Jetzt Kaufen. Ocean's Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Rank Cool, good-looking TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Virgil and Turk are assigned the task of getting loaded dice for the opening night of the casino, and are sent to infiltrate the factory where the dice are made to rig them at the manufacturer. In your hotel, there's always someone watching." Ocean is in it for more than just the money. He and Linus pack up the cash. Designed in California. Not so cool but seasoned over decades of scamming are Reuben (Mr. Gould), wearing an Olympic Games-size supply of medallions on gold chains, and Saul (Mr. And he has an ominously badass theme by David Holmes for that scene, "$165 million plus interest". For the New Rat Pack, It's a Ring-a-Ding Thing. with the loot. Linus's growth across the films from just a talented pickpocket to having, "I don't understand... what happened to all that money? Bobby Caldwell - (husband)Linus Caldwell (son) Relationships PARENTAL NOTES VIOLENCE A little, ... AGES 9-11 The film is quite talky for many in this group, but they will be hooked by the cast and coolness of it all. Parents need to know that Ocean's 8 is part of the Ocean's Eleven universe. Character information Section Chief Benedict is naturally furious, but by this point, Danny isn't buckling to his threats anymore. Ocean's Twelve. AGES 9-11 The film is quite talky for many in this group, but they will be hooked by the cast and coolness of it all. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Occupation Other names Related Content Close Panel. FBI agent Ocean's Twelve (only appearance) A villainous version in the second film, when Benedict tracks down everyone involved in the heist, several of whom don't even bother to try and lie their way out of it, knowing full well why he's showing up. Things go somewhat wrong, but Ocean is so cool it really doesn't matter. Cherry Jones And let's Portrayed by Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett star as the leaders of an all-woman heist crew who plan to steal a $150 million diamond necklace during the legendary Met Costume Gala in Manhattan. Vegan. The son of a legendary con artist, Linus is one of two newcomers to Danny’s crew, recruited by Danny in person after demonstrating his pickpocket skills – which will be one of the essential parts of the elaborate heist. First appearance Is there any doubt? Recycled. The Bellagio job still needs a big crew, 11 accomplices plus Ocean. You shook Sinatra's hand! Activewear, die Dich schlanker und schöner macht. However, unlike her husband, who will ridicule Linus for his mistakes, she says she is proud of her son for stepping up when in a tight situation. Mrs. Caldwell is the mother of Linus Caldwell and the wife of Bobby Caldwell. In the original George Clooney-starring trilogy, the few female characters were supporting players, but this one flips the script. Ocean’s 8 Parent Guide ecycling past templates into This franchise reboot feels like a girl power party that exudes more marketing strategy than it does heist intrigue. Much like her husband, her position within the FBI is a cover. - Organic. They get the workers better pay and benefits, a climate controlled facility to work in, and the rigged dice in time for the casino's opening night. And he has an ominously badass theme by David Holmes for that scene, Also from the second film, François "The Night Fox" Toulour is able to get past a high-tech intruder detecting laser field by, Let's get the context straight here: this is a system that is so advanced and so unpredictable and has Ocean's entire team utterly panicked on how to deal with it, and Toulour, Willy Banks is such a universally disliked. A section chief within the FBI, she bails out Linus and the rest of Danny's Eleven when they are arrested following the "failed" Fabergé Coronation Egg Contest. Virgil solves both problems neatly by leading a worker's strike and revolution against management! A gentleman-thief from New York City, who is the ringleader and idea man of the crew that robs three casinos in Ocean’s Eleven, a Fabergé egg in Ocean’s Twelve and award diamonds in Ocean’s Thirteen, in addition to conning a businessman into losing millions of dollars on the opening night of his new casino.. Danny is played by George Clooney. Movie Review for Parents and Families - Parental Guide ... or Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack slouched through something similar 41 years ago in the original "Ocean's Eleven." resh out of prison, a thief named Danny Ocean (Mr. Clooney) moves on to his next project: the Bellagio Casino and two other gambling establishments in Las … His former wife, Tess (Ms. Roberts), is now professionally and romantically involved with Terry Benedict (Mr. Garcia), who owns the casino. Reiner), an elderly con man who says he has a new duplex and lady friend and doesn't need this. AGES 11 AND UP Clooney, Pitt and Damon will lure many into harmless fluff. Danny wants her back along English approval: 11/85 Translation approval: xx/xx Translation of A Parent’s Guide Language 31125 xxx. Female his parents have managed to maintain the greatest cover any American based thief could ever hope for: jobs as high end FBI Agents - their reputation is not without merit. floor manager. Affiliation You should know better Willy! FBIOcean's Eleven To escape they have to walk through half the Las Vegas police force. We Are One. ", "You of all people should know, Terry. AGES 11 AND UP Clooney, Pitt and Damon will lure many into harmless fluff. (Cue, If you watch closely, the Bellagio Fountains display whenever they're on screen, have their actions perfectly synced to whatever part of. Mrs. Caldwell is the mother of Linus Caldwell and the wife of Bobby Caldwell. Linus Caldwell is person in the modern Ocean's gang. However, management is watching the process too closely, and the factory isn't air conditioned. Molly Starr Gender No Related Content. Overall C Following in the steps of her estranged brother Danny Ocean (played by George Clooney in Oceans 11, 12 and 13), Debbie (Sandra Bullock) puts together a group of women to help her pull off a major heist. helpers include Rusty (Mr. Pitt) and Linus (Mr. Damon). The Eleven Danny Ocean. Much like her husband, her position within the FBI is a cover. not forget Tess, who needs to choose between Terry and Ocean. After Danny and his crew respond to Benedict's attempted double-crossing of them by donating the money they promised him to a orphan's charity, in his name. previous next. A section chief within the FBI, she bails out Linus and the rest of Danny's Eleven when they are arrested following the "failed" Fabergé Coronation Egg Contest. The tremendously cool Rusty acts as a Other specialists, from computer nerd to Asian acrobat, help out with voice prints, motion-detection sensors, crisscrossing laser beams and other gizmos guarding the vault. A villainous version in the second film, when Benedict tracks down everyone involved in the heist, several of whom don't even bother to try and lie their way out of it, knowing full well why he's showing up. Mrs. Caldwell Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from