A fortification consisting of an embankment, often with a parapet built on top. Hence these ten parallel ranges of the middle Kuen-lun system may be grouped in three divisions - (1) the more strictly border ranges of the Upper and Lower Astin-tagh and the Akatotagh; (2) the three ranges of Chimen-tagh, Ara-tagh and Kaltaalaghan, which may be considered as forming a transitional system between the foregoing and the third division; (3) the Arka-tagh, which constitute the elevated rampart of the Tibetan plateau proper. Through the inner channels, sheltered from the Pacific by the island rampart, runs the " inland passage," the tourist route northward from Seattle, Washington. ; With a light heart he sprang toward the rampart of earth and began to ascend its side. The ruins of the retrenched northern portion of Kublai's great rampart are still prominent along their whole extent, so that there is no room for question as to the position or true dimensions of the Cambaluc of the middle ages; and it is most probable, indeed it is almost a necessity, that the present palace stands on the lines of Kublai's palace. They describe the successive steps by which the Greeks are driven back, first from the plain to the rampart, then to their ships. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. the Romans conquered the land and defended their position there by a rampart (limes). Rampant definition is - rearing upon the hind legs with forelegs extended. A strong earthen rampart, flanked with bastions and redoubts, surrounded the City, its liberties, Westminster and Southwark, making an immense enclosure. Excavations during the 1960s discovered a box rampart on top of the main scarp and two outer ditches. As his corse to the rampart we hurried;. 35. ; I reached an open space bounded by a rampart whence one looked down upon the town. I was Toria standing on the rampart, watching the sun. Her character design rewards the use of heavy-duty weapons and well : 40. rampart. rampart hacklab report, evolution and changes to IMC UK. Seen from Strathmore or the Firth of Clyde the Highlands present well-defined masses of hills abruptly rising from the Lowland plains, and from any of the western islands their sea front resembles a vast rampart indented by lochs and rising to a uniform level, which sinking here and there allows glimpses of still higher summits in the interior. [what is a podcast? : And, Denzel Washington and Woody Harrelson as corrupt characters in, respectively, Safe House and rampart. Going westward from the Drakensberg the rampart is known successively as the Stormberg, Zuurberg, Sneeuwberg and Nieuwveld mountains. Without a rampart built around the area to protect the kingdom, the empire was susceptible to attacks from outsiders. Rampart sentence examples. The chronicler Saxo Grammaticus mentions in his Gesta Danorum the "rampart of Jutland" (Jutiae moenia) as having been once more extended by Valdemar the Great (1157-1182), which has been cited among the proofs that Schleswig (S4 nderjylland) forms an integral part of Jutland (Manuel hist. First is the city wall, strongly built and carefully guarded, outside this a granite wall, and beyond this again a mud rampart. Many types of early fortification, from prehistory through to the Early Middle Ages, employed earth, NOTE: Due to an increase in recreation use in 2020, the. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. of rampart towards the land side, and can still be easily traced from point to point through the city, though large portions, especially towards the east, have been dismantled. A was a deep ditch forming an earth rampart of over five meters in height. The attack was made at a point in the fortifications where the rampart and ditch had been destroyed by the rising of the Nile, and when the mandi's troops entered the soldiers were too weak to make any effectual resistance. Copyright © 2020 Paper Rater. To this period also belongs the massive rampart, over o ft. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A cutting to the north located a possible rampart strengthened by tipped stone with a vertical timber revetment. An ancient writer states that the rampart was built of regularly laid sods (the same method which had probably been employed by Hadrian), and excavations in 1891-1893 have verified the statement. deep. Look it up now! thudding of dead bodies as they were thrown one after another from the rampart. On their west edge lies an abrupt, massive, and strangely uniform chain of mountains, known in the neighbourhood of Colorado Springs as the Rampart Range, and in the extreme north as the Front Range, and often denominated as a whole by the latter name. Definition of Rampart. Then or possibly even earlier the old rampart was for two-thirds of its circuit buried under enormous earthworks, the remainder being rebuilt. Among the finest of the chains are the Rampart, Sangre de Cristo, San Juan, Sawatch (Saguache) and Elk ranges. From the rampart s of the citadel he watched the sun go down, bathing the pyramids in a purple and golden light, throwing a glamour over all the western plain, and making heavenly the far hills with a plaintive colour, which spoke of peace and rest, but not of hope. The village has encroached upon the remains of a huge stone circle (not quite circular), surrounded by a ditch and rampart of earth, and once approached by two avenues of monoliths. rampart wall survives on the north side up to a height of about 3 meters. Her character design rewards the use of heavy-duty weapons and well : 40. There was a constant thudding of dead bodies as they were thrown one after another from the rampart. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. When neighbors complained about his plans, Bryson chose instead to … The motte consists of a central grass covered mound with an encircling ditch and bank, bailey and outer rampart. Rampart; 1. rampart players can maximize their impact on the battlefield by deploying and managing a series of defensive barriers. The slope of the plateau being also westward, the mountain rampart is less elevated, and north of 32° S. Large enough to have been part of the springing of a defensive timber rampart across the entrance of the gate ! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. , Placing a stronger and taller rampart around the new castle would help protect the royal family from intruders. The eastern rampart of the Bolivian highlands comprises two distinct chains - the Sierra de Cochabamba on the north-east and the Sierra de Misiones on the east. Its ramparts are of stone, and its north rampart coincides with the great wall of Hadrian. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. A strategy to use Rampart’s ultimate in a viable way in Apex Legends. T he whole circuit of the outer rampart is 585 feet. The inner city, or Vienna proper, was formerly separated from the other districts by a circle of fortifications, consisting of a rampart, fosse and glacis. An example of a rampart is a big stone wall around a palace where the king lives that has a flat top so the guards can walk along the top of in order to watch what is going on below. The immense mud ramparts still stand. © 2020 UseEnglishWords.com. The volcanic d'Entrecasteaux Islands are mostly larger, more elevated (the highest being 8000 ft.), and stand in deeper water than the Louisiade group. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. castle rampart to the entrance of the room used by BBC engineers as a studio. A substantial part of the rampart wall survives on the north side up to a height of about 3 meters. 7. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). ; We are about sixty, and have a line of rampart of 1500 feet in length to defend. The slope of the plateau being also westward, the mountain rampart is less elevated, and north of 32° S. North of this great rampart the country drains to the Orange (q.v. Rampart definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. above sea-level) is a square walled enclosure standing in the middle of the plain, surrounded with a walled rampart. This rampart is now colonized by coconut palms, pandanus, and breadfruit trees, and I like to sit here in the late after-noons and watch the sea rolling ashore. The wall, as opposed to the stone structure of Hadrian's, was a rampart made from stacked turves. 6. The troops returned, leveled the center of town and built in its place an internal earthen rampart with three defensive ditches.