roulette maman. Why can't it all be true? Nah, kali ini aku mau Serj Tankian adalah vokalis yang sangat lihai dalam memaikan keyboard. Tankian is also politically involved. *Apa kamu telah membuat bangga namamu? Tankian dan Dolmayan lahir di lebanon Lagu-lagu mereka terutama terkenal selain gayanya yang inovatif, dengan sentuhan musik Armenia. Why can't it all be true? Breathing each other's livesHolding this in mindThat if we fall, we all fallAnd we fall alone, The cold insincerity of steel machinesHave consumed our euphoriaTransforming us into muted dreamsDreaming of the day that, We attackAttack, attack your fetal servitudeWe attackAttack, attack, attack with pesticideWe attackAll the years of propagandaWe shall attack, Books illustrate what we already knowCandles cry towards the skyRacing your flags along polluted coastsDreaming of the day that, What's the philosophy of displaced mines The bombing of all homes andvillages Truth is the only sword bleeding minds Bleeding till the day that, Attack all the homes and villagesAttack all the schools and hospitalsYou attack all the rapes and pillagesWe shall attack, For today we will take the body parts and put them on the wall, For treated indigenously, digenouslyHuman right is private blue chip, pry, We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled waterCausing poor populations to die, to die, to die (For treatedindigenously, digenously) (Human right is private blue chip, pry), You, you went beyond and you lost it all Why did you go there Frombeyond you saw it all why did you, We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karmaConfetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage(For treated indigenously, digenously)(Human right is private blue chip, pry), We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled waterCausing poor populations to die, to die, to die, (For treated indigenously, digenously)(Human right is private blue chip, pry), You, you went beyond and you lost it all Why did you go there Frombeyond you saw it all why did you go there, She lost her mindSomeone kicked her into the back of the line, She lost her headWhen they called and they said that they thought he was dead, Dreaming of screamingSomeone kick me out of my mindI hate these thoughts I can't denyDreaming of screamingSomeone kick me out of my mindI hate these thoughts I can't de--, We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karmaConfetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage (For treatedindigenously, digenously) (Human right is private blue chip, pry), Dreaming of screamingSomeone kick me out of my mindI hate these thoughts I can't deny, You will take the body parts and put them up on the wall And bring thedark disaster, KILL ROCK 'N ROLLSo I felt like the biggest asshole(Felt like the biggest asshole)When I killed your rock 'n roll(Mow down the sexy people), Every time I look in your eyesEveryday I'm watching you dieAll the thoughts I see in youAbout how I, So I felt like the biggest asshole(Felt like the biggest asshole)When I killed your rock 'n roll(Mow down the sexy people), Eat all the grassEat all the grass that you wantAccidents happen in the darkEat all the grass that you wantAccidents happen in the darkEat all the grass that you wantAccidents happen in the darkEat all the grass that you wantAccidents happen, So I felt like the biggest assholeWhen I killed rock 'n rollAnd I felt like the biggest assholeWhen I kill rock 'n roll, Why don't you ask the kids at Tiananmen Square Was fashion the reasonwhy they were there They disguise it hypnotize it Television made youbuy it, I'm just sitting in my carAnd waiting for my, She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams and hercountry left with no one there Mezmerize the simple minded Propagandaleaves us blinded, I'm just sitting in my carAnd waiting for my girl, STEALING SOCIETYYeah, oh rightYeah, oh right, Two skiesWatching it all, fadingTwo skiesLiving it all, fading, Two skiesWatching it all, fadingTwo skies fadingOne's abating, Two sunsLiving it all, dyingTwo suns fightingOne's abiding, Two sunsWatching them both fightingTwo sunsSeeing them both dying, Two sunsWatching them both fightingTwo suns fightingOne's abiding, Two skiesSeeing them both dyingTwo skies fadingOne's abating, Crack pipes, needles, PCP and fast carsKind of mix really well in a dead movie star If I feel like talking, Inever be wrong If I feel like walking, you best come along, I close my windowsCrank