that is degrading to another person. Rc�!�� To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left. PApUj-1 R�e�N[k��ڝ���p4.��B-4�(�ۢ�,. Land Uses The Delaware portion of the Sassafras watershed is dominated by agriculture. As the Sassafras Riverkeeper, Zack is the primary spokesperson for the Sassafras River and uses advocacy, outreach, restoration, and education to be a voice for the river, its natural resources, and its inhabitants. Use the 'Report' link on Looking forward, Kelleher said his priorities as riverkeeper included ridding the Sassafras of the non-native plant water chestnut, which he said is clogging up the river. The Sassafras River is entirely within the coastal plain. WQP Home > Providers > STORET > MDE_FIELDSERVICES_WQX He said water in the river also was measured as less salty than years past probably due to extra rainfall, something all rivers on the shore experienced. stream
using the datum NAD83. The Clean Water Act (CWA) requires a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for those water bodies identified as impaired by the state where technology-based and other controls will not provide for attainment of water quality standards. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Warning – a harmful algal bloom in the Sassafras River poses a health risk to people and pets. of the Environment In House Water Data (identifier MDE_FIELDSERVICES_WQX), has the name "Sassafras River" and has the identifier MDE_FIELDSERVICES_WQX-XJH3772. or anything. The river again received a B in the lower river and a C in the upper river. Also during the State of the Sassafras presentation, Betterton Councilman Harry Marcy presented information on the town’s efforts to improve the health of the Sassafras. of the Environment In House Water Data (identifier MDE_FIELDSERVICES_WQX), has the name "Sassafras River" and has the identifier MDE_FIELDSERVICES_WQX-XJH3772. Special from the Kent County News, Election Day; long lines, new voters, crochet, and one voter in labor, The Rudulph Mansion – A Lost Treasure of Elkton. The avenue has a collapsed drain, which leads to a large puddle forming after storms. This map shows all Water Quality Portal stations that are 10 miles upstream (dashed dark blue) and 10 miles downstream (solid light blue) of this monitoring location (indicated by the large blue circle). Sassafras Riverkeeper Zach Kelleher gives an update on the Sassafras River’s water quality in a video shot at Turners Creek. Operating as usual. Data Provider: STORET (Learn more about Water Quality Portal Data Providers) This estuary site, maintained by the Maryland Dept. This is for … “Pollution is damaging our rivers. Threats of harming another Vision/Mission Staff Directory Board of Directors Watershed Advisory Boards Jobs & RFPs Heritage Fund Our Work. With grant money, the town will make the avenue one way to vehicle traffic and install a rain garden in the extra space to catch water. Introduction . No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Sassafras River is ShoreRivers' healthiest river with B-, By Leann Schenke According to the Sassafras’ report card, ShoreRivers uses Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition scientific protocols to collect and evaluate water quality data. EPA's Surf Your Watershed site or at the USGS Science In Your Watershed site. racist or sexually-oriented language. has the name "Sassafras River" and has the identifier MDE_FIELDSERVICES_WQX-XJH3772. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion.
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Previously, the health of the river was determined by the Sassafras River Association. The town also is working on curbing erosion on the Bayside Avenue bluff. Be Nice. accounts, the history behind an article. The Sassafras is tidal for the majority of its approximately 20-mile length and is fresh to slightly brackish. <>
person will not be tolerated. Sassafras Riverkeeper Zach Kelleher reveals the river’s report card grade as a B- this year during ShoreRivers’ State of the Sassafras presentation Friday, May 17, at the Betterton firehouse. This site is in the watershed defined by the 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC)