In many cases, the changes SLIM wrought have come undone. if(pl_p) All rights reserved. 20 examples of simple sentences “wrought” . Any fundamental historical changes like those, 43. 1. Here are some examples. The stained-glass windows inside, and the black, 36. Before the development of effective methods of steelmaking and the availability of large quantities of steel, Although steel was more desirable, cast iron was cheaper and thus was more commonly used for implements in ancient China, while, Gerard, in the stand for a second day, was overcome as he told how he still bore scars on his back, skull and arms from a beating with a, The improvement of steelmaking processes improved the overall quality of steel by repeated forging, folding, and stacking of, Before it can be used, and before it can be worked by a blacksmith, it must be converted to a more malleable form as bar iron, the early stage of, Wonders, in the way of cure of bodily disease, are said to have been, His method let him produce steel in large quantities cheaply, thus mild steel came to be used for most purposes for which, Carbon content in iron was not implicated as the reason for the differences in properties of, But that fact appeared to limit some of the damage that could have been, So great was the conflux of torches, the flash and gleam of weapons, and the babel of sounds that it. wrought in a sentence - 20. Vanity, it may be, chose to mortify itself, by putting on, for ceremonials of pomp and state, the garments that had been, 56. Wrought-iron sentence examples. The combination of nature, human ingenuity and climate has indeed, 37. He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword: and the LORD, 59. Each side has a cast iro 1. The effect is an optical trick wrought through a careful recipe. It's difficult to see wrought in a sentence . Schlosser believes the damage wrought by fast food companies on America is even deeper than adding inches to the national waistline. Decorative projecting bricks, alcoves, wrought iron gates, and so on, are a security risk. Mexican furniture is distinguished by its use of light pine wood, combined with decorative wrought-iron hardware. At one end there will be sure to be the image of the teacher, The cross girders, stringers and wind-bracing are, As he did so he wondered if it was possible that Constantine did not realize the havoc he had, She did not come back, as some might have done, to view the havoc she had, Earnest and zealous in his efforts to upbuild the church, his labors, From this latter date up to 1721 the operations of the financier john law, A great laugh broke from him to see the reptilian change the grafting had, She wore a robe of exquisitely shaded Irish poplin, of emerald green, richly, Or sculpture because from the guiltless marble may be, Below this they wear a leggin of fine fur neatly, The parts usually case hardened are the link motion, and other light working parts that are of, Some he saw going about in scarlet red, some in purple well, The quicksilver mines of Idria, a town of Lower Austria, have continually been, Postmortem examination always shows that the treponema has. Once on a time He lived among men, preached, Becket may have been a dissembler, or a great change may have been, Since the Repulse all our battleships have been built of, They were obliged to say, that these miracles were, And shame me not for nought, I'll freely own whate'er amiss, Or blameful I have, For Sue came after her monthlies and in a ten minutes' conversation, The monks of Ely enshrined his body, and of course miracles were, She had unlaid one of her black braids and was replaiting it again after the havoc. 2. Decorative projecting bricks, alcoves, 33. On the grass beside him' lay a plumed hat, and a pair of riding gloves gauntleted with gilt lace, and sewn with seed-pearls, 57. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). definitions. 1. 20 examples of simple sentences “wrought” . A wrought-iron fence has been shaped to fit a particular ornamental style. The wrought list of example sentences with wrought. Each side has a cast iron arch in 7 segments from which the iron trough is hung by 35, 34. Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Durries, General Collectables, 50. 47 people chose this as the best definition of wrought: Formed; fashioned.... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. A plowman and his great plow, now standing idle in the furrow, had in a day. large wall scroll, 1950s Salterini Tempestini Radar Space Age MCM Mid-Century Modern, Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. There will be exhibitors offering garden furniture, pots, wickerwork, gardening tools and implements old and new, Diana vaguely remembered seeing the widow's walk, hanging like an afterthought on the front of the house close to the top, wrapped with a, Then as now, the majority of Americans had little interest in examining the nuclear sword of Damocles their fear had, But I want to intersperse the two because, if I keep doing dramatic things, they'll have to put me in a cage because I get so emotionally, By this time, I was bleeding at both knees, my head had become a swollen grenade of aching, pulsating annoyance, and my forearms were, Areas of the alps still show signs of environmental damage, His care for well-defined blocks of color is almost lapidary, like the intricately, And a coup probably would exacerbate the economic problems that months of friction, violence and impasse have, Many of the piers on the south side, namely, the eight westerly ones, including the half pier, retain the Norman ashlaring, upon which the new moldings have been, The building looked very much like a country courthouse, with an intricate, She brings soul to anything her lazy-sounding voice touches and a vision of the world which is, Small balcony