Giving the compelling nature of the times we are in, the Legislature took the necessary steps to enable borrowing by the State. Supreme Court accepts the mediation agreement, settling all matters except the DOE's request for a second-year freeze on state funding of Abbott districts and issues the first half of Abbott v Burke X (Mediation Agreement Order). In January 2017, the NJ Supreme Court issued a ruling stating that towns had to consider any historic failure to provide affordable housing. He says the existing funding system provides equal education opportunities. It’s likely we’ll learn that revenues have far exceeded expectations when the administration provides an update on sales, income, and business tax collections. We’ve seen the damage caused by a cuts-only approach before. Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. The following statements of issues on appeal are prepared by the Office of the Clerk for the convenience of the reader. The court gives the state until 1997 to fully comply. D E F
We also maintain an archive of Opinion Summaries from September 2000 to the Present. Residents, businesses, and government units have all been impacted. S T U
All rights reserved. RSS feed for this court. SEARCHING NJ Superior Court, Appellate Division, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division. Abbott Implementation and Compliance Coordinating Council stops meeting amid strong rumors the McGreevey Administration will seek a second-year freeze on funding Abbott and will further seek to roll back the Court-ordered mandates. Appellate Division of Superior Court hears arguments on the failure of the state to establish clear, effective and comprehensive guidelines for local school and district implementation of Abbott programs and reforms. Data |
Judge LeFelt issues a 600-page initial decision, finding for plaintiff and recommending a complete overhaul of state's system of providing urban education. The state allocates $246 million to the Abbott districts to comply with the Abbott v. Burke IVruling. The Bond Act provides an important solution that, along with significant cuts in spending that must be identified, will help stabilize the State budget. DOE A to Z, Statewide: NJ Home |
As one commentator put it, This case resolved affordable housing regulation debates that have been ongoing since 1999. Other supplemental programs are also required such as health and social services, increased security, technology alternative education, school-to work, after-school and summer-school programs. Supreme Court issues order in Abbott v. Burke IX directing the one-year freeze on further implementation of Abbott remedies. ELC asks the NJ Supreme Court to order state officials and the Legislature to provide funding to restart school facilities projects.