140 College Drive, Pottstown, PA 19464 Garage, 15 minutes away, is one of the cheapest parking options you will find near Schuylkill River Trail. When completed in Chester County, the trail will parallel the Schuylkill River from the Route 422 bridge at Pottstown, south to the Route 29 bridge into Mont Clare. Out and back, chipped timed event is bookended by craft beweries and finishes with live music, food trucks and Sly Fox Beer. 09.02.20 . Runners follow the Schuylkill River Trail through scenic Montgomery County and Valley Forge National Park all the way to Conshohocken. More info here. Click on it to reveal more information. 1 Haws Avenue, Norristown, PA 19401 (After the W. Washington St. & Haws Ave. Intersection). Norristown Riverfront Park is a historic landmark located in Norristown’s West End. More information about the status of the trail in other counties is available from the Schuylkill River … Friends of Schuylkill River Park is a non-profit organization. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Along its journey, the Schuylkill River West Trail offers a well-canopied route, a footbridge over Trout Creek, and access to Heuser Park… While you’re there, try out Mainstay’s brand new beer, Double Bowline. The preview will show you what kind of item it is. Brewed in the vibrant communities of Phoenixville and Pottstown, Pennsylvania's Sly Fox beer has become synonymous with outdoor adventure and the active lifestyle. Funds will pay for new curbs and sidewalks, street trees and lights, traffic islands, traffic signal posts and new signs. The Schuylkill River Greenways map is divided by Trailheads, Trail Towns and Places to Visit. The Schuylkill River Relay is a rain or shine, 50K race that starts and finishes at Lock 60 on the Schuylkill Canal in Mont Clare, Pennsylvania (adjacent to Phoenixville). Over 21 runners can savor the day with a cold can of SRT Ale! PARKING: On the morning of race day runners must check their temperature. Connecting the Trail and Its Benefits. You can enjoy sights from South Street, to the Art Museum...and further to surrounding communities. The closest free parking is located at 2300 Cherry Street, Philadelphia (1 min walking). Riverfront has onsite parking and a shaded bench area with an observation deck. No award ceremony. Parking is available at several train stations along the R-6 Norristown line, as well as at Valley Forge Park’s Betzwood Picnic Area, but since the trail is easily accessible by public transit, a car isn’t really needed to enjoy it. The Schuylkill River Trail Overview map shows the proposed alignment for an approximately 10 mile trail segment from Phoenixville to Pottstown. TrailOff. Check the "Trail Alerts" section on the Schuylkill River Trail overview page for more details. Currently 5.75 miles of trail are open in Chester County. Click here to book. On April 2, 2013, the Chester County Phase I section opened to public use from the Cromby trailhead northward to Linfield Road at Parkerford. It was formed in 1988 by concerned neighbors to foster the preservation, beautification, improvement, maintenance, and enjoyment of Schuylkill River Park. for you, the family...even your four-legged friends. This race begins in waves, starting at 7:30 am. Maintains open sight-lines for safety and security and keep the trees, shrubs and plants healthy and hardy. Your entire teams equipment for the day will be in 1 bag, bibs, shirts, medals, swag etc. These improvements help to complete the Borough’s 2003 Revitalization Plan for the central business district of Bridge and Main Streets. Check the map here. The Schuylkill River Relay is a 50k relay or ultra marathon trail race along the banks of the Schuylkill river. Work with our neighbors and the community gardeners to maintain and improve the planting beds around the Park, Work in concert with the Markward Advisory Committee to offer programming in the Recreation Center and the Park that serves the entire family, Liase with the city and other groups on behalf of the neighborhood on important matters that shape the park's future, © 2020 by Friends of Schuylkill River Park. Where can I park for free near Schuylkill River Trail? Runners pick up their bracelets on race day. Check Status of Each Trail Section View Trail Alerts Check Individual Management Sites for Updated Information Sat: 1 – 10 p.m. Free kayaking and bicycling will be available from 2 – 5 PM on the weekend. Race day beginning at 7:00 am under the pavilion at St. Michael's. The Schuylkill River Trail begins at a trailhead at the Kernsville Dam in Auburn just above Hamburg. The course extends all the way to Conshohocken and back again. Phone: 484-945-0200 Fax 484-945-0204