Learn more ››. Removing #book# Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Your request to send this item has been completed. Copyright © 2001-2020 OCLC. 0 with reviews - Be the first. POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Government -- National. New principalities are either annexed to a ruler's existing territory or are completely new. By using LibraryThing you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, "In The Essential Writings of Machiavelli, Peter Constantine has assembled a comprehensive collection that shows the truth depth and breadth of a great Renaissance thinker. : The Essential Writings of Machiavelli by Niccolo Machiavelli (2007, Perfect) at the best online prices at eBay! The name field is required. “Bad luck” refers to his arrest and torture on suspicion of having plotted against the recently restored Medici family. 'John P. McCormick, professor, department of political science, University of Chicago From the Trade Paperback edition. Refreshingly accessible, these superb new translations are faithful to Machiavelli's original, beautifully crafted writings. "The volume features essays that appear in English for the first time, such as "A Caution to the Medici" and "The Persecution of Africa." Letter from Machiavelli to Francesco Vettori This letter describes Machiavelli’s life after his exile from Florence by the Medici. These new translations are faithful to Machiavelli's original writings." Principalities are inherited or new. "Machiavelli's stress on political necessity rather than moral perfection helped inspire the Renaissance by renewing links with Thucydides and other classical thinkers. Milan/Sforza Francesco Sforza (1401-1466) became Duke of Milan in 1450. Refreshingly accessible, these superb new translations are faithful to Machiavelli's original, beautifully crafted writings. The volume features essays that appear in English for the first time, such as "A. FINALIST--2008 PEN TRANSLATION PRIZE In The Essential Writings of Machiavelli, Peter Constantine has assembled a comprehensive collection that shows the true depth and breadth of a great Renaissance thinker. The subject field is required. Summary Read a Plot Overview of the entire book or a chapter by chapter Summary and Analysis \"Machiavelli\'s stress on political necessity rather than moral perfection helped inspire the Renaissance by renewing links with Thucydides and other classical thinkers. Please enter the subject. 'John Jeffries Martin, professor and chair, department of history, Trinity University "If one were to assign a single edition of Machiavelli's works, this most certainly would be it." The E-mail Address(es) field is required. Please re-enter recipient e-mail address(es). The volume features essays that appear in English for the first time, such as \"A Caution to the Medici\" and \"The Persecution of Africa.\" Also included are complete versions of the political treatise, The Prince, the comic satire The Mandrake, The Life of Castruccio Castracani, and the classic story \"Belfagor\", along with selections from The Discourses, The Art of War, and Florentine Histories. http:\/\/purl.oclc.org\/dataset\/WorldCat> ; http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/title\/-\/oclc\/467938965#CreativeWork\/unidentifiedOriginalWork>, http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/title\/-\/oclc\/467938965#PublicationEvent\/new_york_modern_library_2007>. Machiavelli declares that he will not discuss republics, examining only how principalities may be acquired and governed. Please enter recipient e-mail address(es). In Chapter 1, Machiavelli traces the basic outlines of a discussion that will take him through Chapter 11: the different types of states, how to acquire them, and the difficulties they present to a ruler. All rights reserved. Don't have an account? The E-mail message field is required. The Discourses Summary and Study Guide. http:\/\/images.contentreserve.com\/ImageType-100\/0111-1\/{843EA548-F8C5-401E-BBAB-8AFCBAB6AFF9}Img100.jpg\" ; POLITICAL SCIENCE--Government--General\"@, POLITICAL SCIENCE--Government--National\"@, Export to EndNote / Reference Manager(non-Latin). Get this from a library! Warning: This malformed URI has been treated as a string - \'http:\/\/images.contentreserve.com\/ImageType-100\/0111-1\/{843EA548-F8C5-401E-BBAB-8AFCBAB6AFF9}Img100.jpg\'\" ; # POLITICAL SCIENCE--Government--General\n, # POLITICAL SCIENCE--Government--National\n, FINALIST--2008 PEN TRANSLATION PRIZE In The Essential Writings of Machiavelli, Peter Constantine has assembled a comprehensive collection that shows the true depth and breadth of a great Renaissance thinker. edited and translated by Peter Constantine ; introduction by Albert Russell Ascol. 'Robert D. Kaplan, author of Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos "Constantine's selection is not only intelligent; his translations are astonishingly good. You may have already requested this item. Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. Thoughtfully introduced by Albert Russell Ascoli, this edition belongs in everyone's library." Because he is addressing one of those princes, he avoids any discussion of republican government, except to note that republics conquered by a new prince are used to living free, a theme he returns to in later chapters. