of Supreme Court of New Jersey opinions. 0000051395 00000 n
<>stream 5 0 obj x�+� � | A State detective contacted and conferred with the New York Police Department’s Technical Services unit, as well as a technology company, both of which concluded that the cellphones’ technology made them inaccessible to law enforcement agencies. State v. Robert Andrews (A-72-18) (082209) Argued January 21, 2020 -- Decided August 10, 2020 SOLOMON, J., writing for the Court. 0000012325 00000 n
Joseph L. Yannotti, P.J.A.D. 0000002139 00000 n
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%PDF-1.5 "Here, the State correctly asserts that the lawfully issued search warrants -- the sufficiency of which Andrews does not challenge -- give it the right to the cellphones’ purportedly incriminating contents as specified in the trial court’s order. endstream Supreme Court of New Jersey _____ : Docket No. h�b```�Y��� cg`a������a��{���%��
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A-0291-17T4 STATE OF NEW JERSEY, Plaintiff-Respondent, APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION November 15, 2018 v. APPELLATE DIVISION ROBERT ANDREWS, Defendant-Appellant. h��L�t����!��]Y�O��\��6�x^-r� x�+� � | 0000048087 00000 n
endstream JEROME ANDREWS, BRIAN THOMAS, THOMAS GREEN, TYRONE ANDREWS. endstream 12 0 obj At Tuesday’s hearing, Crocker will tell the court that reciting, writing, typing or otherwise reproducing a password from memory is testimony protected by the Fifth … The State therefore moved to compel Andrews to disclose the passcodes to his two iPhones. Therefore, production of the cellphones and 0000048339 00000 n
endstream endstream 9 0 obj 15 0 obj ROBERT ANDREWS, : Defendant-Appellant. endobj endobj The Court held that neither federal nor state protections against compelled disclosure shielded Andrews' passcodes. This case concerns whether the compelled production of a cellphone password violates a defendant’s right against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment, New Jersey statute, and New Jersey common law. �0D���Y*Ԙ�ƦYV� �B�Hj��U��7|"*��p�� ;��TK�tԁ�1H�r,c]��������. No. <>stream And neither those contents -- which are voluntary, not compelled, communications -- nor the phones themselves -- which are physical objects, not testimonial communications -- are protected by the privilege against self-incrimination. 14 0 obj endobj During his arrest, he turned over two phones. x���� The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory advised that it likewise would be unable to access the phones’ contents. endobj 0000047896 00000 n
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their contents is not barred.". 8 0 obj �0E����T�1�ƦYV� �B�Hj��U��7|"*w7ÙsL���P�Z2%����A�c�Z&Pǯ۳�l�zF�v���(�h��+A��&.��JW���p���ޕ����/�ű�m���"� RP���[!��c����Bj��U,��ӣ�oU(��7݀�W)c�TZ�H���J�g`�&��5�Z6a��b� 0000001630 00000 n
Supplemental Brief on behalf of the State of New Jersey Theodore N. Stephens II Acting Essex County … 0000040212 00000 n
endstream According to the State, its Telephone Intelligence Unit was unable to search Andrews’s iPhones. 0000050383 00000 n
11 0 obj Distilled to its essence, Andrews takes issue with the trial court's ad hoc approach to the Gilmore issue that was presented and its failure to faithfully follow the mandate of the New Jersey Supreme Court as to a remedy for a Gilmore violation. 0000049110 00000 n
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endobj 82,209 : STATE OF NEW JERSEY, CRIMINAL ACTION Plaintiff-Respondent,: ... Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division.