Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Thompsons walisischer Vater starb, als David Thompson zwei Jahre alt war. He portrays Jonathan Crane on Gotham, taking over the role from Charlie Tahan. David William Thompson (born July 21, 1994) is an American actor known for Win Win (2011), Blue Ruin (2013) and Green Room (2015). David W. Thompson David W. Thompson (b. July 21, 1994) portrayed Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow on the series Gotham. David William Thompson (born July 21, 1994) is an American actor known for Win Win (2011), Blue Ruin (2013) and Green Room (2015). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. DC Database is a FANDOM Movies Community. Real Name Characteristics Date of Birth Im September 1784 kam er in Churchill an der Hudson Bay an. David W. Thompson (born July 21, 1994) is an American actor. (S 2:Ep 6), Episode: "Kimmy Makes Waffles!" David W. Thompson. An infamous villain is set to stalk Gotham anew, albeit with a drastically altered appearance. July 21, 1994 External Links David W. Thompson at IMDb, David W. Thompson at Wikipedia.org David O’Neil Thompson (* 13.Juli 1954 in Shelby, North Carolina) ist ein ehemaliger US-amerikanischer Basketballspieler.Zwischen 1975 und 1984 war er für die Denver Nuggets sowohl in der NBA als auch in der ABA aktiv, und anschließend für die Seattle SuperSonics in der NBA. Im Alter von sieben Jahren meldete seine Mutter ihn in der karitativen Grey Coat School in der Nähe der Westminster Abbey an. Im Alter von 14 Jahren verpflichtete sich Thompson als Bürogehilfe bei der Hudsons Bay Company. David took over the role of Scarecrow after the first half of Gotham's fourth season, replacing. Aufgrund seiner Sprungkraft wurde er auch „Skywalker“ genannt. http://www.westchestermagazine.com/Davids-W-Thompson-Actor-Gotham-New-Scarecrow/, https://gotham.fandom.com/wiki/David_W._Thompson?oldid=76905. By Craig Elvy Jan 26, 2018 Gotham has officially recast the role of Scarecrow, confirming rumors that originally surfaced a number of weeks ago. David W. Thompson (b. July 21, 1994) portrayed Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow on the series Gotham. Seine ersten beiden Jahre verbrachte er am Ufer der Hudson Bay in den … David William Thompson is an American actor known for Win Win, Blue Ruin and Green Room. He plays Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow in the Fox television series Gotham. As revealed by Thompson in an interview, he revealed that he was given very vague and ambiguous instructions to do something like what Charlie Tahan did, "but also kind of make [Scarecrow] [his] own... but really stick to what [Tahan] did" and to "feel free to play around with [Scarecrow]", for his portrayal. Die Serie wird von Warner Bros. Television in Zusammenarbeit mit DC Entertainment und Primrose Hill Productions für den US-Sender Fox produziert. "A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting", https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/David_W._Thompson?oldid=2640394, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. He plays Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow in the Fox television series Gotham. Gotham ist eine US-amerikanische Krimiserie von Bruno Heller, die auf dem Batman-Comicuniversum von DC Comics basiert. David W. Thompson David W. Thompson (born July 21, 1994) is an American actor. Rumors that Gotham would be re-casting the role of Scarecrow have now been confirmed, with actor David W. Thompson taking over the role. (S 1:Ep 13), This page was last edited on 17 October 2020, at 03:06. Source July 21, 1994 He portrays Jonathan Crane on Gotham, taking over the role from Charlie Tahan. "Gotham Recast: David W. Thompson Taking Over as [Spoiler]", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=David_W._Thompson&oldid=983928580, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Episode: "I'm Sorry, Who's Yosi?" Portays He plays Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow[2] in the Fox television series Gotham. Westchester, New York David W. Thompson Jonathan Crane Birthplace Born: David William Thompson July 21, 1994 (age 26) Nationality: American: Occupation: Actor: Years active: 2011–present: Height: 6 ft 0 in (183 cm) Filmography Film. Birth date