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Essential Writings of Machiavelli by Niccolo Machiavelli (Paperback, 2007) at the best online prices at eBay! (See the List of Characters.). This new collection provides deeper insight into Machiavelli's personality as a writer, thus broadening our understanding of him." Also included are complete versions of the political treatise, The Prince, the comic satire The Mandrake, The Life of Castruccio Castracani, and the classic story "Belfagor", along with selections from The Discourses, The Art of War, and Florentine Histories. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Modern Library Classics Ser. There are two types of states: republics and principalities. The essential writings of Machiavelli. This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and (if not signed in) for advertising. FINALIST--2008 PEN TRANSLATION PRIZE In The Essential Writings of Machiavelli, Peter Constantine has assembled a comprehensive collection that shows the true depth and breadth of a great Renaissance thinker. Please enter your name. http:\/\/id.loc.gov\/authorities\/subjects\/sh85104443> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_essays>, http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_government_general>, http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_government_national>, http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_reference>, http:\/\/id.loc.gov\/vocabulary\/countries\/nyu>, http:\/\/worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/id\/197763256>, http:\/\/worldcat.org\/isbn\/9780307419996>, http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/title\/-\/oclc\/467938965>. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Machiavelli, Niccolò, -- 1469-1527 -- Political and social views. ... Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Essential Writings of Machiavelli by Niccolo Machiavelli (Paperback, 2007) at the best online prices at eBay! http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/oclc\/467938965>. Augmented with useful features'vital and concise annotations and cross-references'this unique compendium is certain to become the standard one-volume reference to this influential, versatile, and ever timely writer. http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/title\/-\/oclc\/467938965#CreativeWork\/unidentifiedOriginalWork> ; http:\/\/dbpedia.org\/resource\/New_York_City> ; http:\/\/id.loc.gov\/vocabulary\/countries\/nyu> ; http:\/\/dewey.info\/class\/320.1\/e22\/> ; http:\/\/id.worldcat.org\/fast\/1069286> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_ethics> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_reference> ; http:\/\/id.worldcat.org\/fast\/1069781> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Person\/machiavelli_niccolo_1469_1527> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_government_general> ; http:\/\/id.worldcat.org\/fast\/1353986> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_government_national> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Topic\/political_science_essays> ; http:\/\/worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/id\/197763256> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Series\/modern_library_classics> ; http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/title\/-\/oclc\/467938965#PublicationEvent\/new_york_modern_library_2007> ; http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Agent\/modern_library> ; http:\/\/spl.lib.overdrive.com\/ContentDetails.htm?ID=843EA548-F8C5-401E-BBAB-8AFCBAB6AFF9> ; https:\/\/samples.overdrive.com\/?crid=843EA548-F8C5-401E-BBAB-8AFCBAB6AFF9&.epub-sample.overdrive.com> ; http:\/\/rbdigital.oneclickdigital.com> ; https:\/\/www.overdrive.com\/search?q=843EA548-F8C5-401E-BBAB-8AFCBAB6AFF9> ; http:\/\/search.ebscohost.com\/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=723584> ; http:\/\/excerpts.cdn.overdrive.com\/FormatType-410\/0111-1\/843\/EA5\/48\/EssentialWritingsofMachiavelli9780307419996.epub> ; http:\/\/worldcat.org\/isbn\/9780307419996> ; http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/title\/-\/oclc\/467938965> ; http:\/\/dbpedia.org\/resource\/New_York_City>, http:\/\/dewey.info\/class\/320.1\/e22\/>, http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Agent\/modern_library>, http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Person\/machiavelli_niccolo_1469_1527>, http:\/\/experiment.worldcat.org\/entity\/work\/data\/197763256#Series\/modern_library_classics>. 'John P. McCormick, professor, department of political science, University of Chicago From the Trade Paperback edition. There are two types of states: republics and principalities. Click here to access this electronic item. Some features of WorldCat will not be available. Writings. Naples/King of Spain Ferdinand (1452-1516) had originally agreed to divide the Italian kingdom of Naples with Louis XII of France, but Ferdinand drove out the French forces and took over Naples in 1503. Caution to the Medici" and "The Persecution of Africa." the essential writings of machiavelli summary. FINALIST--2008 PEN TRANSLATION PRIZE In The Essential Writings of Machiavelli, Peter Constantine has assembled a comprehensive collection that shows the true depth and breadth of a great Renaissance thinker. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.