Not because you “walk in a straight perfect line.” Yes, we repent. I’m tired of having constant evil thoughts coming in, like if… Read more ». Educated spiritual seekers are looking for something more than these two alternatives offer. When you are fighting against spiritual strongholds you are fighting against the thought(s) that holds an individual, family, community or even country in bondage. But we must keep in mind that strategic ground is not yielded easily. Not only did God give us freedom of choice, with consequences, he created us with a very powerful tool- a brain. For the battle you are facing, one of the greatest ways you can stand strong is to step up your prayer life: God's Word tells us to "Endure suffering, as a good soldier of Christ." The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. We no longer can entertain the lies of the enemy but must get up and fight back. The Bible tells a story about the disciples praying for a boy to be delivered from demons and it didn't work. Please enter your email address. That’s how many cultures came about, it began with a thought and then that thought became a way of doing things. shared a powerful blog about spiritual warfare that has helped me immensely. Not every hardship in life is spiritual warfare. Screenagers: The Impact On Children’s Life Growing Up in Digital, How Important Is a Mouthguard for the clenching teeth at. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition If he can keep one confused and feeling condemned, he has robbed one of the greatest truth. Spiritual Strongholds: Are You Under Attack in Your Mind? That being said, we should also recognize that sometimes there's a spiritual reality to what we are facing. We can take nothing for granted in this life. More often than… Read more ». Letter K Meaning Of backlash. Spiritual warfare often comes when we are about to make a dent for God's kingdom which brings glory to God. Yes, our desire is to be Christ-like, but this is a work in progress not a quick fix. Tried and Tested Tips for Your Thanksgiving Travel! uneasy definition: 1. slightly worried or uncomfortable about a particular situation: 2. used to describe a situation…. What are your thoughts and this topic of spiritual strongholds? Spiritual warfare may look like unusual adversity that has unusual timing right before or after God uses you for kingdom impact, or does something significant in you. This is why many people will never give their lives to the Lord, and if they do they continue to live a defeated life, as they feel condemn, inferior or any other mental attacks the enemy fit to employ. Here are 4 proven ways to stand strong in the face of spiritual warfare: We will all face hardship in this life. See my other article on Fighting Spiritual Warfare. If you are encountering spiritual warfare, know that God is using you, and you are making a difference. Your friend in Christ,Matt Brown@evangelistmatt, Standing Strong Through Spiritual Warfare | Matt Brown, 3 Steps to Getting Your Walk With Jesus Back on Track | Daniel Fusco, Navigating Transitions in Life | Matt Brown, our main Facebook group community “Think Eternity with Matt Brown” here. Why Do We Use Symbols To Censor Swearwords? Pray more than you normally set aside time to. (Mark 9:29). Because I allowed what the enemy was telling me to influence the truth I hardened my heart too and I will tell you something he inserted fear shortly after God had been working in my heart and life and after I made… Read more ». My grandfather in-law and father in-law led our church for a half century, and. I also want to invite you to subscribe to the Think Eternity with Matt Brown Podcast, pick up my book Truth Plus Love, and join our main Facebook group community “Think Eternity with Matt Brown” here. Spiritual warfare is depicted (without using the term) back to the writing of the New Testament as Paul stated: Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.