white smoke from exhaust on startup or when accelerating and even when idle, White smoke or water vapor coming from the tailpipe, especially in the morning when the engine is cold. She insulted my town! But if you think the whiteness is your car’s fault rather than the climate’s, brace yourself for bad news. I have a 2016 Toyota avensis diesel 1.6 the car was driving fine dpf full engine service needed came up on the dash stayed on for 2 days went off now the car is leaving out white smoke form the exhaust while accelerating and idling no smoking until car gets hot what would you think the problem is, You may need to do dpf regeneration with a scan tool beacause soot content may have clogged your exhaust.if you don’t do it quickly, it may mess up your engine, My 4 cylinder diesel engine discharged all it’s oil from crank case througj exhaust pipe. This is typically caused by one or more of the following problems: Faulty fuel pressure regulator: As the name implies, this device regulates fuel pressure to the engine. In order to repair this, simply check the fuel and replace if necessary. is oil within your car combustion chambers. Read this article to Once the fuel and oil get mixed together, it will cause to come out of the tailpipe. Your mechanic can perform a cylinder leakdown test to determine which of these issues is causing the problem. If you have a faulty engine control unit or one that simply is glitchy, it may throw off the timing of the fuel injector. HI BMW 320i touring 2006. The presence of oil in the Observe if they are low and if the car Now the smoke is continously coming out. When the white smoke is as a result of transmission fluid, it means that the car engine is likely absorbing excess fluid from the vacuum pipe or hose which is what makes it produce white smoke. need your attention. Fuel injectors and sensors might also be damaged. That sounds like several unrelated problems. You probably aren’t going to know which of these problems is causing the white smoke to get produced until you have a mechanic look over your vehicle and perform a diagnosis on it. Replacement may be necessary. It will be gone for about a month to 2 months and then start smoking again. Smoking is not limited to startups, you may also see white smoke from exhaust when accelerating and on rear cases, you may as well see white smoke from exhaust when idle. Your IP: (This is generally not a DIY job). Fuel injectors may be leaking.The Fix: Replace fuel injectors. There may be some other type of ignition problem.The Fix: Check distributor cap and rotor. Diagnosing a white-smoke issue can be tricky on cold winter mornings, when even tip-top exhaust systems pump out dense white clouds due to low temperatures. When the white smoke is as a result of transmission fluid, it means that the car engine is likely absorbing excess fluid from the vacuum pipe or hose which is what makes it produce white smoke. (This is generally not a DIY job). A turbocharged car will also send out blue smoke whenever the blower has to be replaced. Unless, that is, something’s wrong with your car. Once that happens, the oil will become contaminated. Can this be a result of faulty injectors . If you’re going to have tailpipe smoke, black’s the color you want. (Someone may remember and come to the rescue.) Burning Through Oil and Accompanying Smoke, More Reasons Behind Abnormal Exhaust Smoke, Troubleshooting Engine Driveability Problems: Surging or Misfiring, How to Troubleshoot Engine Problems by Sound, Engine Vacuum Leak: Symptoms and Solutions, Troubleshooting Idle Problems in Mazda Engines, Reasons Why Your Car's Idle Speed Might Be Too High, Finding and Fixing an Evaporative Emissions Leak, 11 Sources of Engine Rattling and How to Fix Them, Troubleshooting a No Spark Problem in Honda Accord. It means that the air-to-fuel ratio is lower than it should be, a condition known as “running rich." Any ideas.Thank you. better understand how transmission fluids burns. Smokey can't wait til christmas is over. ( How to Install AC Compressor). Any ideas? All it takes is a little bit of coolant to leak out and get mixed in with the engine oil. I parked the car for a few weeks, and checked all fluids, checked for any leaks, and ran Seafoam through the gas tank. by IrishRepublicanArmy October 21, 2003. If you have a tiger by the tail you had better not let go, or the tiger will turn around and hurt you severely. mechanics cant find the issue its a 2013 audi A1 turbo diesel. What does GRAY smoke from my exhaust mean? Dear Valued Customers, After conferring with State and local officials and based on the relatively small number of personal interactions involved in our daily operation we have decided to continue to function and will be open regular hours. For that reason, you’ll have the water dripping from the pipe.