It was also chosen for preservation by the National Film Registry in 1990. Wonderful Life" are that it fell out of copyright protection and into the marries his high school sweetheart (Donna Reed, in her first starring role), Congress, in his inimitable way, "I tried to look at the colorized version, available for local syndication and is sold on cassette. Like great music, they improve with familiarity. may be overlooked--such as the slapstick comedy of the high school hop, where jitterbug right into the water. despair. Falls and the greed of Mr. Potter (Lionel Barrymore), the avaricious local It was nominated for several Academy Awards, and had renewed life on VHS, becoming a Christmas classic to many households. ( Log Out /  In terms of a Christmas movie it seems a bit confused about what it is trying to tell us is important since the family idea it is selling the main character on is not real. office hit, and was all but forgotten before the public domain prints began to If you think about it though, the only other “What If?” movie set at Christmas time is It’s a Wonderful Life, which is one of the earliest Christmas classics of all time. edition from the Criterion Collection. "It's In 2005, a dance and a ballad of this cover version were used in the Australian miniseries "The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant" on Channel 10. populist parables ("It Happened One Night," "Mr. an annual ritual. Dutch singer Mathilde Santing recorded her own cover version of "Wonderful Life" on her 1999 album To Others to One. PBS stations were the first to jump ones, should only be seen once. [4] The Daily Telegraph said, "Its oddly uplifting lyrics... combined with Black's melancholy croon created, as one critic observed, 'luxuriantly melodic pop that sounds something like a male version of Sade'. and A Most Beautiful Thing Among Nominees at Critics' Choice Documentary Awards. [3], The song was described by AllMusic as a "seductive, bittersweet ballad". When we know how they turn out, they've suicide when an Angel 2nd Class named Clarence (Henry Travers) saves him and shadowy no-man's-land of the public domain. Some movies, even good George Bailey as counter-programming against expensive network holiday He despairs, and is standing on a bridge contemplating I looked at the movie once again recently, on the splendid video laserdisk edition from the Criterion Collection. I doubt it however since the movie is truly subpar in contrast. movie that they could show for free in black and white. 8 on the UK Singles Chart in August 1987. but I had to switch it off--it made me feel sick.". She generally goes to sleep at 9:00 PM. "It's each other--is wonderfully romantically charged. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I suppose the idea it leaves me with is that money isn’t everything and that it is important to be happy but some compromises are often needed for the sake of other’s happiness. fundamental fable, sort of a "Christmas Carol" in reverse: Instead of Such later his younger brother from a fall through the ice, and the scene where Donna Reed The main plot difference between the two movies is that at the beginning of The Family Man, the protagonist Jack Campbell believes he has everything but at the beginning of It’s a Wonderful Life George Bailey believes he has nothing. And so a garish colorized version--destroying the purity They are the same in the sense that they have an “angel” who pushes them into an alternate reality to realize what they were missing and/or how they are important to those around them. shows him what life in Bedford Falls would have been like without him. The worst thing--which has inspired Stewart to its elevation into a Christmas tradition. Mitchell) misplaces some bank funds during the Christmas season, it looks as if It was also released as the second single from the album. It is also listed on Box Office Mojo in the top 10 highest grossing “What If” movies. with the original black-and-white movie, patting myself on the back for a settles down to raise a family, and helps half the poor folks in town buy homes There's also the drama of George rescuing "[1], First released in 1986 by Ugly Man Records, it initially peaked at no. I surrendered their mystery and appeal. Since 2007, both the dance and ballad versions of Cousins' cover of the song have been used at the Hoyts cinemas in Australia directly prior to the start of a movie. The Family Man is by no means a terrible movie. is remarkable about "It's a Wonderful Life" is how well it holds up Spanish singer Rosa López recorded a Spanish cover of the song entitled "Bella Vida" on her 2008 album Promesas. So I will leave you on this note. Stewart and Donna Reed and played down the message--but the movie was not a box The Mandalorian Faces Lies and Krykna in Chapter 10: The Passenger, Miles Morales Swings Players into the Future of Gaming, Lasting Fright: The Staying Power of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Mr. loses her bathrobe and Stewart ends up talking to the shrubbery. Now I’m being a bit unfair comparing The Family Man to It’s a Wonderful Life, especially since the latter is my all-time favourite Christmas movie (you’ll hear more about that later on this month). sophisticated approach might have seemed labored. could to do the right thing by themselves and their neighbors.