No sun, fire, light bulbs or any way to see anything. After looking at what they left behind we quickly see that these two students adopted very similar thoughts on life. “The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living. Internet; accessed 29 September 2009. Similarities and Differences in Sophistry and Socrates’ Philosophies, Dialogue between Socrates and Martin Luther King, What according to Socrates is a just city Essay Sample, To Gain Which Is Worth Having, It May Be Necessary to Lose Everything Else, Divine Comedy Pagans In Paradise Theology Religion, Asian Religions Affect Sex And Marriages Theology Religion, Free online plagiarism checker with percentage. We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. "Socrates Quotes." For many reasons but mainly because as time changes so do we, so do our ideas. Internet; accessed 29 September 2009. As a philosopher, this was Socrates way of life: to observe the world around him— the workings of society, the phenomena of nature, and the ideologies and beliefs of things beyond physical existence— and offer the interpretations of his observations to the rest of the public.Though this way of life ultimately spelled his peril, this was Socrates driving force— his reason for living; for Socrates, living a life unexamined was not worth living at all. ” Think Exist. If we weren’t meant to, then why exactly were we born? When I say the knowledge I mean true knowledge, not the fact that we read a book and believe some of what it says. html. So to find out the context of Socrates’s “unexamined life” quote we need to know him and his ideals as closely as possible. In conclusion, the statement “The unexamined life is not worth living,” is Socrates’ way of reminding everyone to spare some time for self-reflection. ” Relax Focus Succeed. [i] Palachuk, Karl. Yet, is there a wrong or a right answer to what constitutes an examined life is? ” Quotations Page. If we can learn to do those things by the time we reach the end of our maze, then we truly have lived a life worth living. That seems to be a good place to start. When he chose death, would that meant that he saw life as no longer worth living? Serdar Rifat 08/17/00. Or that the oceans will stay put? If life wasn’t meant to be lived, explored, and learned from, then what would be the point of existence at all?The likes of Beethoven and ” [ii] Socrates stood trial for encouraging the youth to challenge the common beliefs set by Athenian society. When presented the choice to spend his life in exile rather than face the penalty of death, Socrates, being the philosopher he was, probably considered the ideas of life and success as well. Some may believe that reason has been predetermined in the prefaces of our destinies, while others believe it is a story we write along the way. Amidst all these, the statement is something modern age still listens to. Without asking questions, taking risks, making mistakes, and truly understanding the world around us, we would never reach our objective. “Quote Details: Socrates. Who said "the unexamined life is not worth living"? Following the standard set by everyone else, would that count as an examined life? When he says “life is not worth living”. To examine life, do we measure it up versus a certain standard or is it about finding a meaning to it? The Web's Largest Resource for [i] Like the subjective nature of philosophy itself, this quote from one of the most famous philosophers of all time can come in an array of interpretations. Unfortunately, he left zero written teachings behind, so we turn to his students: Plato and Aristotle. And, seeking the fullest potential leads to look deeper into our spirituality, acknowledging the existence of a higher being or entity. Happiness is fleeting and Earth bounded. If this is the case, what would you want to understand most of all? [iii] Socrates. неисследованная жизнь не стоит того, чтобы жить. What does anyone of us really know? He taught people to ask questions and find answers, have doubts and challenge them, and not to simply believe in what you’re taught, but believe in what you think. We truly appreciate your support. Even though it is now widely thought of as untrue it still remains a part of large religions, philosophies, and teachings. Since there had been no further explanation regarding this statement, it sparked several arguments if this holds true or not. Somehow similar to the “falling in love with the idea of love” but not actually “falling in love” itself. Would this mean that if you fail to examine your life, you are as good as a walking dead? Internet; accessed 29 September 2009. The ability to think and examine sets humans apart from the rest of the creatures on Earth. When that time comes when we are stripped down to our bare necessities, it is not what we have acquired materially that matters most but how our presence has contributed to society. Socrates : "The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living" Life is not worth living if a person fails to seek wisdom and knowledge on how to live a good life. Thanks for your vote! It is the difference between choosing a winning Lotto ticket and working hard, saving, and eventually reaping the benefits of our frugality.