The forward screw is the yoke screw assembly, which contains the yoke retaining pin and retaining pin spring. Free Shipping On Orders over $100 - 2 Day Air Upgrade $10. 942. So if you love to conceal carry without giving off any undue attention, this revolver is a good choice for you.Bottom LineThe Taurus Judge proves why it belongs on the list as the best overall choice. Everything you need, nothing you don't, black oxide or stainless finish, and MSRP is around $400. Its classic look and superior performance are more than enough to make it deserving of such an honor. Be careful to maintain control of the spring assembly as you release the tension. 44. Not only are they durable, but when taken care of properly, they can remain strong for the long-term. In 2012, Heritage Manufacturing was also purchased and its production later moved to Taurus' Miami, Florida plant. Performing a spring swap on a Taurus revolver is a task easily accomplished with a little patience and the right tools, which, fortunately, are minimal. Here is the disassembled trigger spring assembly. The company manufactures and sells its firearms for generally less than other manufacturers due to low labor costs, as well as having the facilities available to build virtually every part themselves. Part of the ongoing fun of hunting with a handgun is developing the optimal load that delivers maximum accuracy and knockdown power along with reliable terminal performance. New Taurus Raging Hunter Revolver, 38 Special . Granted, this is the top of Taurus' line, so they don't come cheap. It may be necessary to cut a few coils from the aftermarket spring during replacement, however, we elected to install the Wolff spring without cutting it to see if it would work. What Recent Buyers Report Right off the bat, many new users had nothing but great things to say about the revolver. All Rights Reserved. One way or another, you can put it to good use. Removing the trigger return spring assembly is similar to removing the main spring assembly. There really isn’t a right or wrong capacity, it all depends on your specific needs. Lightly lubricate the main spring center pin. Taurus revolvers possess many positive traits: they’re available in a wide variety of calibers and configurations, they are usually fairly reliable, and they are priced right. If you're going to pack a compact wheelgun, a 3-inch tube is the better choice. If you want something that will be accurate and precise from some pretty good lengths, it’s this revolver. It's a compact medium-frame, slightly larger than the typical snubnose revolver with a round butt for easier concealment. At Taurus®, rugged craftsmanship meets next generation design and engineering. XTP bullets, at 1.918 inches. Hook and Loop Holsters Using VELCRO® Brand Fasteners. This revolver features a revolver design very similar to that of a S&W K-frame, with a blued steel frame and rubb, Taurus 444 raging bull revolver chambered in .44 magnum is in good condition with handling marks on the barrel. It is not just known for its concealability but also for its pinpoint accuracy, as well. The factory single-action averaged 6 lbs./5.2 oz. No attacker or prowler will dare mess with someone who has a revolver that can do some serious damage. Who Will Use This Most This will certainly be the best revolver for homeowners who want nothing more than a good handgun to ward off any invaders (both of the no-good human or varmint kind). Because of the close-tolerance machining, you will need to tap the side plate into its final position using a nylon-faced or rubber hammer. The resulting vibration will eventually cause the side plate to lift off the frame. Be careful to maintain control of the spring once the paper clip is removed and slowly allow the spring to extend. The Tracker series full shroud is included, along with barrel porting to tame the muzzle rise. No matter what, it’s at a small enough size where it would be hard for anyone to notice. Reinstall the grip onto the frame and tighten the retaining screw. There are a few good reasons why you should get a new Taurus revolver. Taurus 44: An Affordable Taurus Revolver In .44 Mag. Fax: (305) 624-1126. This Taurus model 85 is a NICKEL .38 Special cal. Buy this if you need something to keep away the varmints and the home invaders and you won’t regret it. BUY IT NOW!! When installing the yoke retaining pin, tighten it just to the point where it begins to put too much pressure on the yoke, causing the yoke to bind when you try to open the cylinder, then back off slightly. In order to help you find the best one for your … We believe that quality, accuracy and reliability should never be sacrificed for the sake of affordability. Finding the best Taurus brand revolver can be a challenge. Buy It Now!! It’s the size that makes it a no-go for concealed carry (since it may obviously bulge up in most holsters). My 66 is a polished blue 7-shot revolver. Was it worth the time and the $10.50 price of the Wolff reduced power spring pack?