We've recently moved from Disqus to Spot.IM. It could fill the niche that is sorely missing in the battle royale genre for Switch, while also finally completing its list of being on all of the mainstream platforms. While no next-gen version of PUBG has been announced, it is likely going to happen. There’s even Stadia, which, while it is interesting, isn’t big enough at all to justify a presence there rather than being on Switch first. Fornite is also rapidly becoming the biggest battle royal game out there. While I like games like Warzone more, PUBG feels like the more required and likely game to show up. Byung-gyu stated that Bluehole had spoken with every major console manufacturer about PUBG and that Xbox One and PS4 were the current targets for ports. No PUGB haven’t been released on the system yet (not sure if it will be released or not). But the main game competing with PUBG at the moment Fortnite have been released. The first main reason that there needs to be a PUBG Switch 2020 version is that there are other battle royale games already available on Switch. And then once those are out, there isn’t much reason to look at an older console when there are new updates and games to look forward to for the PUBG Corp. It is unfortunate when this happens, but it is understandable as it likely takes less work to make it happen. ©2018 D3 PUBLISHER While the PS4 has gotten good news concerning a port of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, we haven’t got any word if and when PUBG is coming to Nintendo Switch. It originally came out on PC through Steam before taking its time to make its way to PS4 and Xbox One and Android and iOS. It runs on ARM architecture and is geared to play on smartphones, which have much less horsepower than PC, Xbox One, PS4, or even the Switch. All of them are experienced in life and have their own stories to tell. Sexual Content, Are Legends of Runeterra K/DA Cards Good? A couple of the more traditional battle royale games available on Switch include those above worldwide cultural icon that is Fortnite. monitoring_string = "9825918b2b361fb0e003f4935ce18ae6", Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One, PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X. I am going to go over the main reasons why I think this needs to happen for Nintendo Switch, but I won’t just stop there. Sure, it took some time for Fortnite to come to Switch, but it did and now, it is available everywhere that you look basically. The second reason that there needs to be a PUBG Switch 2020 version is that it is already available just about everywhere, but Nintendo Switch and that is a shame. For one, the game is absolutely taxing on any system you run it on. In my opinion, these would make it possible to have the game run on Switch without conceding on any of the performance and frame rates the other two consoles have already. The first is the more important and the one that I want the most, even though it could go either way. So long as performance is roughly the same, it would be great for everyone on console to have a chance to play together, just like how Fortnite allows for that. That is, just as long as it isn’t treated the way that Arena of Valor was on Switch by being closed off from its mobile brethren. This wouldn’t be the first time that a mobile version of a game came to Switch instead of the console and PC one, as was the case for games like Final Fantasy XV. As such, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Switch version be the same PUBG Mobile one with touchscreen and controller support. PUBG Switch: Is PUBG Coming to Nintendo Switch? PUBG Mobile could come to Switch, be free-to-play, which means more players and potentially more money for the company, and it would likely run a lot better than the base game would at first. It was one of the first to come to Switch in the genre. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds – PUBG to most – may be getting … The former was the same game on PC, just a little behind, while the latter was something else. I think that it is possible to have the game run well on Switch, but I do acknowledge that it could be a rough road to get there. After all, it was the one that popularized the genre and paved the way for games like Fortnite that are already on Switch, so it is more necessary than any other. Those two systems are highly anticipated. It happened in the past and players might already be used to that. That said, nearly all of the options available are more geared towards a family-friendly style rather than the grittiness of PUBG. This is understandable and something that would be acceptable. If the game does come to the Switch, it will likely be after Bluehole has gotten the other console versions tweaked to run well. PS5 vs Xbox Series X/S: Which Is the Best Console for You? What awaits you at Audire? This is especially true since the battle royale game has mostly figured out its performance and other problems by this time. I could see either one happen, almost equally in possibility. That