Disney’s Marvel Studios reigned Friday night at the 45th Annual Saturn Awards at the Avalon Hollywood in Los Angeles. Production Designer: Horace Ma Gwong-Wing. Star Wars : une mini-série sur Boba Fett commandée par Disney Plus ? We dedicate ourselves to continuing those efforts. Learn how your comment data is processed. Jeux concours | Leading the way with 14 Saturn Award film nominations is Marvel/Walt Disney Studio’s Avengers: Endgame, and Walt Disney Studio’s Aladdin in second place with nine. N’hésitez pas à contacter notre équipe si besoin. j'suis ravie pour LOST.Cool pour Constantine et la nomin. We currently have several best film categories which cover many genres including: Best Science Fiction Film, Best Comic-to-Motion Picture Release, Best Fantasy Film, Best Horror Film, Best Thriller Film, Best Action/Adventure Film, Best Independent Film Release, Best International Film Release and Best Animated Film. Données Personnelles | The 45th Saturn Awards nominations, honoring motion picture, television, home entertainment and live stage productions, were previously announced in July. : Les nominations aux Saturn Awards 2019 aiment les films et télévisions les plus nerd, Saturn Awards 2019 Nominations dirigées par Avengers: Endgame, Nominations aux Emmy Awards 2019: les plus grandes surprises et surprises, Vos 4èmes nominations au prix Cooler annuel! Avengers: Fin de partie et des studios Walt Disney Studios Aladdin à la deuxième place avec neuf. Since 1973, the Saturn Awards honor the very best in science-fiction, fantasy and horror entertainment and is the official award presentation of the non-profit Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films. Publicité | Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist. Miroir Mag est un webzine indépendant. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. - Awards Daily, Nominations aux Emmy Awards 2019: Ce qu'il faut surveiller. The Saturn AwardsThe saturn Award is the official honor presented by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. Warner Bros. Pictures Check out the Saturn Awards nominees for Best Production Design below. Notre équipe défriche l’actualité nationale et internationale, ainsi que de nombreux sujets. The Saturn Awards and The Academy of Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror Site Navigation : HOMEPAGE | HISTORY | FOUNDER | SATURN AWARDS | LEADERSHIP | CONTACT | Media: PHOTOS | VIDEOS All About the Saturn Awards : VOTING PROCEDURES | ANNUAL NOMINATIONS | SPECIAL AWARD RECIPIENTS | PAST AWARD WINNERS Over on the TV side of things, Game of Thrones season 8 nabbed nine nominations, followed by six apiece for Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House and AMC’s The Walking Dead. As a studio overall, Disney led with 44 nominations among 12 film and television projects across its various companies, Marvel, Walt Disney Studios, Pixar, Lucasfilm Ltd. and the Disney Channel. They were announced earlier today during a live stream from theStream.tv studios in Hollywood. Join our 45k+ followers! Six films sont en compétition dans la catégorie Film d'animation: Le grinch, Comment dresser votre dragon 3: le monde caché, Les Indestructibles 2, Ralph casse l'Internet, Spider-Man: dans le vers d'araignée (également nominé dans Comic-To-Motion Picture) et Toy Story 4. To accommodate this change, the eligibility window for this year’s nominations were based on a 16-month eligibility period, which included projects publicly released from March 1, 2018 through July 7, 2019. Leading the way with 14 Saturn Award film nominations was Avengers: Endgame, and Aladdin in second place with nine. Historique. Book Review: Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay, LOVECRAFT COUNTRY: A War Between Good & Evil. Nous avons voté! The winners of the 45th annual Saturn Awards were announced on Friday, September 13, at a ceremony at Hollywood’s Avalon Theater, hosted by Aisha Tyler.. It’s probably very little surprise that Marvel cleaned up, mainly with its 2019 blockbuster Avengers: Endgame, but also getting awards for Avengers: Infinity War, Spider-Man: Far from Home and even one for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Click the button below and wait for a message from our Facebook bot in Messenger! ‘Avengers: Endgame’, ‘Game of Thrones’ Lead the 2019 Saturn Awards Nominations by Vinnie Mancuso July 15, 2019 The Saturn Awards, which … Nominations are listed in alphabetical order. The 2015 Saturn Award nominees have been announced. Une série qui a battu X-Files en longuévité 10 saisons alors pourquoi boude t-on cette serie qui malgré un manque de pub un suucès internationale !!! Photos de Warner Bros.Spider-Man: loin de chez soi Sony / Marvel StudiosSpider-Man: dans le Spider-Verse Sony Photos, Meilleur film de science fiction Alita: Ange de bataille 20th Century FoxBourdon PrimordialJurassic Park: Royaume déchu Images universellesPrêt Joueur Un Photos de Warner Bros.Solo: Une histoire de Star Wars Lucasfilm Ltd. / Walt Disney StudiosDésolé de vous déranger Relâchement du miroir – Photos AnnapurnaAméliorer BH Tilt, LE MEILLEUR FILM DE FANTASY Aladdin Walt Disney StudiosDumbo Walt Disney StudiosBêtes fantastiques: les crimes de Grindelwald Photos de Warner Bros.Godzilla, roi des monstres Warner Bros. / Images légendairesMary Poppins est de retour Walt Disney StudiosToy Story 4 Animation Pixar / Studios Walt DisneyHier Images universelles, MEILLEURE SÉRIE ANIMÉE SUR LA TÉLÉVISION Archer FXDuckTales chaine DisneyFamily Guy RenardLes Simpsons RenardStar Wars Résistance chaine Disney, MEILLEURE SERIE SUPERHERO TELEVISION Flèche Le CWÉclair noir Le CWCape et poignard de Marvel Forme libreLégendes de demain de DC Le CWLe flash Le CWGotham RenardSuper Girl Le CW, MEILLEURE SÉRIE DE TÉLÉVISION SCIENCE FICTIONLes 100 Le CWHomologue StarzDocteur Who BBC AmericaKrypton SyFyManifeste NBCL'orville RenardRoswell, Nouveau Mexique Le CWWestworld HBO, SÉRIE DE TÉLÉVISION BEST FANTASYDieux américains StarzCharmé Le CWJeu des trônes HBOLe bon endroit NBCLa bonne sorcière Hallmark ChannelLes magiciens SyFyOutlander StarzL'avant-poste Le CW, SÉRIE BEST STREAMING SUPERHERO TÉLÉVISION Doom Patrol de DC Univers DCDC Swamp Thing Univers DCDaredevil de Marvel NetflixJessica Jones de Marvel NetflixLe punisseur de Marvel NetflixMarvel’s Runaways HuluL'Académie des Parapluies Netflix, MEILLEUR STREAMING SCIENCE FICTION, ACTION ET FANTASYMiroir noir NetflixL'étendue AmazonePerdu dans l'espace NetflixBons présages AmazonePoupée russe NetflixStar Trek: Découverte CBS All AccessTom Ryan, Jack Ryan Amazone, Le 2019 Prix ​​Saturne les nominations sont arrivées,. Close Encounters was inspiring. Ici tout commence : dans les coulisses du spin-off de Demain nous appartient avec Clément Rémiens. The winners of the 45th Saturn Awards will be announced on Friday, September 13th, and be available to watch via live-stream for the first time in the event’s history. The Saturn Awards The saturn Award is the official honor presented by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films.