He tells Dae-doo that he’s under arrest for murder. Dae-doo lazily gets to his feet and laughs some more as Pil-sung cuffs him. Required fields are marked *. He says that if he had, he would have done it differently. All he finds is a very startled woman stepping out of the shower, thank goodness. I’m not sure if I’ll be over it any time soon. But I also love this early stage of a proto-relationship, when you get those wonderful flutters every time you see the other person, but you’re still limited to general flirting and waiting to see if, and how, the other person picks up on your cues. Pil-sung finds traces of blood inside Yang-woo’s apartment, then he sees his missed call and tries to call the woman back. It's the first time Seo Jung and Pil Sung seen his new face/body, but they aren't even trying to fight him anymore. Every killing after this seemed insignificant, because you literally killed off 4 main characters in under 5 minutes in ep 14. The camera pans to the face of Shaman Geum-joo… and her eyes open. She’s standing on a barrel, her arms tied behind her back and a noose around her neck. It just so happens that I agree with @cloggie 's. Pemain dan Karakter Drama Korea Possessed, Dear Mayang Street (2020) : Sinopsis dan Review, Black Lighthouse (2020) : Sinopsis dan Review, Line Walker: Bull Fight (2020) : Sinopsis dan Review, Lee Won Jong sebagai Detective Squad Chief Yoo. Sign up, Why ? They catch a bus, and Seo-jung falls asleep on Pil-sung’s shoulder. Pil-sung starts to help her down, but a voice croons from the shadows, “Oh, you came alone? He tells Detective Jung to track the location where Pil-sung’s phone was last used, and to keep this between them for now. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; He manages this all on his own! version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 Silahkan di copy sebagai bahan referensi, Mohon cantumkan sumber. title Bing-ui) is directed by Choi Do-Hoon who worked as a director on three TV series prior to this one. Directed by Choi Do-hoon (최도훈). THis actor is already giving me the chills! @kethysk are you me? He gets handsy with her as Pil-sung watches from the parking lot. }; Lee Chae-young shares what she looks for in a role, non-acting interests, and more, Baek Bo-ram shares her fitness and happiness rituals, Comedian Jang Do-yeon talks de-stressing and some of her current joys in life, Ham Eun-jung talks about what roles she'd like to tackle and her fans, Oh Chang-seok talks about role prep and wisdom for budding actors, Im Jung-eun talks about her rookie days, inspiration, and marriage, Jo Yeo-jung talks work ethics, inspiration, and Parasite, Park Sun-ho talks drama recommendations, singing, and more in this latest Ask an Actor video, You Who Forgot Poetry's Lee Yubi talks about her desert island essentials, poetry, and acting, Drama viewership ratings for the week of Nov. 2-8, 2020, Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: Episodes 9-10 Open Thread, A new teaser for Shin Se-kyung and Im Shi-wan's romance drama Run On, Go Joon and Jo Yeo-jung play a happily married couple in new promos for Cheat on Me, if You Can. It’s from South Korea which is always a good thing in my book. I wish more people where buzzing about this show! Before they can even think about fighting Dae-doo, Pil-sung is going to have to accept his powers and be willing to learn about them and strengthen them, and he’s also going to have to let Seo-jung help him despite the danger. But I don't think we can accuse the show of the usual kind of terrible writing. People don’t even have to try scaring him. I could watch Pil tango-ing and bicycling all day.. The concept of him using different hosts is a great twist and makes the pursuit more challenging. ckck. Possessed by Love. He tells Chief Yoo to blame Pil-sung for the three deaths that occurred tonight. I love how quirky Pil-Sung and Soo-Jung are. }; A verification email has been sent to your new email address. is the only way to explain my thoughts on this episode (actually, the first 10 minutes of this episode). He flashes his police badge when he sees Dae-doo leaving the hotel alone, and security takes him upstairs to the room that Dae-doo and the woman used. I seriously thought the kidnapped woman was not going to make it. Please note: While the first nine episodes of Possessed are out on Netflix in the US, other countries might experience a different release of the 16 episodes in season 1. To participate to HanCinema, you must sign up or log in. While they’re eating, Seo-jung sees a little girl peeking around the corner at them, and after dinner Pil-sung builds a swing. Pil-sung tells her to stop blaming herself, because even if he killed her and they stopped Dae-doo, they can’t undo what’s already happening in the world. Lots of typos and a lot of lost meaning (three years of learning Korean and I still need subs even though I understand a lot of the words). This is the saddest drama. For one thing, the subs get the name of Haneul Hospital wrong every time it’s mentioned, and it’s different every time, which is just getting hilarious. Lee Chae-young shares what she looks for in a role, non-acting interests, and more, Baek Bo-ram shares her fitness and