Set DNS name of the Salt Master on /etc/hosts. Mit Salt lassen sich beispielsweise Software-Pakete installieren und konfigurieren sowie beliebige Konfigurationsbefehle von einem zentralen Rechner aus auf einer Vielzahl verwalteter Server ausführen. Create the following pillar files in the Salt Master’s default directories: Now, when you check the pillar data for this minion, you should see output like below: And when you apply the highstate to this minion you should see something like below:,, Kubernetes: running Minikube locally on Ubuntu using VirtualBox, SaltStack: salt-ssh for agentless automation on Ubuntu, SaltStack: Installing a Salt Master on Ubuntu 14.04, SaltStack: Installing an older Salt Master or Minion for compatibility, SaltStack: Troubleshooting Basic Network Connectivity of Minion on Ubuntu, SaltStack: Running a masterless minion on Ubuntu, CloudFoundry: Determining buildpack used by application, Bash: Using logic expressions as a shorthand for if-then-else control, Python: Publishing and Consuming from RabbitMQ using Python, RabbitMQ: Deleting a ghost queue that cannot be removed at the GUI/CLI, Bash: output all lines before/after line identified by regex, Ubuntu: Adding a root certificate authority, Bash: Examining each certificate in a yaml file using sed and openssl, KVM: Testing cloud-init locally using KVM for a RHEL cloud image, Linux: Introducing latency and packet loss into network for testing, KVM: Testing cloud-init locally using KVM for a CentOS cloud image, KVM: Testing cloud-init locally using KVM for an Ubuntu cloud image, KVM: Terraform and cloud-init to create local KVM resources, Bash: Associative array initialization and usage, Bash: Appending to existing values using sed capture group, Bash: Using BASH_REMATCH to pull capture groups from a regex, Bash: Renaming files using shell parameter expansion, GoLang: Go modules for package management during a multi-stage Docker build, GoLang: Using multi-stage builds to create clean Docker images, GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu, Docker: Working with local volumes and tmpfs mounts, Bash: Using shell or environment variables in awk output, Docker: Placing limits on cpu usage in containers, Docker: Placing limits on container memory using cgroups, Bash: Skipping lines at the top or bottom of a stream, Linux: Outputting single quotes in awk output, Docker: Use overlay2 with an xfs backing filesystem to limit rootfs size, Linux: Mounting a loopback ext4/xfs filesystem to isolate or enforce storage limits, Linux: Using xfs project quotas to limit capacity within a subdirectory, Bash: Outputting text in color for readability, Bash: Performing floating arithmetic using bc, Python: Using Flask to stream chunked dynamic content to end users, Docker: Running a Postfix container for testing mail during development, Python: Sending HTML emails via Gmail API or SMTP relay, Zabbix: Using Docker Compose to install and upgrade Zabbix, Bash: setting and replacing values in a properties file use sed, Bash: Running command on quoted list of parameters using xargs, Docker: Installing Docker CE on Ubuntu bionic 18.04, Python: Using a custom decorator to inspect function arguments, Python: Using inspection to view the parameters of a function, Python: Getting live output from subprocess using poll, Python: Parsing command line arguments with argparse, PowerShell: Creating a self-signed certificate using Powershell without makecert or IIS, KVM: Creating a guest VM on a network in routed mode, Ubuntu: Debug iptables by inserting a log rule, KVM: Creating a guest VM on a NAT network, KVM: Creating a bridged network with NetPlan on Ubuntu bionic, Git: BFG for removing secrets from entire git history, WordPress: Cloning your WordPress site locally using Docker Compose, Python: JSONPath to extract vCenter information using govc, Python: Querying JSON files with JSONPath using jsonpath_rw_ext, VMware: Using the govc CLI to automate vCenter commands, Linux: 7zip to split archives for use on Windows, Linux: sed to cleanup json that has errant text surrounding it, KVM: virt-manager to connect to a remote console using qemu+ssh, Ubuntu: Create an NFS server mount on Ubuntu, Linux: Use stat to verify permissions and ownership, Kubernetes: running Minikube locally on Ubuntu using KVM, Ubuntu: X2Go on Ubuntu bionic for remote desktop access, Git: client error, server certificate verification failed, CloudFoundry: CLI error, unexpected end of JSON input, Ubuntu: apt-get error, yarn signature verification, CloudFoundry: The lifecycle of a simple BOSH release, AWS: Bash helper functions for common AWS CLI calls, CloudFoundry: Installing a BOSH Director on AWS, AWS: Installing the AWS SDK for Python on Ubuntu, Java: FTP with an HTTP proxy using the CONNECT method, Git: Contributing to a git project using a pull request, Ubuntu: Auditing sudo commands and forwarding audit logs using syslog, Python: Calling python functions from mako templates, Git: Sharing a single git controlled folder among a group under Linux, Git: Forcing git to use vim for commit messages, Ubuntu: Determining the package origin of a file, KVM: Deploy the VMware vCenter appliance using the CLI installer, Linux: Using GPG encrypted credentials for enhanced security, Linux: Using zip/unzip to add, update, and remove files from a Java jar/war, Linux: Using sed to insert lines before or after a match, PowerShell: Create Windows Scheduled Task to run Powershell script every hour, KVM: Using dnsmasq for libvirt DNS resolution, Linux: Copy a directory preserving ownership, permissions, and modification date, Ruby: Copying gems to hosts with limited internet access, Ruby: Creating Selenium tests using headless Chrome and Ruby2, Ubuntu: X11 forwarding to view GUI applications running on server hosts, Linux: Excluding files based on extension and age with tar, SaltStack: Escaping dollar signs in parameters to avoid interpolation, OpenWrt: Archive router configs for backup, PuTTy: Bulk import PuTTy session definitions into the registry using Powershell, KVM: Creating an Ubuntu VM with console-only access, ELK: Deleting unassigned shards to restore cluster health, Ubuntu: Customizing and repacking a deb file, Linux: Excluding directories when using zip, KVM: Implementing linked clones with a backing file, Ubuntu: Gathering hardware and BIOS details, Bash: Reading input from the console while looping over output of command, KVM: Deploying a nested version of VMware ESXi 6.7 inside KVM. Next, copy the fingerprint we created on the master server above, and set this value as the master_finger setting in the minion configuration file /etc/salt/minion_id. SaltStack is an open-source infrastructure management platform built on a dynamic communications bus. standardize firewall documentation. Enable with: The BSD-family of operating systems uses packet filter (pf). Runners: Modules that execute on the Salt master to perform supporting tasks. Click Next, Apply the rule to Domain, Private, and Public. List the minions that are waiting for acceptance: You can see that my minion is named ‘xenial1’ (which is the hostname).