to the parish level. By Todd Beamon    |   Because it would have made the story too dull to print — a mere re-hash of what was known already. Whole cable channels devoted to Trump-bashing are insane. “We strongly protest the exclusion of the New York, While innocent liberals everywhere were rallying to the, One skeptic is investigative reporter James Sanders. They should have checked to see whether the placement of the training aids matched the location of the explosive traces. Dr. Birx has drawn criticism for what she has said — and what she has not said. “She’s one of the hardest workers, and she’s devoted to trying to get this pandemic under control,” Dr. Anthony S. Fauci said of Dr. Birx. Naturally, they jumped at the opportunity. And she and Dr. Fauci are not in the same situation. I stopped listening to and reading MSM just after 11/6/16 and haven’t looked back…, PROUD PATRIOT of UNITED STATES of AMERICA Counter terror police chiefs said the leak undermined their investigation and victims' and witnesses' confidence. And the Washington Post apparently had the story a year ago but refused to print it because it couldn't confirm anything. Thursday, 06 June 2013 06:05 PM. But the Times reporters chose to describe Stier as the head of a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C., and a “respected thought leader,” which, for all we know, he could be. In fact, the DoJ had been playing with the Times all along. Dr. Birx with President Trump and Gov. Check out Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative frontpage founded by ex-military! Birx, Fauci and Redfield, as well as Adm. Brett P. Giroir, who oversees coronavirus testing, complaining that they were “parroting the president.” Only Dr. Fauci replied. Ramirez, recall, accused the then-Yale freshman of sticking his penis in her face, forcing her to “swat it away and inadvertently touch it.” But no one present when this supposedly happened remembered it occurring. The New York Times would interview none of them. Vietnam 68-69, 3/9 3rd Mar Div Former editor says New York Times has lost its credibility because of anti-Trump bias. Bush’s funeral. Mr. Gonsalves, who has long known both of them, said he wrote in March to Drs. That's actually not an easy question to answer. But this would require them to withhold context, print baseless accusations, and abandon integrity. Tate Reeves of Mississippi, a Republican, said she prodded him for weeks to institute a statewide mask order; this week he relented. In time, 276 eyewitnesses, many of them highly credible, would tell the FBI they saw what appeared to be missile striking the airplane. Nutsier now---... FL Sheriff: We're Arrested Illegal Alien Predators... White Men Should Pay 5% Extra In Taxes Because The... Hollywood Shamefully Promotes Communism at Oscars. “She is absolutely data driven, so it is incredibly disappointing to see her coordinating a national response which has not at all been best in class, but has been a disaster on many levels.”. This was the plane destroyed off the coast of Long Island on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 people on board. “Times is struggling to prove it is the source of legitimate news,” Sanders texted me on Friday. . Now, former NYT editor Jill Abramson — the paper’s first female executive editor — says the NYT has a financial incentive to bash Trump, which is eroding the paper’s credibility. Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered all of the county election boards in Pennsylvania to segregate all late-arrival ballots from the rest of the mail-in ballots and to keep them separated when the voting is conducted in a Friday night ruling. Not so long ago, The New York Times was the most trusted newspaper in America, maybe even the world. A 2020 survey found that 21 percent of Americans believe The New York Times (NYT) to be a very credible source of news and information through … I personally enjoy the New York Times so much that I … . PINE TOWNSHIP — Had you spent any space of time in this northern suburb of Pittsburgh listening to voters, finding out what things mattered to them when it came to schools, community growth, economic prosperity, and the emotional impact of COVID-19 lockdowns, you would have at least been skeptical of the media narrative and the polls that claimed suburban voters here are no longer center-right. In other words, the dog training did not explain the explosive residue. “We were all like, ‘Oh my God, the devil just got elected,’ and she did not ditto the language,” said Peter Staley, a longtime AIDS activist, who was then on fellowship at Harvard and hosted that November 2016 visit. Democratic nominee Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States, according to multiple news agencies. Again, this seems like evidence of mens rea. The New York Times (sometimes abbreviated to NYT) is an American daily newspaper, founded and continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851 by The New York Times Company. More important, the Times failed to mention that the very allegation it detailed has been denied by the Yale woman whom Kavanaugh allegedly victimized. “I could see the gears in her head moving a million miles an hour wondering, ‘How can I survive?’”, With Old Allies Turning Against Her, Birx Presses On Against the Coronavirus.