happiness rituals, Comedian Jang Do-yeon talks de-stressing and some of her current joys in life, Ham Eun-jung talks about what roles she'd like to tackle and her fans, Oh Chang-seok talks about role prep and wisdom for budding actors, Im Jung-eun talks about her rookie days, inspiration, and marriage, Jo Yeo-jung talks work ethics, inspiration, and Parasite, Park Sun-ho talks drama recommendations, singing, and more in this latest Ask an Actor video, You Who Forgot Poetry's Lee Yubi talks about her desert island essentials, poetry, and acting, Drama viewership ratings for the week of Nov. 2-8, 2020, Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: Episodes 9-10 Open Thread, A new teaser for Shin Se-kyung and Im Shi-wan's romance drama Run On, Go Joon and Jo Yeo-jung play a happily married couple in new promos for Cheat on Me, if You Can. And I melted when he finally told Seo-jung that he loves her, because it’s not like she didn’t know — heck, the whole universe knows, this guy can’t hide anything he’s feeling — but it was just the sweetest moment for him to actually say the words. Dae Doo was going to keep on killing and he was moving at a faster pace. Ho-cheol’s spirit waits to be allowed into Chun-seob’s body, but Dae-doo sneers that Ho-cheol is completely useless to him. I know I am loving the fact that we finally get the chance to watch these foreign shows that I never would have otherwise. Synopsis Not so much when they're already dead. I am even able to put up with some seriously sub-par subs. This is a place for discussions and news about your favorite Korean drama series (current and past), the actors and actresses, drama reviews, official soundtracks, award shows, and more. I got distracted these past few weeks and then dragged my feet to continue watching this show. I was in disbelief about Chief Yoo's and Joon Hyung's deaths. With the four people he considered family also dead, he is burned out, hopeless and just don't have the energy to grieve so he just getaway althought that seems to be very coldhearted thing to do. It's all in the SAAAME week!! Characters are killed off for the shock value leaving nothing of redeeming value. Seo-jung and Pil-sung have suffered immeasurably and they're grasping a moment's respite before their final battle. It’s so frustrating but also so much fun, and these two are just adorable with their crushes that everyone else can see but them. He cries that another heart is beating inside Yeon-hee, and Chief Yoo says that in Joon-hyung’s next life, he’ll die for him a hundred times, a thousand times. Opinion. He loudly calls Dae-doo the killer and tips the table over, and Dae-doo, covered in food, laughs psychotically. The best idea Pil-sung ever had was to take Seo-jung away and give her her dream of having a house overlooking the ocean with the man she loves, even if it’s temporary. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. Since there was absolutely nothing else they could do in Seoul, and - most importantly - they were doomed, why not make the most of their final moments? ALL of his coworkers, including a pregnant one! Saat dia sedang mengusut kasus pembunuhan, tanpa dia sadari bahwa mata batin dirinya mulai terlihat dan dia bisa melihat arwah dari orang yang di bunuh. At the station, Dae-doo sits alone in the interrogation room. ), Latest posts by Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard, Quicksand: Season 1 (4/5) – Netflix Series Review, Bitter Daisies: Mini-Series – Netflix Series Review. He gives Pil-sung one last chance to run, saying that it’s no use being called a hero when he’s dead. She looks terrified, having been warned by Pil-sung that he’s dangerous. Seo-jung arrives home that evening to find Pil-sung waiting in front of her apartment. I can sort of understand Pil-Sung & Seo-Jung's getaway though. Pil-sung lunges at Dae-doo, but Dae-doo yanks on a rope that he’s tied to the barrel keeping the woman from hanging. He says that to him, this island is the only place that exists, and she’s the only person in the world. Dae-doo tells Seung-hee to say goodbye to Yeon-hee, and he nods with sarcastic benevolence when Yeon-hee asks for his promise to let Seung-hee go. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Whatever you did, even if you killed someone, I’ll be on your side.”. I think Geum Joo is Seo Jung's mother. His instincts as a detective are excellent and he is foul-mouthed. You can tell me all about it at our secret hideout, okay?”. I’m just… I’m utterly heartbroken. A reluctant clairvoyant joins forces with a brusque police detective hiding a soft heart to help him solve criminal cases using her psychic abilities. A fellow detective comes to tell Detective Choi that a call was made from Chief Yoo’s phone five hours after Chief Yoo’s death. Instead he sits hunched on the sidewalk, sobbing. We no longer believe that HDD will stop the killing even if Pil-sung kills his gf, because HDD weaseled out of the deal with Chief Yoo too. They go to get hitched immediately, and wow, they both look amazing. Connect with Facebook var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; The only thing I can think is that they are literally in some kind of mental fugue state or something.