I have yet to invest the first dime because I don't believe in unearned income. Cast as Quint in Jaws (1975) but unable to play due to tax problems. "[10], Hayden had to testify publicly. "One way or another, I felt that I had sold out – or failed – at almost everything in my whole life. Hayden made two films for Pine Thomas Productions who distributed through Paramount: a western, El Paso (1949), supporting John Payne; and Manhandled (1949), a thriller with Dorothy Lamour. In 1981, in Brampton, Ontario, a judge dropped charges of hashish possession against Mr. Hayden after his attorney told the court the actor was using it to combat his alcoholism. As OSS agent John Hamilton, his World War II service included sailing with supplies from Italy to Yugoslav partisans and parachuting into fascist Croatia. His first film, Virginia (1941), directed by Edward H. Griffith, starred Madeleine Carroll whom he married. Hayden returned to Paramount. This is your private office, the place that shelters your fondest hopes: these desks so neat, patiently waiting for the day that never comes, the day you'll sit down at last and begin to write. Column: Celebrate Trump’s defeat. . "I'll go back to Hollywood to pick up a dollar, but that's all", he said. Hayden went to Europe where he appeared in Ternos Caçadores (1970), Angel's Leap (1971) and Le grand départ (1972). Then it was action: Battle Taxi (1954), a Korean War movie; Timberjack (1955), a Western for Republic; Shotgun (1955), a Western with Yvonne de Carlo; The Eternal Sea (1955), a World War II naval story; Top Gun (1955), a Western for producer Edward Small. “I was a real daddy-longlegs of a worm when it came to crawling,” he wrote. Yet whenever I get a closeup in a nice warm studio, I curl up and die. I never was. In November 1960 he said he was a "sailor or writer" rather than an actor.[31]. He made some films in Europe: The Final Programme (1973), Deadly Strangers (1975), Cipolla Colt (1975) and 1900 (1975). [to producers at end of each picture] When you took me, who did you REALLY want for the picture? “Not often does a man find himself so eulogized for having behaved in a manner that he himself so despises.”, By 1959, Hayden was so disgusted with Hollywood that he said he could remember the titles of only about five of the movies he made. (1957), a disaster film; Gun Battle at Monterey (1957), a Western; The Iron Sheriff (1957), a Western for Edward Small; Ten Days to Tulara (1958), an adventure film; Terror in a Texas Town (1958), a Western.[26]. In 1964 Hayden appeared in A Carol for Another Christmas on TV. He was 70 and had been fighting the illness for several years. [on confessing his Communist ties] I don't think you have the foggiest notion of the contempt I have had for myself since the day I did that thing . [to producers at end of each picture] When you took me, who did you REALLY want for the picture? In his autobiography, he condemned himself for that cooperation.