Your intelligence, your ingenuity, your experiences. I felt drawn to a course in integrative counselling, but I couldn't help but feel that something was missing. A critical aspect of my theatrical training and endeavour celebrates the potential of the individual while exploring the obstacles and difficulties that inhibit the fulfillment of that potential. Mental health isn't just about being mentally well. For the first time in human history, there is a framework for understanding mental health that encompasses all of human culture and psychological understanding under one organising idea. ...but then so does the potential for unhappiness to spiral out of control. Your email will never be used for anything other than our correspondence. Put two of them together and the potential for happiness and fulfilment multiplies! In this way we maximise the work that we do together so that you can freely move forwards without my help as soon as you are comfortable doing so. Find meaning, drive and energy to tackle trauma and anxiety, end addictions, drive depression away and fulfil your unique potential. This scientifically proven therapy helps you to overcome challenging obstacles and . Please contact me using the form below and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have. So, I pursued my career as a performer. Understanding what we need in order to thrive and what resources we have available to us that get those vital needs met is the foundation to. I grew up in a family that fostered over fifty children in thirty years, and I have lived experience of all aspects of mental ill health, with some tragice examples of needs not being met. This understanding aligned with the psychological tradjectory of my career in the theatre. Sometimes it's about improving your performance in all the endeavours that you wish to engage with. Stories impart new learnings, new patterns of being, while flying under radars of the emotional or rational brain. Steve Peck. Human beings have innate resources to get emotional needs met in order to thrive mentally. This scientifically proven therapy helps you to overcome challenging obstacles and. "...I slept better after just one session. Security, Control, Attention, Community, Status, Emotional Connection, Privacy, Achievement and Meaning and Purpose. The models that I use commit to therapeutic outcomes and empirically provable benefits; unlike all other previous forms of psychotherapy. Human beings have innate resources to get emotional needs met in order to thrive mentally. Using tools from the world renown Gottman Method we can work together to empower you to  the common challenges that every couple faces. Performers are themselves an exponent of the wonder of humanity, sharpening their physical, creative and mental acuity on order to deliver a performance. Fast, solution based therapy. When accurately utilised, these assets enable you to thrive in all areas of life. Now though, the Human Givens Approach has revolutionised psychotherapy, building on half a century of positive psychology. That journey started formally about twenty years ago. Thank you for visiting my website. Carolyn, 29, Sales. relief from even the most severe mental health conditions. This is quite aside from the power of the content; the stories that are told...and it is the power of stories that is a key component of the therapuetic approach that I use now in my everyday practice. The performance itself exemplerary of what can be achieved when we work together in open fearless connectedness; what can be achieved when we engage our innate gifts, physical and abstract, in, "Give them a fish, they'll starve in a week...teach them how to fish and they'll thrive forever.". Maintaining quality emotional connection is not an easy task, but it is the single most important aspect of life for anyone who is committed to sharing life's challenges with someone else. Lucy, 38, Teacher. action to bring about  the changes that you want in your life. There's always room for improvement. I am here to offer you access to a wealth of experience and training in coaching and psychotherapy. Click here to add your own text and edit me. However on that course, I couldn't help but feel that something was missing. We strengthen the relevant skills allowing you to tackle even the most difficult situations and rediscover shared meaning and a deeper sense of togetherness in your relationship. I use The Human Givens Approach, a modern, groundbreaking psychotherapy which offers powerful therapeutic tools for relief from even the most severe mental health conditions. By investing our time in your resources then you can quickly and efficiently move forwards towards the change you want and a greater sense of wellbeing. In a comfortable and private therapy room we can explore the issues that you are facing and work together to find fast relief from: Trauma. omplicit combination with others. complicit combination with others.