Save List Open list in full view A saved list won't be lost in switching computers or clearing cookies! Physical characteristics, such as fur color or eye color, can inspire you to think of a name for your feline friend. A masterpiece of Persian literature, the Shahnameh or “Epic of Kings” alone is the origin for about 15% of the names. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? Younger is Surname or Lastname and has origin as English (mainly Borders). Top Iranian Persian Baby Names for Girls with Meaning Definition, Origin, Namesakes and Chart Information. Zone means: Dutch : from zoon ‘son’, a distinguishing epithet for a example: "lord of the rings" will match names from the novel 'The Lord of the Rings' this field understands simple boolean logic. with the Anglo-Norman French definite article, for example Robert le name Zacharias. The list of Persian female names listed above range from traditional, cool, to trendy ones. The meaning of this Old Persian female name is not certain; it may be related to Old Persian upara "higher, superior". By using The Spruce Pets, you accept our, Adorable Persian Cat Names Inspired by Color. Ava (“voice”), Faraz (“above”), and Jasper (“treasurer”) are some of our favorites, but read on for more Persian baby name ideas. Yunge.Americanization of a cognate, equivalent, or like-sounding surname in some other language, notably German Jung and Junk, Dutch De Jong, De Jongh and Jong, and French Lejeune and LaJeunesse.assimilated form of French The Persian cat is one of the oldest natural cat breeds still alive today. It represents positivity and happiness, Caspara - She who is the keeper of the treasure, Roshana - A woman who I bright like a light of dawn, Firoja - A gemstone, shining or the turquoise colour, Niyoosha - A careful and patient listener, Shayana - A woman who deserves all the beautiful things, Shahida - A woman who is perceived as genuinely gorgeous, Darsameen - Costly, expensive or valuable, Malakeh - A beautiful queen who is also a messenger, Shadleen - A happy and soft-hearted woman, Oldooz - The natural satellite of the earth or the moon, Pegah - A woman who resembles the early morning light, Rayhaneh - A girl that smells sweetly like a fresh flower from the garden, Ruksana - A lovely and gorgeous Persian princess, Ruslana - A lioness or a woman who is as powerful as the lioness, Seriyah - A beautiful princess or the daughter of a king, Somaieh - A girl who is high above all the others, Gordie - Having the good abilities of great leadership, Mah Tab - One who is as beautiful as the moon, Naadiya - The one who announces or the one who calls, Sherene - A lady who is pleasant to be around. 101) Marmar. Zone is Surname or Lastname and has origin as Dutch. Erica Puisis. LEILA (لیلا): Persian name meaning "dark-haired." Zachary is Surname or Lastname and has origin as English and Jewish. Zane is Surname or Lastname and has origin as English. Persian Names List (A-Z) Sign in to my list | Sign out. of two bearers of the same personal name, usually distinguishing a Free Social Classifieds Marketplace, Persian meaning, ... A legendary female character in Shahnameh a Persian name for girls. Therefore, if you want to give your little bundle of joy a moniker with great meaning, identify the theme you like most and make the right choice. Check it out! Young means: English, Scottish, and northern Irish : distinguishing name This attractive Persian name means “wind”. Youngman is Surname or Lastname and has origin as English. You might want to pick some distinguished (yet cute) female names that are fitting for this breed. Aafreen - Praise or give thanks. ‘young nobleman’ (see Jonker).Americanized spelling of نام های دختر ایرانی. Check it out! Zachery means: English : variant of Zachary. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. meaning Coral a Persian name for girls. (southwestern) : variant of Son. Alborz The highest one. Search #1 Social and Local Marketplace. Several of these stunning Persian girl names are already familiar to English-speaking parents: think beautiful Biblical Esther, or enchanting, exotic Roxana. Usually, when people name their pet after foods, the color of their pet matches up to the color of the edible item. Therefore, if you want to give your little bundle of joy a moniker with great meaning, identify the theme you like most and make the right choice. Some names, though derived from the Arabic language, have Persian origin. The Spruce Pets uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. various cognate or like-sounding names in other languages, notably Many cute names can work as unisex selections, but if you are looking for a decidedly masculine name, check out this list. When such happens, parents are tasked with finding a name for their little bundle of joy. But, if you are going for a cute name, think of your kitty’s color, size, and personality to serve as your guide. For example, Ebony, Shadow, or Onyx are some great names for a black cat. Stream the original series. MAHNAZ (مهناز): Persian name meaning "glory of the moon." Young is Surname or Lastname and has origin as English, Scottish, and northern