Images. Its main source of energy stemmed from the ambient stellar energies of native stars and suns but could also use its co-pilot as a power source, though they will burn out over time and genetically disintegrate if not properly adjusted to its power.[44]. Labs when Flash lead him up there, causing him to fall on a car where Arrow finally finished him off with an arrow and made him pass out. Universe Information Ronnie was then transformed by the Entity to become the element of fire and protect the Star City Forest from the "Dark Avatar" which appears to be the Black Lantern version of the Swamp Thing. [22] While recovering in the hospital, Stein explains to Ronnie that it seems to be very dangerous to fuse into Firestorm again. When Caitlin tried to talk to him, he denied that he was Ronnie Raymond and warned her to get away. Labs particle accelerator. Initially he could not affect organic matter without painful, even lethal, feedback (i.e., fatal biophysical disruption or even localized particle motion phenomena like extreme changes in the weather). Afterward, Ronnie and Jason must find a way to contain their Firestorm matrix from the explosion in less than ninety days. Deadman then arrives, demanding that he be given the White Lantern. Jefferson Jackson (formerly)Martin Stein (formerly; deceased)Ronnie Raymond (formerly; deceased)Valentina Vostok (briefly; as Soviet Firestorm; deceased) [20][21], Palmer manages to separate Jason and Ronnie, but not before the Firestorm matrix causes a huge explosion, trans-mutating everything in the Professor's laboratory into table salt. Yet another Firestorm title was launched in 2011. Status Ray, Mick, and Stein were transported to a Russian gulag prison, where Valentina repeatedly attempted to get Stein to divulge the secrets of Firestorm's creation, as her previous attempts at creating her own nuclear men had been unsuccessful. Labs, Barry suggested that Stein and Ronnie try to separate. They play a large part in the events leading up to the Trinity War, the three-way battle between the Justice League (the original headed by Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman), the Justice League of America (the A.R.G.U.S.-sponsored team led by Steve Trevor, Green Arrow and Amanda Waller), and Justice League Dark (the paranormal team consisting of John Constantine, Zatanna and the Phantom Stranger). Inactive Like other Black Lanterns, the undead Firestorm mimics the personality of Ronnie Raymond, often wisecracking and exhibiting other stereotypical teenage behavior. Despite this power growth, Firestorm tends to default to throwing fireballs around when in action, but he retains his molecular manipulation abilities when faced with significant problems, including turning the Dominators' anti-metahuman bomb into water after intense concentration, and turning a highly secure safe at the Vanishing Point into jelly beans. Biological Information Labs, right as The Flash was fighting the Reverse-Flash. After a few months of 'retirement' from the Legends, with only weekly meetings to recombine as Firestorm to maintain stability, Jax and Stein rejoined the team to investigate new aberrations, but Stein was more uncomfortable with joining the team as he would soon be a grandfather. Ronnie Raymond Forcibly separating Jason and Ronnie, Black Lantern Firestorm stands between them, separate from both Ronnie and Jason and apparently calling itself "Deathstorm". [5], Some months following, Stein approached Quentin Quale, an old friend of his. Earth-1 Jax successfully merged with Stein as Firestorm and helped Barry stop Hewitt at Jax's alma mater. When Conway left the series in 1986, John Ostrander (with artist Joe Brozowski) began writing the Firestorm stories. It was later revealed that Firestorm could always change organic matter but opted not to. [7] This led to a series of eight-page stories in the back of The Flash (issues 289–304; with art by George Pérez, Jim Starlin and others), and a revival of a monthly Firestorm comic in 1982. One night, he was accosted by two muggers, who taunted him for appearing cold. Briefly, Valentina Vostok merged with an unwilling Professor Stein as Soviet Firestorm during the latter's time travel adventures as part of the Legends. core. Hewitt, who had been chosen by Caitlin Snow, failed to merge with Stein and became angered at her for having raised false hope. Biological Information Later, Caitlin found him with the help of Cisco Ramon by following the ionized particles Firestorm emitted. Earth-1 Starring both Ronnie and his successor Jason, it was one of The New 52 titles launched in the wake of DC's Flashpoint crossover event. He distracted the two of them with flames and promptly escaped. Dr. Valentina Vostok (died 1986), also known as Soviet Firestorm, was a scientist from the Soviet Union and an ally of Vandal Savage in a top-secret government project, "Operation Svarog". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.