More », 66 Set during the First World War, it had no women in it, no heroes and no love interest - it was about the hopes and fears of a group of ordinary men waiting in a dug-out for an attack to begin. Change ). Set during the First World War, it had no women in it, no heroes and no love interest - it was about the hopes and fears of a group of ordinary men waiting in a dug-out for an attack to begin. It was glowingly reviewed: ‘A lovely novel,’ declared the Daily Telegraph, ‘a little masterpiece’ wrote the Sunday Express.In America the Saturday Review of Literature thought that ‘nothing since Dickens has come closer to giving between covers the intrinsic spirit of England.’ ', Sherriff adds, in his memoir No Leading Lady (a few pages of which is reprinted at the beginning of the Persephone edition of The Fortnight in September): `The story was a simple one: a small suburban family on their annual fortnight's holiday at Bognor: man and wife, a grown-up daughter working for a dressmaker, a son just started in a London office, and a younger boy still at school. The ink stain on the sitting room tablecloth which Dick made as a little boy: the ornament that Mary made by glueing seashells on a card; which had been presented to Mrs. Huggett at the end of one holiday, and was always on the sitting-room mantelpiece when they arrived each year. Ernie is too young and carefree to think of matters more complicated than the working and design of automatic machinery. The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable).Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag.See details for additional description. Sherriff never mentions politics inThe Fortnight in September. Prime members enjoy fast & free shipping, unlimited streaming of movies and TV shows with Prime Video and many more exclusive benefits. Would relish finding more books like it. The family's only regret is leaving their garden where, we can imagine, because it is September the dahlias are at their fiery best: as they flash past in the train they get a glimpse of their back garden, where `a shaft of sunlight fell through the side passage and lit up the clump of white asters by the apple tree.' Published by Persephone Books Ltd, United Kingdom (2006) ISBN 10: 1903155576 ISBN 13: 9781903155578. The Fortnight in September by Sherriff, R. C. at - ISBN 10: 1903155576 - ISBN 13: 9781903155578 - Persephone Books Ltd - 2006 - Softcover Softcover. But Mr Sherriff comes to it fresh, and makes it universal. 67 I can’t wait to read Greengates Ali. Build and create your own island, or … The Fortnight in September (Paperback) R. C. Sherriff. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fortnight Magazine September 1955 at the best online prices at eBay! The Fortnight in September Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. The sympathy with which each character is seen is so perfect that even its pettiest details brings a lump into one's throat. Free shipping for many products! The family's only regret is leaving their garden where, we can imagine, because it is September the dahlias are at their fiery best: as they flash past in the train they get a glimpse of their back garden, where `a shaft of sunlight fell through the side passage and lit up the clump of white asters by the apple tree.' The meals they eat, the activities they embark on, the traditions that they hold so dear, are a part of their collective history as a family. © 1996-2020,, Inc. or its affiliates. 57, the physical setting is wonderfully evoked): watching the crowds go by, and wondering what their lives were like at home, he ‘began to feel the itch to take one of those families at random and build up an imaginary story of their annual holiday by the sea...I wanted to write about simple, uncomplicated people doing normal things.’, Sherriff adds, in his memoir No Leading Lady (a few pages of which we have reprinted at the beginning of our edition of The Fortnight in September): ‘The story was a simple one: a small suburban family on their annual fortnight’s holiday at Bognor: man and wife, a grown-up daughter working for a dressmaker, a son just started in a London office, and a younger boy still at school. Product details Format:Paperback Language of text:English Isbn-13:9781903155578, 978-1903155578 Author:R. C. I liked this book immensely, far more than I anticipated from the plot description, and I’m eager to read more by this author. It was glowingly reviewed: ‘A lovely novel,’ declared the Daily Telegraph, ‘a little masterpiece’ wrote the Sunday Express.In America the Saturday Review of Literature thought that ‘nothing since Dickens has come closer to giving between covers the intrinsic spirit of England.’ Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The Fortnight in September by Rc Sherriff and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at Set during the First World War, it had no women in it, no heroes and no love interest - it was about the hopes and fears of a group of ordinary men waiting in a dug-out for an attack to begin. Sherriff Paperback Book Free Shipping! To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Read what reviewers and bloggers have written about our books. Please try again. Men (books about) Something went wrong. A parallel in pictures to the world of Persephone Books every weekday. And yet the greatness of the novel is that it is about each one of us: all of human lilfe is here in the seemingly simple description of the family's annual holiday in Bognor. In a way the story is not just the story of the Stevens, it is representative of the English middle-class in the 1930’s, showcasing their trials and tribulations. 