|, Apr 9, 2019 | Rating: 3/5 |, Apr 26, 2013 I think it's actually a very good show, but the there are some intense scenes dealing with rape or necrophilia t... A few disturbing scenes of sexual violence...most graphic moments are offscreen. Upon its U.S. premiere—which occurred in prime time following U.S. episodes of Call the Midwife and Mr Selfridge—Variety called The Bletchley Circle "smart, addictive and situated in a fascinating historical moment". Breasts are visible in a shot of vintage pornography. Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2013. Wish for the old days when I could just watch a movie for entertainment without being force-fed somebody's political agenda and propaganda. The Bletchley Circle is more akin to an old Sherlock Holmes mystery than a modern crime drama, with plenty of plot twists and deductive leaps of logic; Agatha Christie appreciators should take note. In 1952, four women who worked at the wartime code-breaking centre, Bletchley … Copyright © Fandango. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. The series consists of four stories, of two episodes each. All rights reserved. It's really pretty implausible that this rag-tag collection of women are brilliant enough to solve some pretty complicated cases that experienced detectives are completely lost on. Searching for streaming and purchasing options ... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Stumbled across this on Netflix as you do, thought I'd give it the 5 minute rule . Asinine viewing. This was so bad I don't know where to start. In the Season 1 finale, the killer becomes obsessed with Susan and plants a series of false clues in order to lead her into a trap. Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2014. The intriguing three-part The Bletchley Circle, which admirably avoids preciousness as it depicts the teamwork of four women who during WWII worked secretly for the government as code breakers (Bletchley Park was their HQ). With its fine acting, tight script, and tense tone, The Bletchley Circle is pure ecstasy for mystery fans. Read my review of Episode one of this four part series, which is made up of two stories running over two episodes each. Very clever transition into this sequel to the outstanding series of “The Bletchley Circle.” “The Bletchley Circle San Francisco” is equally brilliant; 1950’s post-war era with former code breaker women reuniting in San Fran in search of a serial killer that began with their coworker during wartime. This page works best with JavaScript. What I take for granted for myself, for my daughter, was won for us by brave women everywhere, as depicted in this creatively written, and flawlessly portrayed period drama. All too soon, 9 years have passed and the body of the story is set in the early 1950s. Like the Hardy boys or the secret seven but with middle aged women. Susan, Millie, Lucy and Jean undertake the investigation themselves after Scotland Yard dismisses their theories about the case. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy Browse titles with similar subject matter. Absorbing costume series is perfect watch-together fare. An amazingly simple premise - female code-breakers from the war still wanting to make a difference - played out in a superb manner. ", Enjoyable, very well acted 3 part mini-series, Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2016. Avoids having to require a narrative or show actual detective work by resorting to pseudo-scientific hocum and throws terms like vector paths about like they're on the bridge of the starship enterprise.