Keep in filtered light, 60-90 degrees fahrenheit. I like the seed company's attitude toward planting flowers and I felt that they wanted me to succeed in my using flowers as art work. It grows in dry regions. Pua Kala; Hawaiian Prickly Poppy; Argemone glauca Pua kala grows on the leeward side of all the main islands in dry, subalpine and coastal forests, and lava deserts. The ubiquitous sharp prickles actually make this an ideal plant for protecting an area in your landscape from foot traffic. Sep 8, 2005 - Opium poppy plants seized on Big Island ... is unclear what they planned to do with the crop, which was growing along with 670 marijuana plants on a one- to two-acre property on Kona Drive in Hawaiian Ocean View Estates. Few people have ever seen them in the wild, yet they are not rare enough to have endangered species status. I’m in So Cal, zone 9b. The pua kala plant seed pods contain numerous small black seeds that can be used to grow new seedlings. Collecting seeds regularly is advised since pua kala plants can become weedy if left untended. Data Source and References for Cyanea solenocalyx (pua kala) from the USDA PLANTS database Papaver somniferum may grow there but if you plan to plant them to produce opium, you will always be suspect if you try to grow them again. We are all just keeping at it after all these years. Fast shipping, great value for planting for honey bees. The genus name Argemone is a derivative of the Greek word argema which means cataract. Thanks; Now I don't feel so dumb. i need to spread out amongst 500 mini envelopes. BUT LOVE SUN.. It can be slow to germinate. As we discussed on your FR thread, the bird sculpture might be a better fit than the medallion pics. “Work Day at Amy Greenwell Garden” from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meet at the Garden Visitor Center across from the Manago Hotel in Captain Cook. Her nursery is full of these and other drought tolerant agaves, yuccas and dracaenas as well as the ubiquitous pua kala that has popped up all over her property. Anyone with a dry, sunny spot on their property might want to consider planting the native Hawaiian poppy known as pua kala. I've met lots of interesting people through this site. Copyright © 2020 West Hawaii Today. It is 100% legal to have seeds. According to Dianne she inherited her interest in plants from her father. You can call around or visit garden centers to see if you can find plants locally. Though light additions of plant nutrients won’t hurt, over-fertilizing can cause unnatural, large growth and the tendency to topple. One of pua kala’s assets is its minimal maintenance requirements. ... and produced some very healthy plants and lots of great flowers. In the more than 25 years she’s been there, Dianne has expanded beyond her original 1 1/2 acres onto a neighboring property, which she now leases adding another half-acre to her nursery. are some of my flower beds. (Diana Duff/Special to West Hawaii Today), The lovely pua kala blossom makes it an attractive addition to a garden. No sweat. For information or to register go to I hope they grow next season. It does not contain morphine or codine like the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) rather it contains alkaloids that can irritate the stomach and intestines. will that work? It thrives in rocky areas with good filtration. For questions regarding shipping contact: They usually measure about 3 inches across with six bright white crinkly petals and a yellow-orange center. You might want to include in or on each mini oacket, instructions for planting. She likes both the intellectual as well as the physical parts of her job. poppy's perfect easy to plant grows everywhere, Great price so far all I have planted are doing good.…. Volunteers will be able to help with garden maintenance and are invited to bring a brown bag lunch. (Diana Duff/Special to West Hawaii Today). Dianne says that an important part of her job is keeping up with trends in the industry. I didn't get many plants, but the ones that came up are very nice; and I have a whole bunch more seeds for next spring.…, Planted in various places as an experiment in New Hampshire (zone 5).…. I recommend it 100%. Since these are opium poppy seeds, what is the legality of planting and growing the opium poppy in the United States? Jan 31, 2003 - You can grow bush or pole beans (poles are more productive and easier ... We also have a great native Hawaiian poppy: pua kala, Argemone ... This name refers to the use of the sap of the poppy which was reputed to be a cure for cataracts as well as other medical problems. She also had to teach herself the skills needed to run a successful business including tracking her inventory, doing her own bookkeeping and marketing her nursery and her plants to local buyers as well as corporate accounts. So that's something to keep in mind. If they catch you grinding up seed pods to make opium tea, I'd call a lawyer. Pua kala is one of the few toxic native Hawaiian plants. Though she often propagates from cuttings or grows out new plants from seeds, she also has seedling flats shipped regularly from the mainland to expand her inventory. THEY ARE NATIVE PLANTS SO HARDY IN OWN ENVIRONMENT. See more ideas about Hawaiian plants, Hawaii flowers, Mosaic flowers. 2311 Waukesha Rd Our climate is ideal for growing a variety of seeds due to a cool winter, and a usually predictable hot, dry summer, although climate change is upon us. Often folks think they should bury seeds. Learn more. (Dianne Zink/Courtesy Photo). How to grow: Plant in well drained soil, 1/4″ deep. She was a young plant science graduate from Utah State with some nursery and golf course maintenance experience on the mainland. By continuing to browse this site or use this app, I agree the Houzz group may use cookies and similar technologies to improve its products and services, serve me relevant content and to personalise my experience. It is unclear why they developed though since they did not initially need protection from predators. Here's the best part: according to what I've researched, if you read up on opium and then grow it, you are definitely breaking the law. I want to have just beautiful flowers of all kinds in my garden! Disaster struck! I wish you luck. The Hawaiian name pua kala literally means thorny flower, thus the apt common name in English of “prickly poppy.” This Argemone shares a Hawaiian name with the native lobelia (Cyanea solenocalyx) that also has prickly leaves. They are also covered with small spines as are the seed pods. Keep in filtered light, 60-90 degrees fahrenheit. Diana Duff is a plant adviser, educator and consultant living in a dryland forest north of Kailua-Kona. There's a problem loading this menu right now. The only thing to my knowledge that is legal to buy and to posses are the poppy seeds because they are widely used to cook with. When they bloom, even though the plants get ugly, leave them so the seeds dry and drop before clearing them away. She has found the demand for cut flowers in Kona has dramatically increased recently and she’s getting ready to enter that market to meet the demand. Growing them close together can make a nice hedge, however. I am about to plant these. The beautiful contrast of its brilliant white flowers with the attractive spiny bluish-gray foliage is certainly a plus. The blue green color of the leaves, stems and seed capsules lend the plant an overall glaucous blue-green cast. Thus your knowledge and/or research into the subject plays an important part in how or what you get charged with. There are lots and lots! Saturday: “Work Day at Amy Greenwell Garden” from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meet at the Garden Visitor Center across from the Manago Hotel in Captain Cook. The prickles on the leaves can also be advantageous in directing people away from areas where they are growing. Set of 200 Assorted Flower Seed Packets! Bedroom? Thursday: “Proper Pesticide Use &Safety” from 6-8 p.m. at the Waimea Civic Center Conference Room in Waimea at 67-5189 Kamamalu Road., next to the police station. When she decided to start her own nursery in 1991, she found a perfect spot on Old Government Highway above Matsayama’s store and began selling plants. Call Peter at 323-3318 for more information. They will send you a fake tracking number for USPS and after months of it not being sent out and after multiple attempts of trying to get into contact, will straight up lie and make up a delivery date. If they are clearly being used for "floral arrangements" you may get away with it. THEY GROW BEST IN FULL SUN. Here is a picture of my home.