Written By. Astronomer Dr. Tony Phillips said: “Solar Minimum is underway and it’s a deep one.”. Here Are Details About The Solar Minimum Phenomenon 'Sun in Lockdown' has been trending on various social media platforms. While we on Earth suffer from coronavirus, our star—the Sun—is having a lockdown all of its own. OUR sun has gone into lockdown, with reduced solar activity as part of an 11-year cycle. THEN the planets (ALL) cool and you have a Maunder Minimum. Indeed, during the Dalton Minimum between 1790 and 1830, there was an earthquake activity. I live on Lot 77771. Democrats Give Away the Game: They Want the Supreme Court to Unilaterally Amend the Constitution, Amazing! Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. Be curious! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Read to know what is the solar minimum and if it has any catastrophic results. the sun is a mirror for what we do. Experts at NASA fear this lockdown period of the Sun can be the second Dalton Minimum occurring between 1790 and 1830 . Original Published Date: 16 May 2020. NASA scientists fear it could be a repeat of the Dalton Minimum, which happened between 1790 and 1830 — leading to… Skip to content. The sun is currently in a period of “solar minimum”, meaning activity on its surface has fallen. Last Updated: 26th May, 2020 21:20 IST Sun In Lockdown Period? the sun is not predictable. “Excess cosmic rays pose a health hazard to astronauts and polar air travelers, affect the electro-chemistry of Earth’s upper atmosphere and may help trigger lightning.”. — NASA Sun & Space (@NASASun) May 18, 2020. Galactic cosmic rays are high energy particles accelerated toward the solar system by distant supernova explosions and other violent events in the galaxy. Wake up you dumb fucktard. It also led to the so-called Year Without a Summer in 1816 — also nicknamed “eighteen hundred and froze to death” — when there was snow in July. According to NASA, the Sun will reach its lowest activity in over 200 years in 2020. Temperatures plummeted by up to 2°C (3.6°F) over 20 years, devastating the world’s food production. Menu Jon’s Place; Blog; The Sun Has Entered A ‘Lockdown’ Period Called A ‘Solar Minimum’ Which Astronomers Fear Could Lead To Brutal Cold, Famine And Volcanic Eruptions. It's not just the world that's gone into lockdown, the sun's activity has also fallen and one astronomer is warning 'it's a deep one'. Experts say the sun's quiet phase is part of a natural 11-year cycle. we can’t. Sunspot counts were relatively high in 2014, and now they are sliding toward a low point expected in 2019-2020. The sun is currently in a period of “solar minimum”, meaning activity on its surface has fallen. since we’re in lockdown the sun does the same thing. Spaceweather.com reports that already there have been 100 days in 2020 when our Sun … V.2.0 Rebooted. Back in 2017, NASA noted that solar minimum was expected in 2019-2020. “Grand Solar Minimum”, the oxymoron that just keeps giving. Would the Solar minimum cause massive earthquakes? Mysterious explosions were heard in Brockton, MA, ‘loud explosion’ and ‘sonic boom’ across Nottingham, UK, Ground Shaking, Loud Booms Reported Across Escambia County, Florida. So far this year, the sun has been “blank” with no sunspots 76 percent of the time, a rate surpassed only once before in the Space Age — last year, when it was 77 percent blank. Anyone having foretelling election dreams ? Claim: By spring 2020, the sun had entered a "lockdown" period where its solar activity decreased to the point that famine, earthquakes, and freezing weather threatened life on Earth. NASA.gov brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. But every so often, the Sun becomes quieter for longer periods of time, experiencing much fewer sunspots and giving off less energy. that’s like saying we can predict what god will do. Experts at NASA fear this lockdown period of the Sun can be the second Dalton Minimum occurring between 1790 and 1830, which led to extreme cold, loss of crops, and brutal volcanic eruption. The Wrong Answer to the Right Problem. 2020-05-18 07:02:34 (UTC)40.828°N 127.230°W10.0 km depth. For all of the GSM doubters…NASA put out a warning in 2009 about this. Don’t let Solar Minimum fool you! In a blog post, it wrote, "The sun is heading toward solar minimum now. Astronomer Dr. Tony Phillips said: “Solar Minimum is underway and it’s a deep one. I believe someone has stolen the blood vessels that carry oxygen to your brain !! The sun is currently in a period of “solar minimum”, meaning activity on its surface has fallen. “Sunspot counts suggest it is one of the deepest of the past century. Learn how your comment data is processed. “The sun’s magnetic field has become weak, allowing extra cosmic rays into the solar system. Amir Khollam . Grand Solar Minimum: The Sun Has Entered Its ‘Lockdown’ Period Which Could... health hazard to astronauts and polar air travelers, 2,000 years happened at Mount Tambora in Indonesia, M6.5 Earthquake Hits Nevada on May 15, 2020 – Numerous Strong Aftershocks Felt in the Area, Looming Giant Landslide in Alaska Could Trigger Enormous Tsunami at Any Moment, Today began with a bang as giant sunspot AR2781 exploded into a C5-class solar flare causing shortwave radio blackout, Pair of solar flares create shortwave radio brownouts over South America, A huge solar flare burst from the Sun and just missed Earth… Now look at the video and feel how lucky we are, The monster Carrington Event solar storm was not unique and probably will happen again, The ONLY SECOND geomagnetic storm of 2020 hit Earth on August 28th.