Votes: Yes: {{item.YesVotes | number:0}} No: {{item.NoVotes | number:0}} Election Day Yes : {{item.ElectionDayYesVotes}} Mail-in Yes : {{item.MailInYesVotes}} City Hall, Room 142 1400 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: 215-686-3469 2020 Pennsylvania primary election results. November 3, 2020 (WHYY) Scroll down to find results for the following Pennsylvania races: President and Vice President, key statewide offices and selected U.S. Congressional districts. Share Shares Copy Link Copy {copyShortcut} to copy Link copied! View election results and interactive map for the 2020 Pennsylvania primary as the United States begins the process to elect the next president. Pennsylvania results for the 2020 presidential election and House races. 2020: Trump: 70,760 (61.01%) Biden: 43,949 (37.89%) 2016: Trump: 61,386 (60.51%) Clinton: 36,322 (35.80%) Track the important calendar dates, the candidates, and race results for the 2020 Presidential Election primaries for all states and U.S. territories. Use the links below to get 2020 election results as they come in. Get live polls and voting maps by county and district. Updated: 12:13 AM EDT Jun 4, 2020 Below are links to results for contested primary … WGAL continues to keep track of national, statewide and local results for the 2020 general election. Advertisement