does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. Newark covers 20 zip codes and is located in Northeast region of Middle Atlantic division. The people living in ZIP code 07108 are primarily black or African American. Out of people who lived in different counties, 50% lived in New Jersey. Mount Pleasant, Newark, New Jersey. Here, we provides the Zip codes of different areas of USA for not only fulfilling the need of people as well as come up with authentic information in simplest manner with their map location. The people living in ZIP code 07104 are primarily white. Key Zip or click on the map.. Advertisement. 12.9% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (55% very well, 24% well, 12% not well, 9% not at all). 69.3% of residents of 07106 zip code speak English at home. newark falls under essex county of New Jersey State.The total population of the city is 277,140 and covers total area of 130 square miles (county). Women who did not have a birth in the past 12 months: 8,335 (2,505 now married, 5,865 unmarried), Notable locations in zip code 07106: Vailsburg Branch Newark Public Library (A), Saint Marys Orphanage (B), Newark Fire Department Engine 26 (C). Newark is the actual or alternate city name associated with 20 ZIP Codes by the US Postal Service.. (English) COVID-19. The other is an envelope example from Universal Postal Union. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in zip code 07106 is 720 to 1. The people living in ZIP code … Display/hide its location on the map, Parks in zip code 07106 include: Vailsburg Park (1), Ivy Hill Park (2). Household did not receive Food Stamps/SNAP in the past 12 months: 9,132, Women who had a birth in the past 12 months: 583 (251 now married, 326 unmarried) 91% of the 07106 zip code residents lived in the same house 1 year ago. According to our research of New Jersey and other state lists, there were 46 registered sex offenders living in 07106 zip code as of November 08, 2020. Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009, Private Mortgage Insurance Companies Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009, Most common first names in zip code 07106 among deceased individuals, Most common last names in zip code 07106 among deceased individuals, Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Newark, NJ (07106), Bedrooms in renter-occupied apartments in Newark, NJ (07106), Cars and other vehicles available in Newark, NJ (07106) in owner-occupied houses/condos, Cars and other vehicles available in Newark, NJ (07106) in renter-occupied apartments, Year of entry for the foreign-born population, NEWARK CITY BD OF ED BOYLAN STREET SCHOOL (15 BOYLAN ST in NEWARK, NJ), NEWARK CITY BD OF ED ALEXANDER STREET SCHOOL (43 ALEXANDER ST in NEWARK, NJ), NEWARK CITY BD OF ED LINCOLN SCHOOL (87 RICHELIEU TER in NEWARK, NJ), NEWARK CITY BD OF ED SPEEDWAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (26 SPEEDWAY AVE in NEWARK, NJ), PABST BREWING CO (400 GROVE ST in NEWARK, NJ), FEDERAL BUSINESS CENTERS STORAGE WAREHOUSES (320 ELIZABETH AVENUE in NEWARK, NJ), NEWARK CITY BD OF ED MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL (142 MT VERNON PL in NEWARK, NJ), GETTY SERVICE STATION #00664 (953 18TH AVE in NEWARK, NJ), EXXON SERVICE STATION #32233 (1129 S ORANGE AVE in NEWARK, NJ), CHOIS CLEANER (190 EASTERN PKWY in NEWARK, NJ), 1 HOUR MARTINIZING CLEANERS (903 18TH AVE in NEWARK, NJ), NEWARK CITY FIRE DEPT HDQTRS (1010 18TH AVE in NEWARK, NJ), Occupation by median earnings in the past 12 months ($). ZIP+4 ZIP Code Database Covering every address in the U.S., get the +4 information you need. ZIP Code Database Get all US ZIP Codes and their information in one easy to use database. Household received Food Stamps/SNAP in the past 12 months: 2,106 Newark, NJ Stats and Demographics for the 07104 ZIP Code. Jump to a detailed profile, search site with google or try advanced search. Products. Newark, NJ Stats and Demographics for the 07108 ZIP Code. Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos in 2017: $267,581. 2010 Census Database 8.0% of residents speak other language at home (89% very well, 11% well, 1% not well). Nearest Zip Codes: 07104 - Newark, NJ 07029 - Harrison, NJ 07107 - Newark, NJ 07102 - Newark, NJ 07103 - Newark, NJ 07109 - Belleville, NJ 07105 - Newark, NJ 07032 - Kearny, NJ 07017 - East Orange, NJ 07019 - East Orange, NJ 07108 - Newark, NJ 07031 - North Arlington, NJ 07018 - East Orange, NJ 07003 - …