is to bring the main console and PC version of PUBG over to Nintendo Switch. The other main method that could happen and could be the more likely scenario is to have PUBG Mobile come over to Switch, instead of the main game. The PUBG early preview just hit the Xbox One and players on other consoles are dying to get their hands on it too. These are pro’s that we could see appealing more to PUBG Corp. and Tencent, so it is the more likely scenario. It would likely take time for the audience to build upon the platform, so already having access to the millions of mobile opponents would be welcome. PUBG is available on almost every modern platform out there right now, but no PUBG Switch 2020 version needs to happen. To begin with, PUBG is the game that started it all in terms of the battle royale genre. *There is no voice for characters.©2018 D3 PUBLISHER. There are some options for battle royale on Nintendo Switch, so it isn’t like there are no options. It's a romance game where you can fall in love with one of several middle-aged men. With the time ticking until the release of the new consoles in the next few months, the likelihood of a Switch version coming out becomes less likely. Versions on PS5 and Xbox Series X could hurt Switch sales since people would possibly be more interested in what the powerful consoles can do. Alors que le PDG a accordé une interview chez Inven Global, il révèle dans celle-ci qu’il a l’ambition de sortir son jeu sur toutes les plateformes, y compris la Nintendo Switch.PUBG serait donc une exclusivité temporaire pour la Xbox One. Walking down an unfamiliar street, you stumble across a bar named Audire that seems like it has a nice atmosphere.Unsure of what to expect, you open the door and find a group of high-class older men. Regarded by many as the father of battle royale games, it is available just about everywhere but one platform. What are the Best FIFA 21 Formations? But you see, there is a massive problem with the release of PUBG. There is a better chance that the PUBG mobile version, which is set to debut in China sometime in the near future, could be ported to Switch. this content at this time. Not Yet, But PUBG Corp is Trying Hard, PUBG Mobile Japan League Season 1 Details Revealed, LA Thieves CDL Team Officially Confirmed by 100 Thieves. Perhaps, there could be some drawbacks like only being able to play against those using a controller on mobile or what have you, but that would still be better than only being able to play with other Switch owners. And that is almost the case with the PUBG with the one exception of Switch. Nintendo of America Inc. Headquarters are in Redmond, Washington, Nudity, Sure, there are other games like Apex Legends and Warzone that I would certainly like to see there as well that could fill that gap, but PUBG is the most important in this case. Then, there are the more unique cases like Nintendo’s own exclusive Tetris 99 that pits 99 Tetris players together until only one remains. I am also going to give you the two main methods that this could occur. Then there are the other versions like the recently released Google Stadia one for streaming it. With all of those reasons out of the way, it is now important to go over how exactly PUBG Corp. could make this PUBG Switch 2020 version happen in the future. Chances are, if you have the modern platform, you can run this free game. It would be a disservice to the hybrid home and handheld console not to have the version that the other big consoles and PC have available to them. Cody is a writer for EsportsTalk who loves everything video games and anime. They may not be young, but they can love as deeply and passionately as anyone.Available in Japanese, English, and Simplified Chinese.-The StoryAfter a rough day at work, you decide to walk a different way home to try and improve your mood. PUBG Mobile has quickly become its own thing, surpassing its console and PC big brother by a long shot, despite coming after. © 2020 Nintendo. That would have been a sad world. Browse and buy digital games on the Nintendo game store, and automatically download them to your Nintendo Switch console. A PUBG Switch Version Needs to Happen in 2020, CSGO Star Jks Speaks on His Move From 100 Thieves to Complexity, Valorant’s Twitch Rivals Glitchcon Tournament Details Revealed, Rumor: Fnatic Supposedly Interested in G2’s Perkz for Mid Lane. Sure, it would likely take a bit of a dip in visual quality, but the reduced resolution could help with that as well. Tom Power Friday, September 14, 2018. It was a massive success and led to other games that same year and beyond like Fortnite. This is the base game that started it all and it would make sense to have this one on Switch. This is a major problem for the Nintendo Switch console, so a Switch version must be announced and released before the next-gen versions arrive. But if it weren’t for PUBG, we may have never got Fortnite, which would have meant the cultural phenomenon that we have today with streamers like Ninja and celebrities playing it might not have happened.