projections with ornate balustrades and pretty, On each side of me from floor to ceiling were, Early blades were pattern-welded, a technique in which strips of, It is unpredictable, and it is the equivalent of splitting the atom on the molecular level, and we all know what harm nuclear technologies have, However, in recent years he has turned his skill and artistry to the crafting of artefacts, Eight-year-old Luke Vardy narrowly escaped with his life after he slipped and lost his footing as he climbed, He led a nation secure in its past, with a strong oral tradition of myths and legends, but one somewhat behind the social change, While a fragmented helmet had been unusually, His home is ultra-accessible, protected from the public by only a, Since the late '70s, and the fashion upheaval, Between 1997 and 1999 the roof was refurbished and 10,000 panes of toughened glass 'float' above the, The cow is a large, raw, high-boned, unfattenable animal, and being regularly, Surely of this work, and of this time, it shall be said, what hath God, Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he, But Verlaine's quadrisyllabic lines, which know when to run on and when to be end-stopped, triumph with their carefully, In 1925, James Aston of the United States developed a process for manufacturing, The process could be repeated several times to produce, For sculpture, the principal materials employed were glass and, The puddling furnace was initially a means of producing, His cold sesame chicken seasoned with chili is finely shredded and served in carefully, Another key aspect of French success was the changes, The new organization should first address the wrongs, In the second stage, pig iron is converted to, Other studies show that sulfur impurities in the, Environments with a high concentration of chlorine ions also decreases, For most purposes, ductility is a more important measure of the quality of, It was found that the stringers common to other, The biggest advantage of this setup is that it produces twice as much, This produced the first steel of modern quality, providing a means of efficiently changing excess, The first, and the most common, traditional method is solid state carburization of, Their method was something similar to the method of carburization of, Many industries were constrained by the lack of steel, being reliant on cast iron and, Within its formal structure, her poetry is ingenious, witty, exquisitely, At foundries it was common to blend scrap, Cast and especially pig iron have excess slag which must be at least partially removed to produce quality, Pig iron and cast iron have higher carbon content than, The puddling furnace is a metalmaking technology used to create, However both processes are now obsolete, and, The bridge had been badly designed, being trussed with, The reasons why the iron produced by Darby was not used in forges to make, In some mills timber was also eliminated from the roof structure which was supported by cast or, An impressive marble staircase with scrolled, The increase in mechanization required more metal parts, which were usually made of cast iron or, Of course, that doesn't really alter the havoc they've, This made steel much more economical, thereby leading to, And CNN exploited the pixilated images emanating from videophones for all the drama they, Careful control of the alloying and tempering eventually allowed for, Even the people of Bikini like Americans, despite the ecocide nuclear testing, They can be blocked, devoid of loo roll, flooded, and generally over, Toward the end of the 18th century, cast iron began to replace, It was also used in various other industries, including the manufacture of, Rolling replaced hammering for consolidating, The city center contains many examples of colonial and religious architecture, often incorporating distinctive, Your heart sang with his gleecraft, words wondrously, He then headed south to Shiraz, a large, flourishing city spared the destruction, They developed a polychrome style of gold work, using, Meanwhile, at Thetis' request, Hephaestus fashions a new set of armor for Achilles, including a magnificently, Pliny gives a special place to iron, distinguishing the hardness of steel from what is now called, These wagons on these tramlines would be pulled by horse over wooden rails, which later were replaced by, The first rail rolling mill was established by John Birkenshaw in 1820, where he produced fish bellied, And nobody sells a fight better than Money Mayweather, the flamboyant and profane braggart and most lucratively, A commercial source of pure iron is available and is used by smiths as an alternative to traditional. In many cases, the changes SLIM wrought have come undone. Now, however, a series of social upheavals since 1970 have, 45. 10 examples of sentences “wrought”. All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], Steel however rusts much more quickly than, It stood between two silver candlesticks prettily, He gasped as he saw how much destruction she had, The steel roof has been coloured to match the finish of the original, For now it is worth looking briefly at what the Pick-Sloan plan has, Gates gone: Tyneside police are investigating a spate of thefts of, More worrying are the longer lasting psychological effects usually associated with acid that can be, We discussed the changes the economy the new habits that a double-digit growth rate had, I mention the episode only to show what emotional havoc was, Beyond the political confusion there were other factors that, Dressed this evening in a stunning kaftan oblivious to the damage, And how long will they not believe in me in spite of all the signs which I have, So strong is the effect of carbon that the use to which the metal is put, and indeed its division into its two great classes, the malleable one, comprising steel and, 1.