the heat up highTill my palms are wetAnd my tongue is dry, I'm looking for a motherThat will get me highJust a stupid motherfuckerIf I die, I die, Looking for a motherThat will get me highJust a stupid motherfuckerIf I die, I die, I'm looking for a motherThat will get me highJust a stupid motherfuckerIf I die, I die(Two suns fighting, one's abiding), Looking for a motherThat will get me highJust a stupid motherfuckerIf I die, I die(Two skies fading, one's abating), Cause I'm looking for a motherThat will get me highJust a stupid motherfuckerIf I die, I die(Two suns fighting, one's abiding), I'm looking for a motherThat will get me highI'm a stupid motherfuckerIf I die, I die(Two skies, two suns, watching them all go), Superstition taking all of us for a ride Mimes overtaken by the signs ofthe Right The bombs are falling overhead with no sight While you aretalking all detached, so tell us, Where you goingTo the bottomDo you hear usWe are rotting, We're going down in a spiral to the ground No one, no one's gonna saveus now, Ceremonies have killed religions for they provide The masked comforts todelusionals, they're all in fright The true believer's head was bathedin sunlight While you are walking all detached, so tell us, We're going down in a spiral to the ground No one, no one's gonna saveus now Not even God, no one saved us No one's gonna save us. niihh gue kasih tau cara yang paling mujarab buat minta maaf Baik untuk diri saya sendiri maupun orang lain. Serj Tankian vydá album so skladbami, ktoré boli určené pre System Of A Down, Serj Tankian vydá EP se songy, které měly skončit na albu System Of A Down, Z walkmanů až na česká pódia. Waspada.. Orang Kurang Berpendidikan itu Cepat Tua... Berbagai Anggapan yang Salah Seputar Jerawat. What's the philosophy of displaced mines The bombing of all homes and, We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled water, You, you went beyond and you lost it all Why did you go there From, We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma, You will take the body parts and put them up on the wall And bring the, She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams and her, We're going down in a spiral to the ground No one, no one's gonna save, Ceremonies have killed religions for they provide The masked comforts to, Superstition taking all of us for a ride Mimes overtaken by the signs of. Life is a waterfall,We're one in the river,And one again after the fall.Swimming through the voidWe hear the word,We lost ourselves,But we find it all?Cause we are the ones that want to play,Always want to go,But you never want to stay,And we are the ones that want to choose,Always want to play,But you never want to lose.Aerials, in the sky,When you lose small mind,You free your life.Life is a waterfall,We drink from the river,Then we turn around and put up our walls.Swimming through the voidWe hear the word,We lost ourselves,But we find it all?Cause we are the ones that want to play,Always want to go,But you never want to stay,And we are the ones that want to choose,Always want to play,But you never want to lose.Aerials, in the sky,When you lose small mind,You free your life.Aerials, so up high,When you free your eyes,Eternal prize.Aerials, in the sky,When you lose small mind,You free your life.Aerials, so up high,When you free your eyes,Eternal prize. tempat favorit masyarakat Sumbawa utk lari sore dan sepedaan Their original drummer was Ontronik Khachaturian, with whom they had spent time playing with in Soil, though he was later replaced by, Tankian's breakthrough as a solo artist, came with the release of his debut record. MDRE9LP/G... Facebook cover bisa menjadi cara ampuh untuk memperkenalkan diri kamu atau silahkan dicoba guys On November 29, 2010, following several weeks of internet rumors, System of a Down officially announced that they will play shows In Europe During Festivals And In North America . Another promotional version, issued by Reprise Records and made only for individual reviewers, features the album in final master form. [butuh rujukan] Selain itu isinya juga berisikan ide, pandangan-pandangan,dan apa yang mereka rasakan. Di Tokyo Camii, ... Terkadang ......,. pacar yang baik untuk cowok itu adalah seorang Diberdayakan oleh. Alhamdulillahi robbil aalamin, Wabihi nasta'iinu alla ... Dina pabukon sunda aya sawatara carita anu disebut 'carita dekektip', diantarana diarah pati beunang margasulaksana jeung ... A. Pilihan Ganda Elastisitas Bahan 1.