46: Miss Ranskill Comes Home by Barbara Euphan Todd, After three year as ‘a desert island housewife, unaware of war or peace, and without suet or bottled fruit’, Nona Ranskill returns to an England that she doesn’t... Read More ». item 2 Fortnight In September BOOK NEW 2 - Fortnight In September BOOK NEW. The minutiae of life for this Dulwich family constructs a fascinating portrait of everyday existence in the 1930s for the kind of people who often fade into the background in a number of other works from this time; or who, like Leonard Bast in ‘Howards End’ more often serve as a foil for more wealthy protagonists. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. But it is ten o'clock in the morning here in the UK and that is not yet possible.... Read More », Every two weeks we take a closer look at one of our books, Persephone Book No. I miss the fact that people don’t write books like this nowadays. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Fiction Books. Something went wrong. Cozy and comforting and ever so intimate, the slow pace of the novel affords a glimpse of a way of life that has long become obsolete. This book was recommended as a favourite by an author to read during the Coronavirus lockdown and it did not disappoint. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 February 2018. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Top picked items. ‘The Fortnight in September’ is tinged with an air of wistfulness for dreams and ambitions that remain unfulfilled. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. New. A Fortnight in September is about an uncomplicated family; mother, father and three children, doing normal things. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. This was what the First World War soldiers longed for; this, he imagined, was what he was fighting for and would return to (as in fact Sherriff did). In America the Saturday Review of Literature thought that ‘nothing since Dickens has come closer to giving between covers the intrinsic spirit of England.’ The Spectator reviewer said: ‘There is more simple human goodness and understanding in this book than in anything I have read for years... Once more, the author of Journey’s End has enriched our lives.’. Sherriff is the evocative account of an ordinary, middle-class family’s annual holiday at the English seaside town of  Bognor Regis. It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. The best part of her day is when she has the guesthouse to herself in the evenings, to sip on her glass of port wine and not think about the call of mundane household chores. Some readers might complain of the slowness of the narrative style of the book and the lack of plot but I enjoyed this book immensely. But there is a sense throughout the book that the Stevens' kind of ordinariness might be under threat and that Sherriff is celebrating it while he can. Hang out peacefully with friends while watching a concert or movie. In this respect The Fortnight in September does indeed express ‘the genius of a people’, as the Spectator put it when its reviewer concluded: ‘Here is a subject which could have been treated satirically, cleverly, patronisingly, sentimentally. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It’s very slow but full of lovely detail . This remarkable novel charts a day to day account of their annual holiday to a B & B in Bognor, from the last evening at home until the day they pack their bags for their return; a poignant tale of simple pleasures and aspirations. He had had the idea for his novel at Bognor Regis (as in Journey’s End, and The Hopkins Manuscript, Persephone book no. Wells: he explores the interior worlds of his characters as well as the social group that he’s representing through the father and oldest son who work in clerical jobs in the city, and the oldest daughter a shopworker. They have always holidayed at the same time each year, at the same guest-house in Bognor Regis. I absolutely loved this book too. We learn very quickly that the Stevens, as a family, are creatures of habit. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Save on Fiction & Literature, Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- You may also like, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Sherriff never mentions politics inThe Fortnight in September. Buy It Now. But there is a sense throughout the book that the Stevens' kind of ordinariness might be under threat and that Sherriff is celebrating it while he can. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Fortnight in September is by RC Sherriff, the author of. Holidaying at the seaside town has become a tradition for the Stevens family. New. ‘The Fortnight in September’ by R.C. Mary, twenty years old, young and innocent, longs to find holiday romance to break the monotony of her sheltered life. This was what the First World War soldiers longed for; this, he imagined, was what he was fighting for and would return to (as in fact Sherriff did).He had had the idea for his novel at Bognor Regis: watching the crowds go by, and wondering what their lives were like at home, he `began to feel the itch to take one of those families at random and build up an imaginary story of their annual holiday by the sea...I wanted to write about simple, uncomplicated people doing normal things.