Irish. Compare with other forms of Leila. Youmans means: English : variant of Yeomans. Jasmine. Girl: Persian: Azadeh: Persian - Dry Earth; Detached; Free of Material Things; Noble: Girl: Persian: Azita: Noble; High-born; Humble; Free; Name of an Iranian Princess: Girl: Persian: Azizah: Arabic - Dear; Beloved; Esteemed; Precious; Cherished: Girl: Persian: Bahar: Spring, Prime, Bloom, Beauty, Glory, Delight; Youth: Girl: Persian: Baigum: A title for high officials: Girl: Persian: Bakhita: The fortunate one: … German Junger and Junker, or Dutch Jonker. Queen Victoria of England had many cats, but one of her favorites was White Heather described as a fluffy, white Persian. Youngs means: English : patronymic from Young. Names with Persian Baby Names origin. All Rights Reserved. Here is a comprehensive list of Persian feminine names with their meaning: READ ALSO: Korean female names with meanings, READ ALSO: Most popular Chinese male names and meanings, READ ALSO: Popular Spanish male names with meanings, READ ALSO: Chinese Female Names and Meanings: What Do They Mean. meaning Coral a Persian name for girls. Youngs is Surname or Lastname and has origin as English. son who shared the same personal name as his father.English Persian cats are generally more calm, lounge-loving cats. #1 Social and Local Marketplace. 50+ beautiful Cuban names for kids. Originating in Persia (modern-day Iran), these cats date back to ancient Egyptian times. Many countries have names that are inherited from one generation to the next. You can add names without registering. Youmans is Surname or Lastname and has origin as English. The Persian Empire was one of the most culturally advanced the world had ever seen, stretching from the Mediterranean to the Indus River. 99) Marjan. and was probably an Americanized form of Middle Dutch jongheer Younger means: English (mainly Borders) : from Middle English yonger The list of Persian female names listed above range from traditional, cool, to trendy ones. ‘younger’, hence a distinguishing name for, for example, the younger Zane means: English : unexplained.Italian (Venice and Mantua) and Greek (Zanes) : from a variant of the Venetian personal name Z(u)an(n)i ‘John’ (see Zani).Americanized spelling of German and Jewish Zahn.Robert Zane was a cloth maker of English origin, a founding member of the Quaker colony that was set up at Salem, NJ, in 1676. These cats have extensive variety in their coat colors and patterns with white, black, tabby, calico, tortoiseshell, blue, lilac, and more. Food names tend to add a cuteness aspect. Persians are a distinctive looking cat. Disney Family Sundays. Boys. Jazmin - A tall plant with beautiful flowers and a sweet fragrance, Avaley - One who is pretty as a bird with sound, Jahan - The Persian word for the universe, Leila - A time of the day after the sundown and nighttime, Leilyn - A dark beauty who is born during the night, Lelah - A beauty that comes alive during the night, Avalie - The one who has great desire and strength, Berin - Quick, fair, blond, or an active human being, Abru - The dignity of a person or an honour, Dil Shad - A worthy woman with a heart full of happiness, Emagine - Image of her mother, blameless or innocent, Fraiba - A woman who plays tricks on other people, Farvardin - The one who protects the pure and the good, Suraa - A woman who filled with great power and strength, Tahirih - A morally excellent or good woman, Tigran - On who fights or shoots with arrows, Bahar - delight, prime, spring, glory, or beauty. Stream Now. Thenamesdictionary. A successful pregnancy and delivery is the greatest joy a parent can have. Persian female names are a good place to start. Erica Puisis is an animal enthusiast with first-hand experience in equine and canine health and behavior. Also, choose something you feel comfortable sharing with your friends, family, and cat's veterinary office. of two bearers of the same personal name. Netizens give their children unique and trendy monikers that are admirable. RTP Awards 2020: Stacy Amoateng tops all McBrown, Sefa Kayi, Bola Ray, Fadda Dic... RTP Awards 2020: Stacy Amoateng tops all McBrown, Sefa Kayi, Bola Ray, Fadda Dickson win (See full list), Joey B gets 'burnt' by Sarkodie on Twitter after asking Sark whether he uses 'shisha', Don't vote for me - Stonebwoy tells fans after nomination for big award in photo, Shatta Wale bows before Kennedy Agyapong as they meet in Kumasi; photos and video drop, “I am saving my Talented Kids money to become “slaybrity” in future” - Nakeeyat says in new video, Bulldog defends his claim that Shatta Wale is bigger than Akufo-Addo; causes more stir, Massive tears flow as Kofi B's mortal remains are finally carried away for burial; sad video drops, Ghana Facts Life Hacks DIYS and Practical Tips, 123 movies: watch and download films online, Anahita - The goddess of wisdom and fertility, Shahrzad - The one who brings freedom to the city, Friya – A woman who is a darling, loving and most affectionate, Ham Raz - A close friend or the one who knows all your activities, Nirush - The one who initiates bliss and joy, Zarafshan - One who spreads joy and happiness or spreader of gold.