Many students from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law have served as judicial clerks for one of the five justices of the Indiana Supreme Court. x��][s�F�~w���-����R�RE��TT���Ʈڇ�>�$1�H�����?��@��`��64.�鞞��E�~���DAB�i.�u��տ�,_�z������(!�(>ݽ~%. “He has worked hard and shone in everything he has accomplished at Penn. Recommenders will email LORs to, May - Pick up clear plastic sleeves at Career Development, please be prepared with the exact number you need. %PDF-1.5 It is composed of a chief justice and six associate justices. ), NJ Appellate Division & Supreme Court Clerkship Applications, Rising 3Ls  (those who will graduate in 2017) who plan to apply for NJ Supreme Court and/or Appellate Division clerkships should be preparing application materials (cover letter, resume, unofficial law school transcripts, writing sample, and securing 2-3 letters of recommendation) to meet the deadlines in the chart below. Application Timeline - NJ State Trial Courts, May - Pick up clear plastic sleeves at Career Development, please be prepared with the exact number you need. Each justice is permitted to have between three and four law clerks per Court term. NJ Appellate Division & Supreme Court Clerkship Applications, Rising 3Ls  (those who will graduate in 20178) who plan to apply for NJ Supreme Court and/or Appellate Division clerkships should be preparing application materials (cover letter, resume, unofficial law school transcripts, writing sample, and securing 2-3 letters of recommendation) to meet the deadlines in the chart below. Therefore, dates below are approximate. However, the State Trial Clerkship process is rolling, so please be aware that many NJ trial court judges will NOT begin their hiring process until well into the third year of law school. letters of recommendation. Continue preparing all application materials (resume, cover letter, writing sample, print unofficial transcripts once all Spring 2016  grades are reported. �L�y�2 �$Q��s0�a���!�E�T��y(����٤\n�ɤ\OEB,�&wӋt���t �b]�S�N���=>���pW.p�z��G~����������ו�`��9�w�B'� As of this writing, the New Jersey Courts have not released the official application timeline. For detailed instructions on this application process, please read the New Jersey State Appellate/Supreme Court Clerkship Application Guide (Camden Campus) found here, Application Timeline - NJ Appellate Division & Supreme Court Clerkship Applications, April - All LORs are due to Center for Career Development. This information is for 2Ls who plan to apply for post graduate judicial clerkships in NJ for the 2017-2018 court term. Continue preparing all application materials (resume, cover letter, writing sample, print unofficial transcripts once all Spring 2017 grades are reported.). *Assembled applications means that prior to dropping off your applications you have placed each application in a clear pocket sleeve and then arranged your applications alphabetically. Information, New Jersey Tax Court <> “Penn Law has given me incredible opportunities,” Capozzi said. Continue preparing all application materials (resume, cover letter, writing sample, print unofficial transcripts once all Spring 2016 grades are reported. Justices and judges can contact you, including for interviews, starting on Monday, June 22, 2020. It is also widely accepted that a U.S. Supreme Court clerkship remains the most difficult and competitive to obtain. For detailed instructions on this application process, please review The New Jersey State Trial Court Clerkship Application Guide 2016 (Camden Campus) found here. Louis J. Capozzi III L’19 selected for Supreme Court clerkship July 11, 2019 Recent Penn Law graduate Louis J. Capozzi III L’19 has been selected as a clerk for Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch of the Supreme Court of the United States. Each justice has two clerks with the exception of the chief justice who has three. Gain valuable insight into the daily activities of judges, Recent Penn Law graduate Louis J. Capozzi III L’19 has been selected as a clerk for Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch of the Supreme Court of the United States. NJ Appellate Division & Supreme Court Clerkship Applications Rising 3Ls (those who will graduate in 2017) who plan to apply for NJ Supreme Court and/or Appellate Division clerkships should be preparing application materials (cover letter, resume, unofficial law school transcripts, writing sample, and securing 2-3 letters of recommendation) to meet the deadlines in the chart below. However, the State Trial Clerkship process is rolling, so please be aware that many NJ trial court judges will NOT begin their hiring process until well into the third year of law school. You will interact with attorneys, jurors, and witnesses while participating in the full litigation process from complaints and motions, to settlement conferences and hearings, to jury selection and summations. The New Jersey Judiciary hires about 480 law school graduates for one-year Dean Ted Ruger provided valuable institutional support. Law clerks have assisted the justices of the United States Supreme Court in various capacities since the first one was hired by Justice Horace Gray in 1882. Moving Forward, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Immigration Review, Board of Immigration Appeals (pool clerk), Executive Office of Immigration Review, Office of the Chief Immigration Judge (pool clerk), U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, New Jersey Superior Court, Family Division, New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division, Inventing Latinos: A New Story of American Racism featuring Laura Gomez, Gov/PI Virtual Visit: Meet the Suffolk DA, BU Student-Faculty Forum: Post-Election Reflections, Marijuana Law 2020: Lessons from the Past, Ideas for the Future, Be in the Know: Title IX/Sexual Misconduct, Graduate Programs Professional Development, Small & Mid-size Firm Apprenticeship Program, How Amazon’s Vast Logistics Network May Become a Liability Trap, Will The Supreme Court Settle The Presidential Election? NJ State Trial judges will begin accepting applications for the 2018-2019 term in June 2017. Law clerks have assisted the justices of the United States Supreme Court in various capacities since the first one was hired by Justice Horace Gray in 1882. Applicants will be contacted directly by judges or justices for Outside the classroom, Capozzi was an Executive Editor of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review and the President of Penn Law’s chapter of the Federalist Society. Continue preparing all application materials (resume, cover letter, writing sample, print unofficial transcripts once all Spring 2017 grades are reported. Clerkship, 2019-2020 General Please Enable Exact  times and location to be announced, June 19         Submitted applications to arrive in chambers. “We’re very proud and excited for Louis,” said Judge Stephanos Bibas, a senior fellow at the law school. ), June 8–June 12         Drop off and sort all assembled* applications at the Center for Career Development. United States Supreme Court These clerkship positions are obviously the most competitive. For example, a law clerk for a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit may graduate upon completion of that clerkship to a clerkship for a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.