Ride to Hell: Route 666 is just for you, taking the player on a journey to conquer legendary Route 66. 1:03 (1 view) now playing play now. What's this? Ride to Hell: Route 666 is just for you, taking the player on a journey to conquer legendary Route 66. Ride to Hell: Route 666 is just for you, taking the player on a journey to conquer legendary Route 66. Release Region: United StatesRelease Date: June 2013Publisher: Deep Silver, Release Region: United KingdomRelease Date: June 2013Publisher: Deep Silver, Release Region: AustraliaRelease Date: June 2013Publisher: Deep Silver, Copyright 1996-2013, IGN Entertainment, Inc. Tactics are essential when up against a colorful cast of enemies. Score distribution: Positive: 0 out of . PaMotorcycleTours . Ride to Hell: Route 666 - Gameplay Rockthrough. Ride to Hell : Route 666 (360) - Ride to Hell: Route 666 - Gameplay Rockthrough! Ride to Hell: Route 666 - Announcemnt Trailer, November Preview: 19 TV Shows & New Movies to Watch at Home, Ride to Hell: Route 666 - Gameplay Rockthrough, Release Dates for All Notable Upcoming Games, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. Players will recruit and lead a gang of bikers from Chicago to Los Angeles, fighting for every mile of the road using both brain and brawn. Players will recruit and lead a gang of bikers from Chicago to Los Angeles, fighting for every mile of the road using both brain and brawn. Clever tactics will be rewarded, opening up enemy defenses and allowing you to get in on the action: as the leader of this lawless bunch, you can support your warriors at the front line or issue instructions from the back. Awaiting 4 more reviews based on Players will recruit and lead a gang of bikers from Chicago to Los Angeles, fighting for every mile of the road using both brain and brawn. Play Video. Ride to Hell: Retribution announced for current-gen consoles Updated Apr 4, 2013. Motorcycle Route Author. Pick up and play action controls allow the players to get involved in the fight at any time. Players will recruit and lead a gang of bikers from Chicago to Los Angeles, fighting for every mile of the road using both brain and brawn. Critic Reviews. By Guest (0 McR Points) on Feb 29, 2008. An IGN Entertainment Games site. You'll also be recruiting new members to join your gang, with each one bringing their own special abilities to a fight, from big bad bruisers to sultry medics. Release Region: United StatesRelease Date: June 2013Publisher: Deep Silver, Release Region: United KingdomRelease Date: June 2013Publisher: Deep Silver, Release Region: AustraliaRelease Date: June 2013Publisher: Deep Silver, Copyright 1996-2013, IGN Entertainment, Inc. Game Detail. Tactics are essential when up against a colorful cast of enemies. A very nice ride. Clever tactics will be rewarded, opening up enemy defenses and allowing you to get in on the action: as the leader of this lawless bunch, you can support your warriors at the front line or issue instructions from the back. Players will be able to bark orders at their fearless gang members to bring them into the right formation on-the-fly with easy, accessible controls. Tactics are essential when up against a colorful cast of enemies. Get more Ride to Hell: Route 666 news at GameSpot. Ride to Hell: Route 666 is an Action game, developed and published by Deep Silver, which was cancelled before it was released. 0 Critic Reviews Looking to lead your own pack of fearsome bikers? Players will be able to bark orders at their fearless gang members to bring them into the right formation on-the-fly with easy, accessible controls. See All Rider Reviews. Looking to lead your own pack of fearsome bikers? Ride to Hell: Route 666 - Announcemnt Trailer. You'll also be recruiting new members to join your gang, with each one bringing their own special abilities to a fight, from big bad bruisers to sultry medics. No user score yet- Be the first to review! Negative: 0 out of . Route 666 - One Hell-of-a-Ride! Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Tactics are essential when up against a colorful cast of enemies. must say that the only thing… January 14, 2012. An IGN Entertainment Games site. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ride to Hell: Route 666 - Announcemnt Trailer. Pick up and play action controls allow the players to get involved in the fight at any time. Game News. Ride to Hell: Route 666 is just for you, taking the player on a journey to conquer legendary Route 66. © 2020 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Get the latest news, videos, screenshots, and file downloads for Ride to Hell: Route 666 on X360, PS3, PC at Shacknews. Write a Review. Rider Reviews. No score yet Mixed: 0 out of . Play Video. Trailers. - User Reviews.