[Dm Gm F# A C Am F G G# D] Chords for Rebecca Pidgeon When You Were Mine with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. I wish you were here I’m not myself, When you’re away And don’t sleep at night I drag through the day I can’t put it in gear I wish you were here O Wouldn't It Be Nice 08. Make sure your selection That I’ve changed All contents are subject to copyright, provided for educational and personal noncommercial use only. That men crave adventure When you’re away But jazz is an influence at times (as is country), and Pidgeon incorporates bossa nova on "Been and Gone," "Manha" and "When You Were Mine" (which finds Brazilian guest Luciana Souza contributing some vocals in Portuguese). Come home and you’ll find Singer/songwriter and actress Rebecca Pidgeon favors the organic option on Behind the Velvet Curtain, which was produced by Larry Klein in Los Angeles and includes four songs that were used in the movie Redbelt. Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles), フレデリック「オドループ」Music Video | Frederic "oddloop", Rebecca Pidgeon - Spanish Harlem [High Resolution] (WAV, DR13), Rebecca Pidgeon - The Raven (Official Audio), Rebecca Pidgeon - Grandmother (Official Audio), Rebecca Pidgeon - Disintegration Man (Bing Lounge), Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - Lydia Gray, Rebecca Pidgeon & Ruby Blue - Song Of The Mermaid, Show the world what you are playing with ChordU. Rebecca Pidgeon Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.com. Klein was obviously careful not to overproduce on this 2008 release; high-tech programming is rejected (except for a hidden track at the end), and Pidgeon's voice is surrounded by a combination of acoustic and electric instruments (mainly guitar, bass, and drums). Oh what did I do? In contrast to all the urban contemporary, hip-hop, dance-pop, and electronica artists who have operated in the high-tech realm exclusively, adult alternative is a place where artists have been known to be totally acoustic one day and totally electronic the next. Oh baby please come home again. What can I say, ... Singer/songwriter and actress Rebecca Pidgeon favors the organic option on Behind the Velvet Curtain, which was produced by Larry Klein in Los Angeles and includes four songs that were used in the movie Redbelt. Download When You Were Mine mp3 – Behind The Velvet Curtain of Rebecca Pidgeon - MP3fiesta.com An annotation cannot contain another annotation. Explain it to me Oh baby please come home again X 2 I watch and I pray Cannot annotate a non-flat selection. I’m not myself, Song information for When You Were Mine - Rebecca Pidgeon, Luciana Souza on AllMusic You know the way Rebecca Pidgeon - Spanish Harlem - LIVE in New York, Rebecca Pidgeon - MUSIC FROM THE HBO FILM PHIL SPECTOR, Rebecca Pidgeon - Fhear a Bhata (Official Audio). Behind the Velvet Curtain falls short of exceptional, but it's still a pleasant, agreeable listen -- and Klein's presence is a definite plus. Tambourine Man’; June 21, 1965, Lyricapsule: Nirvana Drop ‘Bleach’; June 15, 1989, Lyricapsule: Derek and the Dominos’ First Gig; June 14, 1970, Auld Lang Syne / Bring It on Home to Me (live). Rebecca Pidgeon Lyrics - by Popularity. Help me to see Through The Eyes Of Love - BEST AUDIOPHILE VOICES VI - By Audiophile Hobbies. That's Life, That's Hollywood 07. Oh baby please come home again You know the way Lyricapsule: The Surfaris Drop ‘Wipe Out’; June 22, 1963, Lyricapsule: The Byrds Drop ‘Mr. I can’t put it in gear Singer/songwriter and actress Rebecca Pidgeon favors the organic option on Behind the Velvet Curtain, which was produced by Larry Klein in Los Angeles and includes four songs that were used in the movie Redbelt. Rebecca Pidgeon - “When You Were Mine” Encompassing all things music in all forms & medias, we are a web-based, multi-media source focusing on music i.e.. news, reviews, concert information, videos, playlists & album releases. This is just a preview! Chords for Rebecca Pidgeon When You Were Mine.