Hon As a matter of fact, my wife has taken ill Yeah, one day he’ll run Manhattan Mister Burr, good sir, it’s been so long But upstate you’re the rascal who trades away the capital Look! Wait- [PHILIP] [BURR] Burr switches political parties and becomes a Democratic-Republican for personal status, and overthrows Hamilton's father-in-law Philip Schuyler's seat in the Senate. I’m not surprised, what with the chill How are the Theodosias? Let’s go and find your father down in New York, New York Since when are you a Democratic-Republican? Lyrics to Schuyler Defeated by Lin-Manuel Miranda from the Hamilton: An American Musical [Original Broadway Cast Recording] [Clean] album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more! [HAMILTON] Since when are you a Democratic-Republican? Eliza? We must be going, Burr [HAMILTON] [BURR] It leads into the cut song, “Let it Go,” which has a tune that reappears several times in the musical. [ELIZA] Through a few extra lyrics, Lin worked to humanize Burr, Philip, and Eliza, and set up this version of Burr’s motivation to challenge Hamilton to a duel. Here, we see not only Burr’s love for Theodosia, but also the concern that Philip and Eliza have for Hamilton. Alexander, there you are [BURR] He’ll consider this a personal slander [HAMILTON] Hamilton: An American Musical (Off-Broadway). There’s the kid who almost shot Charles Lee in the jaw [ELIZA] No one know who you are or what you do And how’s your daughter? The asshole who taxes the a-a-alcohol! [HAMILTON] [HAMILTON] I will The Off-Broadway version of Hamilton delved much deeper into Burr’s life, and this song originally played a much larger role than it now does in the Broadway version. Schuyler Defeated (Off-Broadway) by Lin-Manuel Miranda (Ft. Anthony Ramos, Leslie Odom, Jr. & Phillipa Soo) Hamilton: An American Musical (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Lin-Manuel Miranda Burr! Let him know we’re on his side See Schuyler has a challenger from New York, New York [ELIZA] [HAMILTON] No! So am I! [ELIZA] [ELIZA] [ELIZA] [BURR] Further down, further down [PHILIP] [HAMILTON] I’ve gotta stop a homicide! Burr! [BURR] For senator All of Wall Street thinks you’re great You’ll always be adored by the things you create You’ll send her our regards [BURR] [ELIZA] [BURR] [ELIZA] [ELIZA] Nice to meet your son [PHILIP] I don’t see why that has to end [ELIZA] Burr! [HAMILTON] [BURR] Look around, we should look around [BURR] About “Schuyler Defeated (Off-Broadway)” 4 contributors The Off-Broadway version of Hamilton delved much deeper into Burr’s life, and this song originally played a much larger role than it … I gotta go I gotta find Alexander [PHILIP] We’re not done, mister Burr, sir You forgot your papers "War hero Philip Schuyler in danger of losing senate to young upstart Aaron Burr?" Grandpa’s in the paper! It’s not my fault people think you’re crooked If I were you I’d stick with her, sir. A senate seat was up for grabs and I took it Since being one put me on the up and up again, hah [PHILIP/ELIZA] Oh! I thought he was unopposed? You’re gonna make a fool of me through my father in law? Burr drives a divide between the men as they now … They don’t need to know me, they don’t like you Schuyler Defeated is the 6th song of Act Two of Hamilton, and the 29th song in the musical overall. [HAMILTON] Fluent in French- and Latin! But send your girls our love Grandpa might lose his seat in the senate Hamilton is shocked that Burr would do this, even more so that it was merely for personal gain. [PHILIP] She’s my pride and joy She’s the same age as your boy you’re the rascal who trades away the capital, There’s the kid who almost shot Charles Lee in the jaw, As a matter of fact, my wife has taken ill, Schuyler Defeated by Anthony Ramos, Leslie Odom, Jr., Lin-Manuel Miranda & Phillipa Soo, The Story of Tonight Reprise (Off-Broadway), History Has Its Eyes On You (Off-Broadway), Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down) (Off-Broadway), Tomorrow There’ll Be More of Us (Off-Broadway), Best of Wives, Best of Women (Off-Broadway), Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story (Off-Broadway). My god, your pride will be the death of us all [BURR] [BURR] Go make sure the door is closed Excuse me? [BURR] I always considered you a friend [PHILIP/ELIZA] Beware, it goeth before the fall! Not according to the paper he isn’t!