As of late Tuesday, 88% of the electorate voted in favor to it. Click "Show" to learn more about voter registration, identification requirements, and poll times in Maryland. [13], Murphy v. NCAA (originally Christie v. NCAA) was a case about the anti-commandeering doctrine, which is based on the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and dictates that Congress cannot commandeer state governments to enforce federal law. | As of October 2020, 22 states had passed laws legalizing sports betting. Some states require interim reports in response to contributions of a certain size in addition to scheduled reports. By Guy Bentley October 1, 2020. As of 11 p.m. Tuesday, 76% of voters approved of the amendment. font-weight:bold; “Maryland voters have taken the sensible step of affirming Question 1 and giving the General Assembly more power to balance the state budget while investing in key priorities, like schools and health care,” the group said. By Spence Purnell October 12, 2020. Roughly 80% of voters voted for the measure as of Tuesday evening. State legislature | Question 2 on the 2020 election ballot in Maryland asked residents if they think sports betting should be legal, allowing for revenue to be generated for education. } State constitution, Courts in Maryland | The question, in this case, was whether the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), a federal law that prohibits states from authorizing sports gambling, violated the anti-commandeering doctrine. 5737 Mesmer Ave. Taxes. Immigration | Click here for the Maryland Attorney General's voting information page to ensure you have the most current information. Election governance | Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? } A ballot question addresses a piece of proposed legislation to be approved or rejected by voters. Disabling auto-updates may improve reliability when using a screen reader or keyboard to navigate. Voters approved of the measure as of Tuesday night’s tally, with 77% in favor. The county’s charter once limited contractual employees to 500 hours annually. Question A, which would impose a cap on the property tax rate instead of total property tax revenue the county can receive, had the support of 63% of the electorate as of 10 p.m. Two questions (1 & 2) pertain to statewide matters and will appear on the ballots of all Maryland voters. If you are showing ID because you are voting for the first time, your name and address on the document must match the information on the voter registration roll. background-color: black !important; Updated Nov. 8, 2020, 12 ... wins California’s 50th Congressional District › Nov. 7, 2020. Question 2 asks voters if they want to “authorize sports and events betting for the purpose of raising revenue for education,” which sounds OK on its face. .split-cols-bm { A study conducted in 2016 compared the prevalence of games of chance and gambling addictions from 1999 to 2013. “[The money] is going out of state. State executives | margin-top: 0 !important; !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(a){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"])for(var e in["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-"+e)||document.querySelector("iframe[src*='"+e+"']");t&&(["datawrapper-height"][e]+"px")}}))}(); South Dakota voters voted on a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in November that is designed to legalize sports betting within the city limits of Deadwood, South Dakota. Sports and event betting can also extend to non–athletic events, such as reality television competitions or entertainment awards shows.[6]. That’s what the approval of Question 1 gives all the people of Maryland — a voice,” he added. For four years, whether people liked Trump or not, almost everyone I interviewed said they were exhausted. We Break It Down, Md. If this amendment passes, the city council would be able to remove officials, including the council president, mayor or comptroller, by a three-fourths vote. If you are aware of a committee registered to oppose this measure, please email This ruling meant states were allowed to approve sports gambling if they chose. Largest counties | Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R) leaves office due to term limits. } Question C, to expand the County Council from nine members to 11, with seven serving from districts and four at large, attracted 62% of the vote. Currently, council members have between five and 20 days from the date a veto is read to the council to override it. [10] @media screen and (max-width: 792px) { Do you approve the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland to authorize sports and events betting for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education? margin-bottom: 0 !important; Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. The state revenue generated by such activities is required to be primarily dedicated to funding public education. However, the central question is really whether sports gambling should be legal or not, and Maryland has a mature gaming market and existing rules that can easily be applied to sports betting. The passage of Question 2, meantime, adds Maryland to the growing tide of states that have legalized sports gambling — 18 in all, including Delaware, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. It raised $325,000 from the national teachers union and AFSCME. ©2020 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Danielle E. Gaines and Josh Kurtz contributed to this report. A "no" vote opposes authorizing sports and events wagering at certain licensed facilities. But Biden trusted his instincts. .arguments-bm-widget li { Voters were highly in favor of this amendment as of Tuesday night, with 92% approving it. No need to acknowledge Trump’s non-concession. Zucker said with budgets being slashed due to the current pandemic, this is a way for schools to make much-needed money. Tight Georgia Race Comes Down to Metro Atlanta, Maryland Question 2 Election Results: Allow Sports Betting, Darrell Issa, Republican, wins California’s 50th Congressional District ›, David Schweikert, Republican, wins re-election in Arizona’s Sixth Congressional District ›, Conor Lamb, Democrat, wins re-election in Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District ›, Joseph R. Biden Jr. has been elected the 46th president of the United States ›. Bost added this funding alone will not be enough for the education system. There are TWO statewide ballot measures on the November 3, 2020 ballot for all Marylanders, see the information below to decide how you want to vote. -webkit-columns: 2; Question J — This amendment would give more power to the city auditor, allowing the official to issue subpoenas “to any municipal officer, municipal employee, or any other person receiving City funds” to produce documents. What's on my ballot? Biden said his mandate is to find common ground to “cooperate” with Republicans, pivoting to the center after embracing the party’s liberal wing during the general election. political races?) border: 1px solid black; “They got gambling, they got the lottery,” Charles Williams said. Question 2 on the 2020 election ballot in Maryland asks residents if they think sports betting should be legal, allowing for revenue to be generated for education. App giants FanDuel and Draft Kings and MGM Resorts International subsidiary BetMGM LLC pumped several million dollars into the Vote Yes on Question 2 committee, a PAC that spearheaded the campaign to build public support for the measure. What Happened With All Those Ballot Questions? The Associated Press called the race Tuesday night in favor of Question 2 with 52% of the precincts reporting. Roughly 86% of early-voting and mail-in voters cast ballots in favor of this proposal, the latest numbers available as of late Tuesday. The full text of the measure can be read below:[1], The following ballot summary was published on the Maryland Secretary of State's website:[7]. Voters in Howard voted overwhelmingly in favor of Question A, charter amendment to update the process by which the dates for appointing members of a redistricting commission are set. Supreme Court | Among the key questions left to be decided: whether to allow betting by app, whether college sports will be included, what the state’s take will be, and what kinds of non-sporting events (reality TV competitions? text-align:center; “It’s important to keep them in Maryland and to make sure the revenue goes toward our education system here,” Zucker said. Question G, an amendment that would add the county’s human relations commission to the Anne Arundel County Charter, garnered the support of 70% of voters as of 11 p.m. Baltimore residents embraced their new mayor’s ambitious plan to reshape the city’s government, approving many of the proposals that Brandon Scott championed as city council president. .sbtotaltable td { } But some commentators have pointed out that Question 2 is a referendum asking voters yes or no on sports betting while not providing any details on how sports betting would actually work. [2], Question 2 authorized sports and events wagering at certain licensed facilities. The word count for the ballot summary is 271, and the estimated reading time is 1 minute and 12 seconds. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. 8:59 PM ET. The election is over; he’s reaching out to Trump voters. Box 11121, Takoma Park, MD 20913. A "yes" vote supports authorizing sports and events wagering at certain licensed facilities with state revenue intended to fund public education. Eighty-eight percent of voters approved.