How-tos for Creating Remote Sunday School Experiences. Social distancing, Temporary Expanded Licensing for Sparkhouse Resources, 1517 Media's imprints: Augsburg Fortress | Beaming Books | Broadleaf Books | Fortress Press | Sparkhouse, How-tos for Creating Remote Sunday School Experiences, You may add an unlimited number of users to your Sparkhouse Digital account. Experience Sparkhouse Digital for free! You are welcome to distribute, post, and reproduce the lesson materials for your church families in whatever way works for you. If you are a Sparkhouse Digital Subscriber: Each of us at Sparkhouse and 1517 Media’s other imprints remains committed to the work of supporting your ministry. Sparkhouse is equipping you with the tools to lead Sunday school lessons remotely with the kids in your ministry. “That way our kids would get to see each other and give parents a break so that they don't have to be the ones leading all this.”, Topics: Sparkhouse is equipping you with the tools to lead Sunday school lessons remotely with the kids in your ministry. For the next curriculum year, we have created How-tos for Creating Remote Sunday School Experiences to help Christian educators adapt every Sparkhouse Sunday school curriculum for remote learning. During your trial you can browse, preview, and plan any of the unlimited leader resources, videos, and exclusive extras that Sparkhouse Digital offers you and your church, and download up to 7 files. Whether you prerecord, livestream, or host a virtual meeting, these resources will help you prepare to use Sparkhouse Sunday school curricula virtually. Similarly, other congregations have made packets complete with a unit’s worth of supplies for curbside pick-up. To find out more about how we use cookies to give you a better experience, see our privacy statement. COVID-19, Kids’ developmental levels and interests guide the design of every resource. We encourage the distribution of print resources should you continue remote instruction in your community this fall. Aug 18, 2020 9:00:00 AM / by Sparkhouse Tweet While many churches have held Sunday school via Zoom or Facebook Live during this pandemic, some churches are not jumping on the digital bandwagon. Each week Sunday school curriculum developer (and former summer camp Arts and Crafts director) Dr. Sparkhouse Digital offers access to key resources for your favorite Sparkhouse curricula, including: Leader Guides: Online leader guides for each of Sparkhouse’s brands make it easy to preview lessons and articles so you can send them to other leaders and easily plan upcoming lessons for your early childhood, children, and youth programs. Resources include a short instructional video and one-page guide for leaders for each age group within each Sparkhouse curriculum. Prep time is minimal, so leaders can feel prepared as they focus on helping kids grow in faith. We encourage churches to use published Sparkhouse resources for remote instruction, safely distributing any physical materials. Connect worship and Sunday school with this three-year curriculum based on the Revised Common Lectionary. To find out more about how we use cookies to give you a better experience, see our privacy statement. Here at Sparkhouse, we strive to deliver resources that help you engage and build faith in your community with innovative … You can use this time to be together, learn together and grow together. Activities using various media engage kids and build excitement for learning. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions as they relate to using Sparkhouse resources remotely. Lively, age-appropriate activities—including games, crafts, and creative play—accommodate various ways kids learn. We believe the distribution of print resources provides a meaningful touchpoint for the families in your congregation and allows kids to interact with resources made explicitly for their developmental levels. Visit, free printable sunday school lessons for kids, perspectives on economic studies stiglitz course, sports medicine doctor degree requirements, Python: Object Oriented Programming, Unique Chance With 70% Off. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Resources include a short instructional video and one-page guide for leaders for each age group within each Spark model. Pick and choose across Sparkhouse curriculum, and leverage our unique calendar and planning tools to schedule based on your program. Lessons will start with a live host family who will introduce the morning experience, and then share the screen so children may view three 5-minute pre-recorded videos (storytelling, music and a variety of experiences we call faith-in action). Frequently asked questions about using Sparkhouse resources remotely.